
China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

author:Sad little puffs
China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Many people know the Chinese custom of Pakistan (Pakistan), but few people know that on the European continent, China has an old friend, and that is Hungary. Although Hungary is a small country located in the middle of Europe and does not seem to have any connection with distant China, from the language to the customs, from historical legends to economic and trade relations, Hungary and China are inextricably linked.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

What stands out, however, is Hungary's participation within the EU. Hungary has a different position from the European Parliament, not only will not follow the crowd, participate in aid to Ukraine, but even in the suspension of the previous European trade negotiations negotiations, insist on the opposition position, counter-adjustment with 26 other EU trade, directly interfere with the EU's plan to try to sanction China.

Hungary is located in the heart of Europe, with the Danube River crossing its borders, while the capital Budapest praises the "pearl of the Danube". The country has a long and glorious history and culture, was once a European powerhouse and is now an important agricultural product of the European Union. However, the ancestors of the Hungarians did not come from the European continent and originated in the far east.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Hungary's ancestors were nomadic and have always maintained contact with China. In all aspects of Hungarian language, customs, food, music, etc., we can find elements that are similar or similar to China. These striking similarities have sparked curiosity and a question: what makes Hungary and China so "indissociable"?

The Chinese Context in Hungary: Eastern Refugees and National Identity

Hungary's central European interior, although home to only 93,000 and a total population of about 1 million, seems to be relevant relative to China's vast territory. However, looking back in history, we find that the ancestors of the Hungarians may have originated in China, and this ancient connection is full of meaning.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Migration to the East: Hungarian roots

In the 1st century AD, Europe entered a period of great migration, and various peoples tumbled across the continent. During this period, the Hun tribes rose and established the mighty Hun Empire. Then, the Magyars from the east gradually migrated west, and these Magyars most likely originated in northern China. Historians generally agree that they were most likely descendants of the Xiongnu who were defeated by the Han dynasty hundreds of years ago, a part of the Xiongnu who worshipped the Central Plains, migrated west, and eventually into Europe. Hungarians call themselves "Magyars", a name derived from the ancient Turkic word "Magal", meaning "brave man".

Cultural integration: Hungarian diverse origins

During the migration, Hungarians absorbed blood and culture from Slavic, Germanic, and other peoples. By the age of 10, they feared the situation in Hungary and settled here. However, the Hungarian identification that their ancestors came from the East has not disappeared with time and circumstances.

The Hungarian people still see themselves as descendants of the nomads of the East, and this identity is reflected in their flag and anthem. Nomadic lifestyle. This enduring cultural heritage has made Hungary a country with a unique historical background

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

The imprint of Eastern culture in the Hungarian language

Hungarian, belonging to the Finnish-Ugric language family of the Uralic language family, is different from the Indo-European languages spoken in most European countries. Its unique grammatical structure and vocabulary system are stunning.

Hungarian suffixes are the primary means of expressing grammatical meaning, which means that person, number, case, tense, tone, etc. can be represented by adding a variety of different suffixes after the root, making it a very flexible and expressive language.

Hungarian exudes obvious oriental cultural characteristics in terms of grammar, basic pronunciation and prosody, and is closely related to the eastern ancestors of the Hungarians. There are more than 800 Hungarian words pronounced the same as Turkic.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Influence of northern Asian language families

Linguists have found that there are many pronunciations similar to those of northern Asian languages in Hungarian, retaining ancient pronunciations from Turkic languages, including those from Mongolian, mainly including animals and plants, family names, human organs, and other fields. In addition, some pronunciations in Hungarian are very similar to similar Uyghur languages, and even some words are repetitive. Especially in terms of pronunciations that indicate kinship, such as "apa" (dad) and "anya" (mom), the pronunciation is strikingly similar to Azerbaijani and Uyghur of today's Turkish language family.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Oriental style of numbers and names

Hungarian uses an Oriental-language representation for numbers, using the readings "ten" and "twenty" from 11 to 19, which are very common in Eastern languages but rare in the Latin family. Also, in terms of name order, Hungarians form surnames before their first names, which is consistent with the tradition of Eastern languages, compared to other Indo-European European European countries.

In conclusion, the uniqueness of the Hungarian language and the imprint of oriental culture became a language different from other European countries, which also reflected Hungary's special place in European cultural diversity.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Hungary's cultural adventures: East meets West

In terms of marriage customs, Hungarians are in line with ancient Chinese customs, paying attention to pomp and ceremony, and extravagant banquets, which seems to be a kind of etiquette in the ancient Chinese tradition of "thick burial and thin marriage".

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Living Fossils of Heritage: Festival Celebrations and Chinese Culture

In Hungarian festivals, rituals such as lion and dragon dances, blowing na, and sticking paper cuttings are known as the activation stones of traditional Chinese festival culture. At each festival, Hungary is transformed into China, showing the striking similarities between the two countries in terms of their celebration customs. Hungarians also have traditional festivals such as Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, which also set off firecrackers, paste couplets, give red envelopes, eat dumplings, etc.

The inheritance of bloodline peoples: oriental genes in the bones

Although Hungarians have integrated into the melting pot of Europe's diverse cultures and become a new ethnic group, they still have the genes and cultural code of the ancient Eastern peoples flowing in their bones. Hungarians not only share a connection to the East in terms of blood and language, but also have a surprising cultural connection with China.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Similarities in diet

Hungarians love to eat chili peppers and spices. Their national dish, potato roast beef, uses spices such as paprika and fragrant leaves, which makes many Chinese feel familiar and familiar. Hungarians also like to eat pasta, similar to Chinese pancakes. In addition, their dessert "Langeos" is somewhat similar to Chinese fritters.

A blend of ethnic music

Hungarian folk music is influenced by oriental nomads and has unique rhythms and melodies. The national instruments they use, such as the harp, harp, tambourine, etc., have a close relationship with the East. One of the musical forms in Hungary is gypsy music, which has similarities to Chinese folk music such as pentatonic scales, repetitive themes, and improvisation.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

On the whole, Hungary not only has a deep connection with oriental cultural relics in terms of language and cultural inheritance, but also shows amazing traces of China in many fields such as customs, food, music, etc., which makes Hungary a unique and charming cultural meeting place.

Hungary and China: Continued friendship and cooperation

Hungary has always treated China with a friendly attitude, not only showing excellent friendship in political diplomacy, but also maintaining close cooperative relations with China in international affairs. The establishment of this friendly relationship can be traced back to the beginning of the founding of New China.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Early friendships: the establishment of diplomatic relations

At the beginning of the founding of New China, it faced the economic blockade and political isolation of Western countries, the lack of living materials, and the people's life was difficult. At this critical juncture, Hungary became the helper of the new China. In October 1949, the Hungarian government announced its recognition of the People's Republic of China and this move made Hungary one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with China, and despite the extremely complex international environment at that time, Hungary's decision still showed trust and support for China.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Support in the Political Storm: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956

In the 50s of the 20th century, a wave of political reforms broke out in Eastern Europe, while Hungary first broke out in 1956 with mass protests demanding political and economic reforms to free from Soviet control. In the face of the Soviet Union's armed suppression, China resolutely stood by the Hungarian people, severely cracked down on interference, and supported the Hungarian people's struggle, giving them tremendous spiritual support.

UN Voting and Finance Volunteers: Warriors of Friendship

In 1971, Hungary firmly voted in favor of China's resumption of its rightful seat in the United Nations despite strong pressure from Western countries, uniting China. In 2008, Hungary fell into a debt crisis due to the financial crisis, and China was in trouble and provided huge loan assistance to help Hungary tide over the difficulties.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Long-lasting friendship: strong cooperation between the hubs

The friendship between Hungary and China has lasted for more than 70 years, and the friendship between the two countries has never wavered. Whenever China needs help, the Hungarian club lends a hand, and whenever Hungary encounters difficulties, China reciprocates.

Insist on independence

Hungary is the first European country to join the Autonomous Belt and Road Initiative and the first country in Europe to procure Chinese vaccines. Hungary supports neutrality when Western countries impose sanctions on Russia. These initiatives launched Hungary's foreign policy of adherence to independence, recognition of the world's greatest trends, pursuit of cooperation opportunities from all parties, in its own interests and the promotion of international peace and stability. This fact of Hungary reflects the tenacity and wisdom of a country in modern international relations.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

Hungary and China: a cultural bond, a source of friendship

Hungary is not only the first country in Europe to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with China, but also one of China's most important partners in Europe. This friendly relationship is not only based on political and academic levels, but also in the economic, cultural and educational fields. The close cooperation between countries has brought common prosperity and development to both sides.

Although geographically distant, Hungary and China share striking similarities and commonalities in blood, language and culture. These commonalities not only highlight the cultural origins of the relationship, but also contribute to the history of cooperation between the agreements.

The cultural ties and friendly relations between Hungary and China demonstrate the ties and cooperation potential between the two countries. The mutually beneficial cooperation between these two countries not only benefits the two peoples, but also brings opportunities to the world with more cultural diversity and bridges of friendship.

China's millennia-lost "brothers"? Hungary and China, the similarities are simply stunning

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