
A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

author:Donkey Kong 116720187

Chinese Confucian generals, this is a fascinating topic. Confucian generals refer to those generals and marshals who are both born as readers and have a refined demeanor. In addition to the basic conditions, how can we judge whether a person can be called a Confucian general? Should they have the characteristics of strategy, writing and outstanding achievements? In China's 5,000-year history, although there have been countless famous military generals, there are only a few who can really be called Confucian generals. Zhuge Liang, this is a character whose name is unknown to everyone.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

As a strategist during the Three Kingdoms period, he was praised by later generations for his outstanding wisdom and strategy. Zhuge Liang not only has excellent military theoretical works, but the "Zhuge Liang Collection" has also been praised by posterity. This made him the first figure in Chinese history to meet the criteria of a Confucian general. Yue Fei, a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty, was a famous national hero. He is known for his fiery poems "Manjiang Red" and "Little Heavy Mountain", which made him stand out in the primary stage.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

And his military quote "Use wisely, keep one" made him smoothly enter the rematch. In the end, with his heroic performance in the Battle of Yancheng, he successfully ranked second among China's top ten Confucian generals. Li Jing and Zhou Yu, they were famous Wu generals during the Three Kingdoms period. Li Jing is famous for his elegant temperament and excellent musical attainments. People often say: "The song is wrong, Zhou Lang Gu", this sentence describes him. Zhou Yu is proficient in Qinqi, calligraphy, painting, poetry and song, and he boosted morale with a song "Inspiring the Heart of the Army", showing a refined demeanor.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

Their elegant energy made them handsome and heroic, and they were successfully selected as one of China's top ten Confucian generals. Zuo Zongtang, he was a famous minister during the late Qing dynasty. He was a self-proclaimed "Jinliang" by his background and distinguished himself in the wars of the Taiping Army, especially in the invasion of Xinjiang to quell the Aqubo rebellion and the reconquest of Xinjiang. With this record alone, he was truly selected as one of the top ten Confucian generals in China's war history. Yuan Chonghuan, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty, was born as a scholar. Mr. Jin Yong has written an article praising him as the crown of China's generation of Confucian generals.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

His brilliant record is due to Ning Yuan's great victory, in which he killed the fierce chief Nur Hachi. If the Chongzhen Emperor had not fallen for the Emperor Taiji's anti-treachery, it is still unknown whether the Manchus could enter the customs. Based on this alone, he was deservedly selected as one of the top ten Confucian generals in China's war history. Zeng Guofan, he was a famous minister of the late Qing dynasty and Zhongxing, and he was also a jinshi. As a well-known philosopher, he was not only proficient in poetry, but also had notable achievements in the Taiping Rebellion.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

Although he lost many battles against the Taiping Army, he repeatedly lost battles and finally won victories. This perseverance made him a successful figure. Wu Qi, he was a famous general of the State of Chu during the Warring States period, on a par with his grandson. He was a student of Confucius's apprentice Zi Xia, but was expelled from school because of moral problems. However, his expulsion made him a generation of military strategists. His military work Wuzi's Art of War has survived to this day, making him an outstanding Confucian general in Chinese history.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

Lu Xun, he was a famous general of the Wu State during the Three Kingdoms period. He was known as the "Cream Scholar", but his record of burning seven hundred li of the battalion in the Battle of Yiling became a classic. However, since he only served as an adjutant general, he could only be in the last place. Through the introduction of these Confucian generals, we can see their respective characteristics in terms of military, culture, and achievements. They not only possess the basic conditions of being literati and elegant demeanor, but also have outstanding talents and achievements in their respective fields.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

Their existence not only enriched Chinese history, but also set an example for future generations of Confucian generals. In general, Confucianism is a special kind of general, who have both excellent military talents and profound cultural literacy. Their existence is not only a historical name, but also a spiritual symbol. With their actions and wisdom, they set a benchmark for future generations as Confucian generals. These Confucian generals are not only leaders in the army, but also inheritors of culture.

A general-marshal from a literati and elegant manners - the list of China's top ten Confucian generals

Their refined demeanor and outstanding talent have made them an important role that cannot be ignored in Chinese history. Finally, I would like to ask the readers, what do you think of the concept of Confucianism? Do you think there are anyone else who meets the criteria of a Confucian general? Please share your views and thoughts in the comments.

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