
Whether a person is rich or bitter, it is enough to look at his "eating posture"

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

In this life, people are inseparable from the fireworks of three meals a day.

Many reasons to go every day to earn money, work, and buy a good house are to eat comfortably.

When a person does not think about tea and food, or cannot eat, it means that life has fallen into a trough, or his life is not long.

As the saying goes, "Food is heaven for the people." ”

It is easy to understand the wisdom of eating, correct posture, and change people's fate.

Whether a person is rich or bitter, it is enough to look at his "eating posture"


Those who suffer from life eat "without degree".

In the Book of Rites, it is said: "Men and women who eat and drink, the great desire of man is preserved." ”

Eating is daily life and human desire.

When people are poor, they envy those who eat mountains and seafood; When people are rich, they can't wait to go to heaven and earth and taste everything. There are also those who consider what their children and grandchildren will eat. This is the fundamental manifestation of desire.

Think about it, a person can't even control "eating", in the face of food, open his mouth to come, what good luck can there be? Even rich and powerful people will also put on the matter of "eating".

First, when eating, do not know how to observe words, emotional intelligence is not high, resulting in very bad interpersonal relationships.

When we were young, we learned the story of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru in the text.

Lian Po was jealous of Lin Xiangru, which caused the relationship between Zhao's generals and prime ministers to deteriorate. In the end, Lian Po realized his mistake and came to a trick to plead guilty, which was praised by many people.

Then follow the story in the text, and then look back.

After Lin Xiangru retired, Lian Po was still a general, because his relationship with other young generals was not good enough, and he was disliked by King Zhao. He therefore went to the Wei state.

Wei Guo had great respect for Lian, but did not use it.

When the State of Zhao was attacked by the State of Qin, King Zhao wanted to invite Lianpo over and continue to be a general, so he sent an envoy to see Lianpo's situation.

Lian Po didn't know how to show his willingness to return to Zhao Guo, so he ate hard, causing him to go to the toilet frequently.

The messenger believed that Lian Po went to the toilet frequently, and his body was no longer good. As a result, Lianpo lost the opportunity to return to the Zhao Kingdom.

Dinner is a science, what should it be? What should not be shown? Think deeply.

Usually, people with good character will take into account what everyone eats, pay attention to the tastes of the elderly and children, and respect everyone's habits; During the meal, polite.

It is also necessary to clarify the goal of the meal to avoid overpowering; After drinking, he indiscriminately promised others to do things.

People with a strong desire for performance, drink very much, and also pour alcohol desperately; Eating is exaggerated and always highlighting yourself; Talk about it, don't manage your mouth well. This is the beginning of a bad impression.

Second, when eating, there is no moderation, and the desire to eat will bring disaster.

A family can really eat poor.

What is even more tragic is that eating too extravagantly, the family becomes poor, and the human body will collapse.

Before Liu Yu, the Emperor of Song Ming, became emperor, he was obese and ate disorderly, and he got a nickname: "Pig King." ”

When he became the emperor, he completely let himself go, and the things he ate and drank were very exaggerated.

The history books record: "The honey stain is destroyed. "He said that he ate fish soup, which was several large bowls at a meal. There is also a bold meal of two hundred pieces of roasted meat.

When he was too full, he drank vinegar. What a messy routine, all used. In the end, life is only thirty-four years old.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristib said, "Those who can consume the necessary nutrients are healthier than those who eat a lot, and in the same way that true scholars are often not those who read many books, but those who read useful books." ”

The best thing to eat and drink is to read and think. Once you treat food as an act of "satisfying desires", you are the beginning of destroying yourself.

Whether a person is rich or bitter, it is enough to look at his "eating posture"


Rich people, eat "with moderation".

The "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" says: "There is moderation in eating and drinking, there is a regular life, and there is no vain work." ”

Control your mouth, on the one hand, do not talk nonsense, on the other hand, do not eat nonsense.

When the mouth is well managed, people's self-discipline will be improved.

Eating can be arranged in an orderly manner, the rhythm of life is right, and it also reflects a person's vision.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Emperor Renzong of Song inherited Zhao Kuangyin's frugal practices and strictly managed the palace's eating and drinking expenses.

One night, he woke up, a little hungry, and remembered the taste of lamb soup.

The people around him asked: "Emperor, do you want to arrange the imperial dining room and have a night snack?" ”

Song Renzong thought for a while and waved his hand: "Forget it." ”

Next, he gave a lesson to the people around him.

Tonight, the imperial dining room was arranged and lamb soup was cooked. Then the officials who manage the imperial dining room will always think about what the emperor will eat at night, causing the people in the imperial dining room to work overtime every day and prepare a large number of ingredients.

It is logical that other people in the palace will also use the emperor's name to ask the imperial dining room to serve them at night.

What's more frightening is that the practice in the palace will be learned by many rich people, resulting in folk night snacks gradually prevailing.

From Song Renzong's approach, we see the "butterfly effect". A supper led to the prevailing trend of eating and drinking in the world.

While eating and drinking enough, being able to consider the eating and drinking of others is a person's big pattern.

In the spring and autumn, King Qin's horse was slaughtered by a group of people. King Qin angrily found this group of people, and then found that they were all yellow and thin. His anger disappeared in an instant.

After a while, he arranged for his subordinates to bring fine wine and eat and drink with the group.

As an emperor, how can he not have compassion for the world? Let the people of the world be fed, this is Mingjun.

As ordinary people, to help people in distress is to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. If the fallen rise up, there will be endless rewards.

Whether a person is rich or bitter, it is enough to look at his "eating posture"


The ancient Roman philosopher Epictetus said: "Whether there is true happiness does not depend on nature, but on human habits." ”

Our nature is to "eat better", but our habit is to "eat simple". Being able to grasp the balance between the two is a firm grasp of human destiny.

Eat every day, but do you really "eat"? It requires deep thinking and positive action.

The posture of eating, never eat and drink from the sea, do not eat indiscriminately, and do not eat the whole world.

At home, eat slowly with food; Go out, have a meal and eat politely.

From now on, live hard, eat and drink simply, and get used to good luck.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.