
If World War III breaks out, which country will dare to directly enter the United States? There is only one country in the world

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As we all know, today's world is developing rapidly, and the international landscape is constantly evolving. Every day can bring different changes, and some things are easy to change and others are hard. For example, identify which countries are strong and which are relatively weak. The increase or decrease in a country's strength is not achieved overnight, but a gradual process. For now, the United States remains one of the most powerful countries in the world, and at least under the circumstances, no country can shake their position. The United States is known for its firm and tough international policy, and they are willing to resort to various means in order to defend their interests.

If World War III breaks out, which country will dare to directly enter the United States? There is only one country in the world

Although many countries do not like what the United States does, they are more helpless, because the strength of the United States is daunting, and it is almost impossible to challenge them. The question was raised, if a third world war breaks out in the world, which countries will dare to attack the US homeland directly? Opinions on this are divergent. Some argue that no country in the world dares to do so, arguing that the strength of the U.S. military is well known and that the consequences of attempting to invade the U.S. homeland would be dire, as Japan's bitter lessons during World War II showed.

If World War III breaks out, which country will dare to directly enter the United States? There is only one country in the world

However, there are also those who believe that this is not the case. They believe that there is another country that has enough guts and strength, and that is Russia. Once Russia uses Europe as a breakthrough, attacking the U.S. homeland is not an impossible task. It should be noted that to reach the United States, Russia needs to cross the Atlantic. Although the U.S. military has deployed anti-missile systems at Russian military bases overseas and has a large number of naval forces around, if war breaks out, the U.S. military will inevitably tighten its defense circle. If Russia tries to force a landing, then they will pay a huge price in casualties. It needs to be understood that the strength of the United States is not a bluff, and the US Army has adopted the "three regiments" deployment system. But the meaning of this system is not well known, today we will find out.

If World War III breaks out, which country will dare to directly enter the United States? There is only one country in the world

As a rule, one of the "three regiments" is stationed overseas, another is kept on rest for emergencies, and the last regiment is mainly used for training, maintaining combat readiness around the clock. According to the "three regiments" mechanism, in the event of a war on the U.S. mainland, the U.S. military can quickly mobilize the strength of two regiments to provide support within hours. Many people believe that although the United States looks powerful, they may not be able to carry it if there is a real war. If war breaks out, Russia will go all out and try to knock the United States down.

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