
Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

author:Echo Hall
Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

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Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

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British one-man show: interference in internal affairs

Britain confidently threatens China, claiming that if China dares to solve the Taiwan issue by force, it will trigger economic collapse! This arrogant attitude has attracted widespread attention in the international arena, but the threats and interference of Britain and other Western countries on the Taiwan issue are extremely inappropriate.

Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

In this article, we will delve into the relationship between Britain's attitude and China's firm position on Taiwan, and the economic impact of the war on China's vital importance to achieving reunification and national rejuvenation.

Britain's audacious threat and China's uprighteousness

Recently, British Foreign Secretary Cleverley's remarks have caused an uproar. He went so far as to claim that if war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, it will become a major waterloo for China's foreign policy.

Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

However, let us be clear: Western countries, including Britain, have no right to interfere in China's internal affairs. The Taiwan issue involves China's core territorial integrity, and the determination of the Chinese Government and people to reunification cannot be shaken. The British threat will only escalate tensions, not solve them.

The trap of war against the economy

Some argue that war will be devastating to the economy and could even put China's economy at risk. However, this view is overly simplistic.

Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

History tells us that wars usually break out because of geopolitical and national security issues, not purely economic ones. The key to war and peace is not the economy, but the core interests and security of the country. For China, reunification and national rejuvenation are vital goals that must not be abandoned, regardless of the economy.

The unremitting pursuit of reunification and national rejuvenation

The Chinese Government and people unswervingly pursue the great dream of reunification and national rejuvenation. There is no dispute that the question of Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

As one of the most important countries in the world, China has the responsibility to defend its territorial integrity and national interests. Giving up Taiwan means giving up national autonomy, which China will never accept. Therefore, Western countries should better understand China's core interests rather than trying to exert influence through pressure and threats.

The threat of Western countries and China's firm response

While Western countries, including Britain, have expressed opposition to China's position on Taiwan, this has only inspired a firmer response from China. The Chinese Government and people will continue to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and pursue the goal of reunification and national rejuvenation.

Britain threatens China: if it dares to attack Taiwan by force, the economy will collapse! He also kept himself in the empire that day

Western threats and intimidation will only exacerbate regional tensions, not solve problems. The international community should encourage dialogue and diplomacy to resolve the Taiwan issue instead of threats and intimidation. Long-term stability and prosperity can be achieved only through peaceful means.

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