
A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

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A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged


A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

"Company XX went bankrupt" that fans talk about all day has really become a reality! Janis Studio, the largest brokerage company in the Japanese entertainment industry, announced the collapse of its company at a press conference yesterday afternoon, and this press conference became a witness of history. In addition to TV Tokyo, television stations throughout Japan are broadcasting this major event live. The collapse of Janis will bring some compensation to the victims and set up a new company to take Jenis' place. This article will provide in-depth analysis and observation of this historic event, presenting a unique perspective and perspective.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged


A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

The collapse of Janis announced an important turning point in the Japanese entertainment industry. As the largest brokerage company in Japan, Janis has cultivated many idol groups and artists, and his influence cannot be ignored. However, in recent years, there have been frequent scandals and controversies in Janis & Associates, which have aroused widespread attention and discussion. In response to these scandals, Janis set up a "Victim Inquiry Committee" and received a large number of victim applications. After an investigation, Janis decided to dissolve himself and set up a special compensation unit, called "Smile Up", to compensate the victims.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

According to previous statistics, the Commission for the Investigation of Victims received applications from 478 victims, of whom 325 requested compensation. This figure is just the tip of the iceberg, and the actual number of victims may be even greater. In order to consider the feelings of the victims, Janis changed its name to "Smile Up" to deal specifically with victim compensation. Once the compensation matter is over, "Smile Up" will also be dissolved.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

In addition to the change of the company's name, the portfolio under Janis will also be renamed one after another. For example, the combination of Seki 8 (Kansai Janis 8) and Janis West will remove the element of "Janis" and change it to a new group name after winning the opinions of fans. This move aims to reduce the association with Janis and give fans a fresh start.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

At the same time as Janis collapsed, new companies emerged. The new company will be headed by Noriyuki Higashiyama and Yoshihiko Inohara, as vice president, and will be in charge of artist management and cultivation. As a member of the boy idol group Junior Team under Janis, Noriyuki Higashiyama has rich experience and knowledge in the entertainment industry. The new company will replace Janis with a fresh image and management model, striving to set a new benchmark in the industry.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged


A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

The collapse of Janis announced a historic turning point in the Japanese entertainment industry. The launch not only announced the dissolution of the company, but also provided the victims with an opportunity to compensate. By changing the company name and group name, Janis tries to weaken the connection to the past and bring new hope and confidence to fans. At the same time, a brand new company will emerge under the leadership of Kino Higashiyama and Yoshihiko Inohara. This event is not only an earthquake event in the Japanese entertainment industry, but also an opportunity to reflect and improve the entire industry. In the future, we can expect a more fresh and healthy entertainment culture to rise in the Japanese entertainment industry.

A twist in history! Japanese entertainment giant Janis announced its closure, and a new company has emerged

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