
The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

author:Ah Cong's diary said
The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Xiaoyu packed her handbag, took a deep breath, and walked into the door of the hospital. She rubbed her slightly bulging lower abdomen, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"Ding-" The elevator door opened, and Xiaoyu walked in and pressed the button on the third floor. When it was time for the prenatal check-up, she couldn't contain the excitement and anticipation in her heart - she would be able to see the babies in no time!

The elevator doors opened, and Xiao Yu walked quickly to the consultation room. "Please come in." The nurse greeted with a smile. Xiaoyu sat on the examination table, and the nurse prepared the instrument for her.

"Let me show the babies how they are." The gentle voice of the doctor sounded. Xiaoyu stared nervously at the monitor, holding her breath.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Look, this is a baby, this is a baby." The doctor pointed to the two little beings on the screen, "They are all healthy, mom, you need to take good care of yourself."

Xiaoyu looked at the two small figures on the screen, tears couldn't help but burst out of her eyes, she had been waiting for this moment for so long!

"Baby, mother is here, you must be safe and healthy." Xiaoyu stroked her stomach and muttered to herself.

After the examination, Xiaoyu walked out of the hospital happily. She couldn't wait to tell Li Ming the good news! But just in この頃に, Xiaoyu's mobile phone rang.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Hey, I am." Xiaoyu picked up the phone.

"Xiaoyu, something happened! Come back soon! On the other end of the phone, Li Ming's tone was full of anxiety.

Xiaoyu's face changed, and she hurriedly called a taxi and rushed home. As soon as she entered the door, she saw Li Ming standing in the entrance with a livid face, and behind him were fragments of flower pots scattered on the ground.

"Li Ming, what's wrong?" Xiaoyu walked over nervously.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"I accidentally touched your favorite pot of flowers." Li Ming said dejectedly.

Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief and patted Li Ming with a smile, "The flower pot is broken when it is broken, the children are the most important, I just checked, they are very healthy, we have to take good care of them."

Li Ming also smiled when he heard this, he hugged Xiaoyu and kissed her lightly on the forehead: "I'm sorry to scare you, I promise to be careful next time, the child is the first."

Xiaoyu nodded and collected the debris with Li Ming. She knew that with Li Ming by her side, they would definitely be able to give the babies the happiest and most stable home.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

After packing up the little ones' rooms, Xiaoyu happily came to the supermarket, pushing the shopping cart between the shelves.

Milk powder, diapers, small clothes, small shoes. Xiaoyu put the items on the shelves into the shopping cart one by one, and intently compared the list he had made.

"Auntie, are you going to prepare the baby?" The little sister at the cash register looked at Xiaoyu with a smile.

"yes, I'm going to be a mother!" Xiaoyu showed a happy smile, "But not just one, it's two!" ”

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Twins, fantastic!" The little sister said in surprise.

Xiaoyu paid and pushed a cart of treasures home. Li Ming was also busy in the house, preparing a new cradle and crib.

Everything was ready, Xiaoyu and Li Ming stood in front of the prepared children's room, hugging each other.

"Thank you for accompanying me to prepare my little home." Xiaoyu said movingly.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"This is what I should do." Li Ming kissed Xiaoyu's forehead, "We will give them the best love." ”

Xiaoyu nodded and stroked her stomach. Babies, mom has prepared the warmest nest, you must be born safely.

In the following days, Xiaoyu and Li Ming lived very busy but full and happy. Xiaoyu will chat with the baby in the belly and give them cute nicknames; Li Ming was busy cleaning every corner of the house.

They look forward to the birth of twins with love and look forward to a bright future.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

It has been 7 months since she was pregnant, and Xiaoyu found that she has been prone to dizziness and fatigue recently. Seeing this, Li Ming suggested that she go to the hospital for a check-up.

The next day, Xiaoyu came to the hospital. The nurse did a routine check-up for her, and then she waited in line for an ultrasound.

"Xiaoyu, come on." The doctor beckoned her inside. Xiaoyu lay still on the bed with her breath held as the doctor applied gel to her abdomen and began the ultra-examination.

The doctor's expression gradually became serious, and Xiaoyu's heart rose to her throat. After the examination, the doctor looked at her with a solemn face: "There are problems with the development of both babies, and the pregnancy must be terminated immediately, otherwise it will endanger your health."

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Xiaoyu felt that the sky was spinning, and she tried to keep it: "Doctor, will there be other ways?" I can endure any pain, please save my child! ”

The doctor shook his head sadly: "I know it's cruel for you, but it's really the most responsible choice."

Xiaoyu cried bitterly, and she felt her world collapse at this time. She couldn't believe that the child she had dreamed of had just left in her arms.

Xiaoyu walked out of the hospital mechanically, tears blurring his vision. She didn't know how to face Li Ming and how to accept this fact.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

After arriving home, Xiaoyu couldn't say a word, just hugged Li Ming and cried. Li Ming also fell silent, he knew that Xiaoyu needed time to accept this bad news at this time.

The days passed in pain, and Xiaoyu stayed in the dark room all day, without eating or drinking. Li Ming silently stayed by her side, trying to give support, but he also suffered alone in his heart.

It was an extremely dark moment, and Xiaoyu and Li Ming struggled with great grief. They have lost all hope and are full of despair for the future.

Today is the day of the surgery. Xiaoyu lay on the hospital bed, her whole body was cold, like an empty shell without a soul.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Xiaoyu, I'm here." Li Ming held her stiff hand and tried to relax her.

"All ready, let's get started." Doctors and nurses walked in.

Xiaoyu was pushed into the operating room, and she looked at the incandescent lamp above her head, only to feel that the surrounding scene was slowly receding.

"Baby, I'm sorry, mom didn't protect you." Xiaoyu said silently. Tears blurred her vision, and the last thing she saw was the concerned eyes of Li Minghe and the doctor.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Then, there is endless darkness.

"Light rain, light rain..." Li Ming's voice echoed in his ears.

Xiaoyu opened her eyes, and the operation was over. Her hand touched her abdomen, which was empty.

Her child, her flesh and bones, died in her arms. This realization made Xiaoyu unhappy.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Why? Why? Xiaoyu cried bitterly, and she grabbed the clothes on her chest, as if to tear the despair in her heart together.

Li Ming hugged her silently and shared her pain. He kept stroking her hair, trying to give her a little comfort.

But Xiaoyu no longer felt any comfort. She felt that the world was extremely cruel to her, and she could no longer find a glimmer of hope.

On the day of her discharge from the hospital, Xiaoyu looked at other mothers who were pregnant or holding children, her eyes dead silent. She wanted to shout and pour out her pain, but in the end, she left silently and walked side by side with Li Ming in pain.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

It's all over, and what they lost, there is no way to get it back.

On this day, Xiaoyu curled up on the bed as usual, wrapping herself tightly in a quilt. The room was dimly lit and she didn't want to see any life.

"Light rain, get up and drink some water." Li Ming walked in lightly.

Xiaoyu did not respond, it has been three days since she was discharged from the hospital, she has been lying in bed day and night, refusing to eat and refuse to have any contact with the outside world.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Li Ming looked at her haggard appearance with distress and decided to take action.

"Xiaoyu, look at me." Li Ming sat on the edge of the bed and gently lifted Xiaoyu's body up, "We will definitely be able to get through all this."

Xiaoyu finally raised her head, and her red and swollen eyes looked at Li Ming blankly.

"I know it's painful now, but we still have a chance." Li Ming squeezed Xiaoyu's hand, "Trust me, we won't give up on this, I will always support you."

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Xiaoyu's painful eyes finally fluctuated. Yes, she still has Li Ming, she hasn't lost everything yet.

"Thank you for not giving up on me." Xiaoyu said weakly.

"I will face all difficulties with you." Li Ming hugged her.

Xiao Yu nodded gently, tears soaking Li Ming's clothes. It was Li Ming who gave her hope, and this is the strength she can rely on.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"We can try again." Xiaoyu wiped away her tears, "I can still be a mother again." ”

"Yes, this is just a low point in life, and we will usher in the light again." Li Ming kissed Xiaoyu's forehead.

Xiaoyu showed a long-lost smile. Here in Li Ming, she saw the dawn of rebirth. They will face the road of fertility again with open hearts until they have a happy and healthy child.

They hugged each other tightly, drawing the power of hope. As long as they have each other around, they can get through any hardship.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Finally, Xiaoyu came out of the quagmire of despair. She began to actively look forward to the future and re-plan her life with Li Ming.

"No matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we must support each other." Li Ming held Xiaoyu's hand and said.

"As long as we don't give up on each other, we can get through it." Xiaoyu said firmly.

Yes, just like this extremely painful blow, if Li Ming had not been by his side, Xiaoyu would have been discouraged long ago.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"This pain has made us grow and strengthen our relationship." Li Ming hugged Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu remembered the bits and pieces of striving to pursue their dreams with Li Ming in recent years, indeed, they have experienced so much, and their feelings have long surpassed life and death.

"In the future, no matter what, we will work together." Xiaoyu touched Li Ming's face.

Li Ming looked at Xiaoyu affectionately and kissed her lightly under the print on her forehead.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

After experiencing this tragedy, the relationship between Xiaoyu and Li Ming became stronger than steel and more dazzling than gold.

Xiaoyu caressed her belly, and her determined eyes showed a desire for a new life. She believes that with their love and courage, miracles will happen again.

After the ordeal, Xiaoyu and Li Ming decided to embark on the journey of conception again.

After a full examination, the doctor gave an affirmative answer. This time, light rain walked on thin ice and spent each day with extreme caution.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

"Today the baby has grown a little more." After the prenatal examination, Xiaoyu said happily to Li Ming.

Li Ming also carefully took care of Xiaoyu's every move. They are all trying to avoid anything that could hurt the baby.

Finally, after their anxious and expectant wait, a healthy and cute baby boy was born.

"—" The high-pitched first cry cut through the silence of the operating room.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Xiaoyu was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes, she couldn't believe that she had really realized her dream of becoming a mother!

"Thank you for giving us such a cute baby." Li Ming looked at Xiaoyu affectionately.

The nurse gently placed the blue swaddle in Xiaoyu's arms. She carefully picked up the little creature with a happy smile on her face.

"Welcome to the world, baby." Xiaoyu said softly, the miracle of life was in her arms.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

After returning home, Xiaoyu looked at the sleeping in the crib, and gently guarded the side.

"We finally welcomed him." Li Ming hugged Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu nodded, and tears of joy slipped down her face. She knows that the grief of the past makes today's happiness more accessible.

Watching the baby grow up, Xiaoyu and Li Ming's lives have become extremely busy and happy.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

Xiaoyu will personally prepare nutritious and delicious meals for the baby, and Li Ming is responsible for nurturing and teaching, he will patiently teach the baby to talk, walk, and make him happy.

The baby also gradually grows up and becomes lively and cute. He opened his little fat hands and happily played games with his parents, and the whole family reflected happy laughter.

Looking at the baby's innocent appearance, Xiaoyu couldn't help but think of the tragedy that almost took the baby. It is those setbacks and pains that make today's happiness even more valuable.

With love and courage, they walked through that great grief and ushered in the brightest sunshine in their lives.

The woman spent two years undergoing test-tube surgery and had twins, thinking that the double happiness was coming, who knows that it was a tragedy

No matter what ups and downs there are in life, they will work together until the end of time.