
I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

author:Share your daily routines
I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Grandpa Zhang is a retired worker with 5 grandchildren and 3 biological grandchildren. He is very concerned about his family and children, and often takes the initiative to help take care of his grandchildren and grandchildren.

Grandpa Zhang's family lives in an old residential area on the outskirts of the city, and he and his wife have a small three-bedroom apartment. The eldest daughter married out of town and gave birth to two daughters, who are Grandpa Zhang's granddaughters.

The eldest son works in the city and has two sons. Usually, the children are taken care of by their parents, and they only return to Grandpa Zhang's house for a period of time during winter and summer vacations.

Whenever the children come back, Grandpa Zhang and his wife are very happy. Grandpa Zhang always greeted the door with a smile, and held his grandchildren and grandchildren in his arms one by one to greet them affectionately.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Even after many years, Grandpa Zhang still sighs that time flies so quickly when he looks at the children.

Grandpa Zhang is a kind-hearted person, never distinguishes between biological and grandchildren, and treats all grandchildren equally.

For example, Grandpa Zhang will ask his eldest son's children more often about their studies and interests, and he is more concerned about their lives.

Grandpa Zhang couldn't help but feel a little confused and guilty about this - as a grandfather, he should not be treated differently.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Grandpa Zhang is determined to find out the reason for his differential treatment, strive to correct his unfair prejudices, and give equal care to all his grandchildren.

In order to find out the reasons for his different treatment, Grandpa Zhang decided to communicate with his children to understand their views on their children's education.

One weekend, the eldest son's family returned to Grandpa Zhang's house as a guest. After lunch, Grandpa Zhang took advantage of his eldest son's rest, came to him lightly, and said with a smile: "Son, grandpa wants to talk to you about his grandson's education, is it okay?" ”。

The eldest son nodded and said, "Dad, if you have any ideas, I will definitely listen carefully." ”

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Grandpa Zhang spoke out about the problems he had found, and nervously asked his eldest son's requirements for the education of his two grandsons.

Therefore, he and his daughter-in-law are very concerned about the children's grades and extracurricular activities.

After Grandpa Zhang listened, his heart could not calm down for a long time. He understands that his eldest son's expectations are normal, but this kind of results-oriented educational concept may have aggravated his dilemma of treating his grandchildren unfairly.

The next day, Grandpa Zhang couldn't hold back and called his eldest daughter, who was far away, to tell him his doubts.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

In fact, my mother and I both hope that our two daughters will grow up happy and become kind people. Grades are not that important to us.

Grandpa Zhang now understood that the difference in family environment and educational philosophy directly affected his focus on his grandchildren.

Grandpa Zhang decided to test his ideas through a family event to see if his grandson and grandson would show their different sides in a fair and interactive environment.

On the weekend, Grandpa Zhang suggested that the family go camping in the countryside. The idea was immediately met with an enthusiastic response from the children.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Once at the camp, Grandpa Zhang and his eldest son set up tents while the children played around. In the evening, Grandpa Zhang weaved a vivid and interesting story that made the children laugh.

To Grandpa Zhang's surprise, the granddaughters actively talked about interesting stories from school and their favorite literary works.

At the same time, the grandchildren are no less. They talked about class laughs and interactive games with friends.

This outing allowed Grandpa Zhang to see the rejuvenated personality and hidden talents of his grandchildren. They didn't show differences because of their status.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

This outing gave Grandpa Zhang a new understanding of his grandson and grandson.

In the past, Grandpa Zhang always felt that his biological grandson had good academic performance and was more interested in knowledge, and his granddaughters did not study so hard.

Grandpa Zhang also found that his granddaughters usually read a lot of books and covered a wide range of books, from classical masterpieces to contemporary literary works, which made Grandpa Zhang impressed by their insight and cultivation.

And the grandchildren also showed their personality. Their nuanced observations of campus life and their sincere affection when they talk about the friendships between their teammates.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

This completely subverted Grandpa Zhang's original view. He found that both grandchildren and grandchildren have their own unique advantages and possibilities.

Even if the grandchildren have average grades, they have the virtues of empathy and sincerity.

Grandpa Zhang couldn't help but feel ashamed of his narrow vision. He is determined to put aside stereotypes, seriously explore the strengths and interests of each child, give them the most fair and just care and encouragement, and help them grow up healthy and happy.

This event gave Grandpa Zhang an important inspiration. He suddenly realized that as a grandfather, he should not have preset expectations because of the different identities of his children, but should pay attention to the unique value of each child.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Grandpa Zhang realized that whether grandchildren or grandchildren, they are first and foremost independent individuals, with their own interests, specialties and growth direction.

Grandpa Zhang decided to change his education policy from then on. He no longer considers his studies as the most important consideration, no longer distinguishes between grandchildren and biological grandchildren, but encourages each child to explore his or her own interests and pursue his dreams.

For his granddaughters who love literature, Grandpa Zhang began to subscribe to more books and magazines; For his grandson, who loves sports, Grandpa Zhang took him to sign up for a football class.

Grandpa Zhang also creates a more equal and harmonious atmosphere in the family. He often organizes children to play games, sing songs and discuss together, so that grandchildren and grandchildren have more opportunities to interact and communicate.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

This equal and enlightened love is the most precious gain in Grandpa Zhang's life. Watching his grandchildren thrive under the care of his grandfather, Grandpa Zhang felt heartfelt gratified and fulfilled.

This personal experience allowed Grandpa Zhang to find the right way to treat his grandson and grandson fairly.

Grandpa Zhang will no longer preset attitudes based on the identity of the child, but will adopt a proactive attitude to discover the strengths and potential of each child.

Grandpa Zhang also organizes regular family activities to give his grandchildren more opportunities to interact and deepen their feelings and understanding.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

When grandchildren or grandchildren encounter difficulties in study or life, Grandpa Zhang always listens patiently and gives accurate advice.

Watching his grandchildren thrive in this tolerance and love, Grandpa Zhang felt more relieved and satisfied than ever.

Life is short, Grandpa Zhang must seize the time so that his family can feel his care and blessing. He believes that as long as every child is treated with equality and kindness, he can reap the fruits of a happy life.

This incident made Grandpa Zhang think more deeply about family and education.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

He understood that blood ties should not be an excuse for discrimination. Every life is precious and unique, and should be treated as an equal and given room to grow.

He also learned that achievements and talents cannot be reflected in points. An empathetic ordinary person may bring more warmth; An ordinary person who loves life may be able to give more positive energy.

Grandpa Zhang saw the blind spot in family education that is easy to overlook - focusing on results and ignoring the feeling of growth in the process.

Life is short, and Grandpa Zhang doesn't want any regrets to continue. He wants to give more time and love to these lovely children; He should use a positive attitude to discover all the good possibilities in life.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

When little lives thrived under the care of his grandfather, Grandpa Zhang felt unprecedented. It's not just a responsibility to your family, it's also a responsibility to your life – to let it bloom completely and beautifully.

People come and go, clouds roll around. Grandpa Zhang hopes to pass on this tolerance and love, so that every life can be treated gently and become a warmth of this world.

Grandpa Zhang watched his grandchildren grow up, and couldn't help but sigh at the passage of time. However, what made Grandpa Zhang even more gratifying was that they had all become kind-hearted and noble people.

The granddaughters have become excellent literary workers, and their works often bring warmth and positive energy.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points

Grandpa Zhang saw that they were all actively giving back to society and making this land a better place.

Life is like a reincarnation, and Grandpa Zhang also began to move towards the final stage of life. He felt happy and fulfilled because his life planted seeds of love and saw them blossom.

Grandpa Zhang closed the last page of his life with a smile. He looks forward to seeing each other again in the next life and continues to watch this great tree of family love flourish.

I have 5 grandchildren and 3 grandchildren, and I found that the difference between grandchildren and grandchildren has nothing to do with identity, the key is these two points