
Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

author:Won't be heartwarming1

"Food poisoning sudden: a biscuit shop becomes the main suspect!" When Teacher Zhang was in class, many students suddenly began to have stomachaches, and some students even collapsed on their seats. Soon, the symptoms spread in schools and surrounding areas, causing a large number of people to feel distressed. After some investigation, it was found that all the patients had food poisoning, and the poisoned food turned out to be the same. What kind of food is this and why is it sold so widely? Police are also investigating and have targeted Chen's sesame cakes on Yunkang Street. Chen Family Sesame Roast Cake is a sweet, crispy, nutritious and reasonably priced roast cake shop, and the Chen family and his wife are also a pair of warm-hearted good people.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

The taste of the baked biscuits sold in the store is loved by many people, and many people prefer to take a detour to buy them here. But the poisoning incident, which is so widespread and so difficult to identify suspects, makes one wonder if Chen Jia Sesame Baked Cake may be involved. After a police visit and investigation, it was found that many people did feel unwell after eating the Chen family sesame roast cake. Chen Zongwu, the owner of Chen Jia Baked Cakes, does not believe that he has a reason to commit a crime, and said that he has been selling Baked Cakes for decades, and there is no reason to self-destruct the signboard. The police also agreed with his statement. Because the scope of poisoning is so wide, it is easy to suspect that the Chen family burnt cake, but Chen Zongwu and his wife really will not destroy their future so much.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

When the police asked if they had messed with anyone recently, Mr. and Mrs. Chen remembered that they had had some conflict with Chen Zhengping next door the day before. After further investigation, the police found that Chen Zhengping and Chen Zongwu had had a quarrel over the business of the Chen family's baked cakes. Chen Zhengping had threatened to make the Chen family's cake-burning business plummet, which led to suspicions that he was the criminal of the poisoning incident. The police immediately investigated Chen Zhengping and eventually found that he was not suspicious. In view of this, the police conducted another in-depth investigation and found that a strange man went to the Chen Family Sesame Cake Shop the night before the poisoning incident and stayed in the shop for a short time. The man used a pseudonym, so the police did not find him.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

However, according to the owner's description, the man's appearance and figure have some characteristics, and the police have launched a search and arrest operation. The poisoning incident caused widespread social concern, and people began to re-examine the food they bought. In order to dispel public concerns about food, the government has also begun to strengthen food safety supervision and increase the scrutiny of food suppliers. We should also learn from this poisoning incident: when buying food, be sure to choose reputable and reputable merchants, and pay close attention to food safety issues. A poisoning incident in Nanjing poisoned 300 people and killed 42 people. Criminal suspect Chen Zhengping was sentenced to death for intentional homicide. However, the case has sparked a related controversy: Is Chen Zhengping involved in the crime of illegal business operation?

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Do Chen Zongwu and his wife need to bear relevant responsibilities? Should the victim's family be compensated? How can food poisoning incidents be prevented in the future? This article will answer these questions by way of case interpretation. In Chen Zhengping's poisoning case, he put a large amount of rat poison in the white sugar and puff pastry of the baked cake shop, and then distributed it to consumers through the storefront. This kind of behavior seriously disrupts the market order and endangers the health of others, so it involves the crime of illegal operation. In addition, Chen Zhengping's poisoning behavior also violated the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law and should be punished by law. In this case, the baked cakes were sold by Chen Zongwu and his wife, so they also bear the relevant responsibility.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Although Chen Zongwu and his wife did not know it, as food sellers, they should be responsible for the quality and safety of food. In their daily operations, they need to take stricter measures to ensure the quality and safety of food and avoid similar incidents from happening again. The poisoning caused great harm to the families of the victims, who suffered both physical and psychological torture. Therefore, with regard to compensation for offenders, victims should be commensurate with compensation. At the same time, society should strengthen food safety supervision, intensify the crackdown on food safety violations and crimes, and ensure the life safety and health of the people. Finally, how to prevent food poisoning incidents?

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

First of all, strengthen food safety supervision, strictly supervise food processing, storage, transportation and other links, and intensify the crackdown on illegal and criminal activities. Second, strengthen public education, improve public awareness of food safety, and guide people to choose safe and hygienic food. Finally, strengthen the sense of responsibility of food production enterprises, increase investment in food quality and safety, and ensure food quality and safety. In short, Chen Zhengping's poisoning case has aroused people's great concern and thinking about food safety. We should strengthen legal supervision and intensify the crackdown on criminal activities, and at the same time, we should strengthen the public's awareness of food safety and jointly safeguard the life safety and health of the people.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Chen Zhengping was jealous of the good business of Chen Zongwu and his wife and disrupted the market order by illegally operating activities, violating the relevant provisions of Article 225 of the Criminal Law. He poisoned many people by throwing rat poison, and one of the customers unfortunately died, suspected of the crime of releasing dangerous substances, and the punishment could reach more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment or even the death penalty. Chen Zongwu and his wife were framed for playing mahjong to ridicule Chen Zhengping, but according to the law, they did not directly participate in the poisoning and did not bear legal responsibility. The case is not only embarrassing, but also raises concerns about food safety, and the reputation of Chen's baked cakes has been affected to a certain extent.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Chen Zhengping was dissatisfied because he was jealous of Chen Zongwu and his wife's cake burning business for many years, and heard their ridicule when Chen Zongwu and his wife played mahjong, so he developed a revenge mentality. He poisoned Chen Zongwu's raw materials for making baked cakes, causing many people to be poisoned. One of the customers died and could face more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment or even the death penalty for the crime of releasing dangerous substances. The case was not the result of impulse, but an outburst of discontent that Chen had accumulated over the years, which eventually led to serious consequences. Because of the ridicule of Chen Zongwu and his wife, Chen Zhengping's dissatisfaction in his heart was completely erupted, which led to this poisoning incident.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

However, according to the law, Chen Zongwu and his wife did not directly participate in the poisoning and did not bear legal responsibility for the entire incident. This also reminds us that language jokes are not arbitrary, and the object of ridicule also needs to be carefully selected. If left unattended, sometimes jokes can cause unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. The poisoning has also raised concerns about food safety. As a small pastry shop, Chen's reputation has been affected to some extent because of the publicity of the poisoning incident. However, Chen Zongwu and his wife's sincerity, kindness and charity over the years have also been loved by neighbors.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

To keep this business for a living, they need to pay more attention to food safety issues, increase consumer trust and convince people that their products are safe and reliable. In general, although the poisoning case affected the reputation of the Chen family's baked cakes, Chen Zongwu and his wife were not suspected of committing crimes, and they were also victims of planting. In addition, this incident also reminds us that bad jokes can cause misunderstandings and even lead to unnecessary trouble. For small shops, food safety needs to be paid attention to at all times to ensure customer trust and reputation. Finally, we should think about how to be vigilant in our daily lives to prevent similar poisoning incidents from happening again.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

The baked cake incident has triggered people's concerns about food safety. Chen Zongwu and his wife sold baked biscuits with dangerous drugs, poisoning many people, many of them teenagers and migrant workers. This incident has exposed the seriousness of food safety problems, sparking mistrust and suspicion of food raw materials and production procedures. In order to regain consumers' trust in Chen Zongwu and his wife's baked cakes, they must first strictly review and screen their own raw materials to ensure that there are no problems with the raw materials. Secondly, in order for consumers to see the production process of baked biscuits, the production and sale should be more transparent.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Only in this way can consumers trust Chen Zongwu and his wife's baked cakes. In addition, this incident is extremely harmful, and it is normal for people to be more vigilant. But as long as Chen Zongwu and his wife stick to their hearts and operate carefully, they will definitely be able to collect customers again. In this case, Chen Zhengping took revenge on society for his personal feelings, and most of the people poisoned were children who were going to school and workers who went out to work. These children are in their youth, young and vigorous, and the future has infinite possibilities; These workers work alone in the field, supporting a family alone; But it was such a baked cake that killed them.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Victims and their families shall receive compensation accordingly, including medical expenses, nursing expenses, hospital meal allowances, necessary nutritional expenses, etc. In accordance with mainland law, the obligor shall make compensation. Therefore, compensation should be given to the victims and their families, as well as compensation to the victims by the offender or his obligors. Strengthening food safety problems is the most needed and most exposed product in people's daily lives, and you can imagine how quickly food poisoning will spread. Therefore, the rectification of food safety problems needs to be dealt with urgently. First of all, the state should vigorously rectify the market, strengthen market management, and further urge businesses to strictly select ingredients and pay attention to food safety.

Thriller! Burnt cake poisoning was fatal, and 42 people died tragically!

Secondly, businesses should strengthen their awareness of prevention, strictly regulate the entry and exit rules of the back kitchen, refuse strangers to enter the back kitchen for no reason, and reduce the occurrence of poisoning incidents. Finally, with the improvement of people's living standards, we must pay more attention to healthy eating and improve food quality. Heightened guardedness and self-protection are unfathomable, and some of us who we think are the closest to us are likely to stab us in the back. We must strengthen our sense of preparedness and self-preservation. At the same time, the majesty of the law cannot be questioned, illegal acts will eventually be punished by the law, and a peaceful and beautiful harmonious society needs to be built together. In short, the cake incident has raised concerns about food safety.

In order to rebuild consumer trust in Chen Zongwu and his wife's baked cakes, it is necessary to ensure that the raw materials are free of problems, that the production process is transparent, and that reasonable compensation should be given to the victims. Food safety issues need to be dealt with urgently, market management should be strengthened, businesses should strengthen their awareness of prevention, and everyone should pay more attention to healthy eating and improve food quality. We must strengthen our sense of preparedness and self-protection, and a peaceful and beautiful harmonious society needs us to work together to build it.