
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

author:Yujie History Museum
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

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Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Wen 丨 Yujie History Museum

Editor丨Yujie History Museum

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Beijing's Forbidden City, the Forbidden City, which bears the glory of the 600-year-old royal family, looks peaceful and peaceful during the day, but only it knows what unknown secrets are hidden in this ancient palace when night falls.

The Forbidden City is only open until 5pm every day, and is rumored to avoid visitors witnessing some incredible "night views".

So what elusive mystery is hidden in the night of the Forbidden City? People are so afraid of the Forbidden City under the night!

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

The historical value and cultural influence of the Forbidden City

Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden City is the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a history of more than 600 years, it has witnessed the rise and fall and changes of Chinese feudal society in the last few hundred years, and is an important place for studying Chinese history and culture.

The Forbidden City was originally built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, and it took 14 years to complete the entire palace, which involved hundreds of thousands of migrant workers and gathered the most outstanding architects and craftsmen of the time.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

The Forbidden City adopts the structure and characteristics of traditional Chinese palace architecture, such as wooden structure, glazed tile roof, symmetrical layout of the central axis, etc., while absorbing Mongolian and Western architectural characteristics to form a unique architectural style.

The Forbidden City covers an area of about 720,000 square meters and consists of the Outer Dynasty, the Inner Dynasty and the Forbidden City, the outer dynasty has a wide range and is used for office affairs, the inner dynasty is the living place of the emperor, and the Forbidden City is only allowed to enter and exit the emperor and palace maids, and it is heavily guarded.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

The Forbidden City experienced the wars of the peasant rebel army at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the eight-nation coalition army at the end of the Qing Dynasty, but it is still relatively well preserved, and in the 20s of the 20th century, the Forbidden City was transformed into a museum and opened to the public.

Today, the Forbidden City has a large collection of ancient calligraphy and painting, porcelain, jade and other cultural relics, as well as the objects of Ming and Qing court life, which have high historical, artistic and scientific value.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Among them, the Taihe Hall is the most majestic and spectacular building in the Forbidden City, where the emperor holds ceremonies and receives foreign envoys, while the Qianqing Palace shows the life and living of the emperor and empress, and the decoration is extremely exquisite.

The Forbidden City witnessed the rise and fall of China's last two feudal dynasties, carrying a heavy historical and cultural connotation, and the ancient Chinese idea of the Son of Heaven ruling the world was fully reflected in the Forbidden City architecture, which represented the unique cultural values of the Chinese nation.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Today, the Forbidden City has become a world cultural heritage, attracting millions of Chinese and foreign tourists every year, for tourists, it is not only a display of architectural masterpieces, but also a three-dimensional history and culture textbook.

Many foreign dignitaries will also come to the Forbidden City when they visit Beijing to feel the breadth and depth of Chinese civilization, and the existence of the Forbidden City plays a decisive role in promoting Chinese culture and enhancing friendship between people of all countries.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

It is the epitome of Chinese history and culture, and also an important platform for cultural exchanges in the world.

However, this national treasure has also experienced the theft of fur thieves?

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Forbidden City theft

In August 1959, there was a major case in Beijing that caused a sensation in the country, the theft of the Forbidden City, and it was reported that on the evening of August 15, during a routine patrol, the Forbidden City guards found that the glass windows of the Yangxin Temple had been broken, and some of the cultural relics inside were missing.

After verification, the value of the lost cultural relics was as high as tens of millions of yuan, of which a gold book from the Kangxi period was the highest, and the case shocked the whole country, and the police immediately launched an investigation.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

According to the preliminary investigation of the police, the modus operandi of this theft case is extremely clever, considering that the security measures of the Forbidden City are very tight, the police once suspected that insiders were responsible.

However, after checking all the staff of the Forbidden City, it was found that all the staff had alibi on the night of the theft, so the possibility of insiders committing crimes was ruled out.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Next, the police found a small piece of blood at the scene, which became an important clue to solve the case, and after the investigation and analysis of the scene and blood stains, the police determined that the murderer was most likely to enter the Forbidden City from the outside to steal.

In order to confirm the identity of the murderer, the police launched a large-scale investigation and screened key people entering Beijing, because there was no means to extract DNA at that time.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Therefore, in the process of arresting the suspect, the police encountered great difficulties, because the specific way the murderer entered and left the Forbidden City is unknown, and it is not known whether he has taken the stolen cultural relics out of Beijing.

Just as the police were in a bottleneck, an important person was accidentally spotted on a train bound for Beijing in early November, and the man was caught by ticket inspectors while traveling by train.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

When examining the man's belongings, the ticket inspectors were surprised to find that the metal fragments he was carrying were similar to the characteristics of the cultural relics of the Forbidden City that were reported missing, and the police quickly arrived to interrogate the man and confirmed that he was the main suspect in the theft of the Forbidden City.

The man's name is Wu Qinghui, from Shandong, 19 years old this year, according to Wu Qinghui, he came to Beijing with his sister on the 11th of this month and had the idea of stealing cultural relics when visiting the Forbidden City.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

On the evening of the 15th, he returned to the Forbidden City to commit theft, but in order to prevent being traced, he brought some of the cultural relics back to his hometown, and the rest remained in his sister's home, and after investigation, the police found a large number of stolen cultural relics from Wu Qinghui's residence.

The theft of relics worth more than 1.5 billion yuan from the Forbidden City, and Wu Qinghui's actions violated the law, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

His sister was also sentenced to prison for shielding, and this case is a wake-up call that the preservation of national cultural relics requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society.

At the same time, it also reminds relevant departments to strengthen the safety management of cultural relics to prevent such incidents from happening again.

So, what happened to the guards of the Forbidden City after the theft?

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

The Forbidden City was cleared at five o'clock

There are still people who brazenly steal the Forbidden City, and the museum that has been taught a lesson has strengthened its anti-theft work, and museum patrol personnel must keep an eye on it 24 hours a day to ensure that there are no dead ends in monitoring.

There are many tourists during the day, and the museum staff still need to be vigilant against illegal behavior, the Forbidden City stops selling tickets at 4 o'clock, and at 5 o'clock to ensure that there are no tourists in the venue, after which the staff needs to inventory and check each cultural relic to ensure that everything is okay.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out daily cleaning work in the venue to prepare for the visit of visitors the next day, which must be completed every night before the opening of the museum, which dooms the Forbidden City to not postpone the closure.

In fact, the protection of the Forbidden City is very arduous, and these buildings and cultural relics have been baptized over the years and need to be maintained.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

There are a large number of tourists visiting every day, the staff should always pay attention to avoid damage to cultural relics, light, humidity, temperature and other environmental conditions also need to be carefully controlled, so that cultural relics are in the most suitable state.

For the safety of cultural relics, the Forbidden City has taken a number of measures, important cultural relics have been equipped with protective devices, including glass covers, guardrails, etc., and the exhibition room cabinets are regularly inspected to prevent accidents.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

It is also necessary to regularly organize cultural protection personnel to repair cultural relics, and if problems are found, they must be dealt with in time, these workloads are large and meticulous, and must be taken seriously.

As tourists, we must also consciously abide by the rules of visiting, do not move cultural relics, do not break into restricted areas, and cannot cause irreparable losses to cultural relics because of momentary curiosity, and do not add trouble to the already cumbersome protection of cultural relics.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Although it is a pity that we cannot enjoy the night at the Forbidden City, we as visitors should also understand and support the museum's decision, not only for the safety of cultural relics, but also for our descendants to continue to appreciate this historical treasure.

So, what kind of precious collections are in the Forbidden City?

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...
Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

A jewel of the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum houses the essence of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, and these more than 100 million cultural relics are treasures of the Chinese nation, which bear witness to the glory of China's feudal dynasty and the prosperity of emperors.

The top hats and daily beanie of the Qing Dynasty empress concubines are very different from those of the Ming Dynasty, and the five phoenix jewels that the Qing Dynasty empress concubines usually wear in the collection of the Palace Museum are among the finest items.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

Framed with wire and cardboard, this chaise beanie is all set with emerald green gemstones that exude a soft luster, and the front part of the chaise is decorated with five golden phoenixes of different shapes, each of which is lifelike, with a large crystal clear pearl in its mouth, and a crown and tail dotted with emerald gemstones.

There are more than 200 large and small gemstones in the whole piece, more than 50 large pearls, and hundreds of smaller second- and third-class pearls.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

The Palace Museum also houses an extremely rare gold-inlaid pearl-jeweled stupa, a Buddhist ornament dedicated by the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty in Chonghua Palace, which is nearly 130 centimeters tall and weighs about 140 kilograms, with a square wooden Meru seat at the base of which has peeled off and discolored the gold paint applied to the surface.

The tower is made of pure gold and is set with 29,300 large pearls, five to six hundred jadeite, rubies and other gemstones, and 85,000 grams of gold.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

This lavish golden pagoda uses a variety of advanced craftsmanship, and gemstone decorations cover every inch of its surface, reflecting a dazzling luster, and is the most exquisite masterpiece of the large stupa made by the Qing Palace.

The "Golden Treasure Seal of Fengtian", the imperial seal of the early Qing emperor, is an unparalleled treasure of the country, and the word "Mukden" represents the divine right of the emperor, indicating that defecting to the Qing Dynasty is to comply with the mandate of heaven.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

This square seal is 17.5 cm high and 12 cm long, carved from a single rare piece of Tian Topaz, on which the double dragon is symmetrical, and a round jade button represents the supremacy of imperial power, this square seal is one of the ten treasure seals of Shengjing, ranked fifth, and the Qing emperors regarded it as a treasure and passed it down from generation to generation.

Among the many art treasures, the calligraphy works collected by the Forbidden City are particularly valuable, and there are very few ancient calligraphy tablets that can be passed down to this day, but the Forbidden City has collected the authentic works of many famous artists of previous generations.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

These calligraphy are well preserved and the strength of the strokes is obvious, which is an empirical evidence for studying the evolution of calligraphy, and the collection of calligraphy and paintings in the Forbidden City is also excellent, not only the works of famous artists of previous generations, but also the imperial calligraphy and paintings commissioned by the royal family, which is a treasure of art history.

Why does the Forbidden City close at 5 p.m.? Because of the lessons of 63 years, I have to guard against ...

It can be said that every cultural relic in the collection of the Forbidden City records a period of history and carries a period of culture, and these billions of treasures have witnessed the rise and fall of Chinese civilization for 5,000 years.

The Forbidden City is also a "cultural relics" carrying China's long history, and we have the responsibility to carefully safeguard them, so that these treasures become a link between the past and the future.

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