
As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

author:Diaoyu Court

As the saying goes, "one autumn rain and one cold", especially in late autumn, often the next rain will fall several degrees.

When it comes to cooling days, the fish situation is unstable, and the unstable fish situation leads to the unstable harvest of anglers. This is a time when fishing skills and experience are tested, some people can seize the opportunity to pull a wave, while others are in the air force every day.

Due to changes in fish conditions due to weather problems, it is important to focus on location selection rather than studying bait and nest material. Of course, it's not that the bait nest is not important, it's just that it is necessary to distinguish the main and secondary!

As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

As soon as it cools down, crucian carp hides in the grass, and fishing for grass holes and grass seams is the only choice

As the saying goes, "fishing without grass is equivalent to running blindly", and I personally think this is talking about crucian carp. Crucian carp is the most favorite aquatic weed, especially when it comes to cooling days.

On cooling days, if the wind and waves are strong, then the aquatic grass must be thick, and we must choose a large area of aquatic grass, and there may be fish in sporadic aquatic plants, but the number will not be much.

After we arrive at the fishing spot, don't rush to get off the rod, first take a random position to put things down, and then walk around the fishing spot, observe the water surface, see where there are more water and grass, the water surface is slightly calmer, and stick to the grass to make a nest.

Tips: To be on the safe side, it is best to take a fishing rod to explore the bottom before hitting the nest to see if it will hang and see whether the depth is consistent, if a rod is deep and shallow, it is likely that there is grass at the bottom of the water, not clean, this position is not very good.

Some anglers asked: Should I fish deep or shallow on cooling days?

This cannot be generalized, even the same water is different, there may be a situation where fish are both shallow and deep, or there may be no fish in both depths.

If we fish in the grass area, the more and thicker the aquatic grass, the shallower we can fish, and more than one meter is completely enough. If you find that the water is turbid, tens of centimeters will also come out of the fish.

As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

On cooling days, finding two hurdles can also have a good harvest

There are aquatic plants that are preferred to find aquatic plants, because finding aquatic plants is relatively simple and clear at a glance. If there is no aquatic grass, you have to find some underwater structural areas, and Erdaokan is one of the more typical ones.

Some anglers do not understand what the second barrier is, this explanation is more troublesome, it is better to put a picture directly at a glance (below).

In fact, it is not necessary to fish two barriers, the specific situation is analyzed, if the water is relatively deep, the bottom pit is uneven or there are rocks, that obstacle can also be fished.

In the past, when it was said that the two hurdles were fishing for carp, in fact, crucian carp is the same, cooling days or low temperatures, or when the fish are in danger, they will instinctively find cover to hide, like this hurdle, they are basically hiding or cruising against the kan.

As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

On cool days, there are neither aquatic plants nor structural areas, so fish deeper

When the water is clean and unobstructed, and the bottom is relatively flat, we can only find fish by fishing far and near, fishing deep and shallow.

In general, the change of water temperature is slower than the change of temperature, such as when the temperature drops, the water temperature will not drop immediately, and the water temperature in large water surface and deep water areas will drop more slowly.

So when it comes to cooling, some people say to fish the day before cooling, some people say the day of fishing, and some people say that the next day of fishing, this is the environment, water depth affects the speed of water temperature drop, thus affecting the state of the fish.

Generally speaking, small water, shallow water, the day before the cooling, the day you can fish, the next day is not good to fish, even the day of cooling is only a few hours open.

Large water, deep water, slow temperature drop, fishing on the day of cooling and the next day.

However, we can be flexible, first fish shallow, shallow water does not have a mouth to find deep water, and the rod is also changed from short to long.

As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

Fishing on cooling days, less nest material, bait to be "fishy"

After choosing the fishing position, it is time to nest and open the bait, mainly to catch crucian carp, nest material with wine rice can be, about the nest rice nesting method yesterday I wrote an article you can enter my homepage to see.

It should be noted that in this weather, the fish are not very active, not much to eat, the amount of nest must not be large, a small handful of wine and rice is enough, mix a little commercial bait, rub the bait and smoke a few rods and it will be done.

The bait is used to being mainly fishy, and if the mouth is weak, the ink will be added to the mouth, and the shrimp powder will be added directly.

Wild fishing crucian carp, I use the two most recipes, one is the old three, the other is Huashi's 4+6, cooling days, low temperature days, I use the latter more, according to the situation to add a new season to adjust the state, and then add half of shrimp powder to enhance fishiness, increase palatability.

In addition to commercial bait, it is also recommended to prepare a box of earthworms, many times the bait is not eaten, hanging earthworms will be given to the mouth. The colder the weather, the more obvious the advantages of live bait, after the winter I can not use commercial bait, 2 earthworms can solve the problem, why spend more money and energy to use commercial bait!

As soon as the fish cool down, run to these places, grab a good fishing position, and have already succeeded halfway!

Finally add: floating does not mean that there are no fish under the water, do not give up prematurely, maybe wait for the mouth, maybe change an earthworm floating and eat.

In the past, like everyone else, I only judged whether there were fish under the water by floating, but in the past two years, I have done a lot of underwater tests and found that fish eating bait is not as simple as we thought. Sometimes there are fish and a lot of fish under the water, and they are actively eating nest material, but they just don't eat hook bait!

In this case, I generally respond in the way of changing live bait + sticking to it, maybe I will eat the bait after eating the nest material.

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