
Japan's multiple disasters continue one after another, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again attracted global attention!

author:Old potatoes on earth

Japan has suffered multiple disasters! Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions followed, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant once again attracted global attention!

Today, Japan has suffered a series of disasters that have shocked the whole world! According to the latest news, at 10:30 a.m. local time on October 5, Japan's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant began the second round of nuclear contaminated water discharge. However, shortly after the discharge began, a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck off the Izu Islands in southeastern Japan, with a focal depth of only 10 kilometers.

Japan's multiple disasters continue one after another, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again attracted global attention!

The tsunami caused by the earthquake instantly swept through the nearby sea, and the authorities urgently issued a tsunami warning, advising the local people to evacuate urgently. It is reported that the height of the tsunami observed in the waters near the Izu Islands reached 1 meter, and tsunamis of about 30 cm were also detected elsewhere. To ensure the safety of the population, the authorities issued the alarm and advised the population to retreat to higher ground. The weather agency also warned of possible aftershocks, urging the public to remain vigilant next week.

Japan's multiple disasters continue one after another, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again attracted global attention!

This is not the first earthquake in recent times, in fact, this week alone, seismic activity was measured daily in the same sea area of Japan from Monday to Thursday. This is reminiscent of the magnitude 9 earthquake of 2011 and the tsunami it caused. The tsunami devastated large areas of northern Japan and caused the Fukushima nuclear power plant to melt down. Nearly 20,000 people have tragically lost their lives in this series of disasters. Now, disaster has struck again, and people can't help but pray for the safety of the Japanese people.

Japan's multiple disasters continue one after another, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again attracted global attention!

However, the earthquake and tsunami were not the only disasters of the day. According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the Nishinoshima volcano in the Ogasawara Islands also erupted that day. The footage shows that the smoke column formed after the eruption of the volcano was 1,500 meters high, and the surrounding water once turned dark brown and green. This uninhabited volcano is located about 930 kilometers south of Tokyo. In November 2013, the Nishinoshima volcano erupted again after 40 years, and since then its activity has intensified, and it has erupted repeatedly. Although this eruption did not directly affect the citizens, its power is still amazing.

Japan's multiple disasters continue one after another, and the Fukushima nuclear power plant has once again attracted global attention!

Among the most shocking of the series of disasters was the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. According to TEPCO's plan, the total amount of nuclear-contaminated water planned to be discharged into the sea in the second round is about 7,800 tons, and then it will continue to discharge nuclear-contaminated water from the sea about 1 km away from the coastline at a rate of 460 tons per day. The emission cycle is expected to be 17 days. The news sparked global attention, with people questioning the legitimacy and safety of the Japanese government's decision.

In the days of disaster, the Japanese people face a huge test. A series of disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water are terrifying. However, it is precisely at such times that people should unite to face disaster together. Let's pray together for the Japanese people and hope that they can get through this difficult time!

Finally, as a senior news blogger, I would like to remind everyone to pay attention to the safety hazards around you and prepare for emergencies. At the same time, please cherish the life in front of you and cherish every moment. Life is fragile and precious, let us protect this beautiful world together!

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