
Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

author:Fiery horns

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Justice in the universe: good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil?

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

In the ancient traditional Chinese concept, there is a belief deeply rooted in people's hearts, that is, justice and reward of the universe. This idea holds that good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil, i.e. people's actions are responded to accordingly. This concept has been passed down since ancient times and has been continuously verified throughout history. But when we confront those who seem to be at large and commit crimes with impunity, can we also feel the imminence of justice? Japan, a country that once dominated the world in science and technology, has experienced a series of disasters and difficulties. Earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear leaks, and other disasters have plunged Japan into a state of grief and helplessness. For Japan, which has been leading scientific and technological progress, these sudden disasters can be described as surprising and shocking. So, are these disasters the retribution of Japan's evil deeds in waging wars of aggression? Or are these disasters just the ruthlessness of the forces of nature at this moment?

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

When we think about the justice and reward of the universe, can we easily draw conclusions? From another perspective, Japan has shown great self-reflection and change over the past few decades. They found the bane of the war of aggression in their own country and taught this history to every new generation of Japanese. After the end of World War II, Japan became a pioneer in the establishment of peace, relying on international trade and friendly cooperation with other countries as its development. All this shows that Japan has made changes and has made corresponding efforts to try to make up for the mistakes it has made in the past.

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

As a country with a long history, China has experienced painful humiliation and torture many times, among which Japan's war of aggression is a black touch that deeply stings the hearts of Chinese people. However, during that period, China was relatively weak, and retribution seemed distant in the face of a formidable enemy. But whether or not to think that the disaster facing Japan now is retribution is an overly simplistic explanation. The fate of a country or individual is never a simple linear causal relationship, but a complex network. We cannot negate previous efforts and changes just because of one or two misfortunes.

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

While Japan, which is gradually rising, contributes to the world economy, it also experiences countless setbacks and failures. However, looking at all this objectively, we will see that it is not unfortunate because of the mistakes they have made before. On the contrary, these are problems facing mankind together, and every individual and every country has the potential for misfortune and disaster. The justice of the universe will eventually punish the wicked. As Wu Weiye, a military expert of the Ming Dynasty, once said: "Human beings create tribulations, and tribulations will be caused by human beings." ”

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

The ruthlessness of the Japanese people eventually suffered their own consequences. After World War II, although Japan swallowed the bitter fruit of humiliation and was willing to work hard to change, the pain and scars caused by the crime of aggression still exist in the remembrance of the Chinese people for a long time. However, do they really feel the righteous reward from the universe?

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

Japan has suffered a series of disasters, including the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the Fukushima nuclear accident, which caused a large number of casualties and displaced countless families. The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has had a profound impact on the entire world. The radiation leakage caused environmental pollution and a human health crisis, making Fukushima a "disaster nuclear wasteland". These great disasters are undoubtedly great retribution for the Japanese people.

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

Japan's policy of over-reliance on nuclear energy has led to a number of serious disasters in the vicinity of nuclear power plants, such as the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and the leakage accident at the Chahashi Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. These incidents have seriously threatened the lives and health of local residents. Once again, people are sincerely glad that the justice behind these disasters is sincerely rejoicing.

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

The retribution of good and evil is the law of the universe and a warning to human behavior. Shouldn't the spirit of bushido that Japan has upheld since ancient times, focusing on the balance of interests and the exchange of justice, make them more aware of the laws of the universe? By all indications, retribution will eventually follow those who do not repent of their sins and do not stop sinning. Only righteous and good people can escape the fate of enduring the consequences of sin. Through hardships and sufferings, the Chinese people have always adhered to the belief that good and evil are rewarded. Whether all the disasters that Japan has suffered can really match their aggression against China and other East Asian countries is a question worth pondering.

Good has good to repay evil and evil to repay, the three major retributions have made Japan suffer for days, retribution finally came?

But in the face of this series of disasters, perhaps they will understand that their own actions will inevitably be counterproductive. Throughout history, people of good will have always promoted justice and upheld fairness and justice. It is believed that in the face of cosmic justice, the wicked will eventually pay for their crimes.

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