
Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

author:Mengyao talks about life

On the stage of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, Bai Shanshan was the focus of everyone. Her elegant dancing, smart eyes, and perfect control of the stage all captivate people. However, Bai Shanshan's courage does not stop there. Bai Shanshan's courage is reflected in her pursuit of the stage and her challenge to herself. As a member of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, she always pursues the perfection of the stage and constantly challenges her limits. Every rehearsal, every performance, she will give her all and leave no regrets. She bravely faced her shortcomings and bravely faced the difficulties in her dance steps. It is this courage that makes her an excellent dancer and makes her dance exude soul-like power.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

Bai Shanshan's courage is not limited to the stage. In life, she also protects herself and those around her in a unique way. She is not a good talker, even a little bit of a word, but she always cares silently about others. When she perceives that the person around her is experiencing difficulties or is depressed, she will silently walk up to the other person and give a warm hug. And when someone becomes hostile to her or ridicules her, she chooses to remain silent and not to argue or fight back. Instead, she proves her worth through her own efforts and achievements. This form of protection, although rarely noticed, is impressive.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

So, why did Bai Shanshan choose such a way of protection? I think it's because she learned a nobler courage, a firmness and confidence in her heart. She knows that the best response for those who are hostile or mocking her is to silently show their achievements and strength. Through her own efforts and talents, she proved her worth to the world, as well as the ignorance and narrow-mindedness of those who provoked. Therefore, she does not need to protect herself by arguing or fighting back, she uses practical actions to impress people, and ultimately chooses to admire and respect her.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

Bai Shanshan is a very talented and capable young man. She has always excelled academically, excelling in all subjects and winning numerous school competitions. At the same time, she also has a strong interest and talent for art, and has outstanding performance in music and painting. However, it is precisely because of her excellence that she has attracted the envy and contempt of some people.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

Some people feel threatened by Bai Shanshan's talent and success, and they can't stand someone better than them to be around them. Therefore, they began to slander and slander Bai Shanshan, using all kinds of means to hinder her development. Someone spread rumors and maliciously choreographed her; Some laughed at her looks and character; Someone deliberately embarrassed her and tried to break her.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

In response to these challenges and troubles, Bai Shanshan chose a different way of protection. Instead of being angry or retaliating, she chose to silently work hard and show her strength. She recognizes that arguing and fighting back only immerse herself in the struggle and fail to truly show her worth. Instead, she decided to prove her competence with practical actions, so that those provocateurs understood their ignorance and narrow-mindedness.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

As a result, Bai Shanshan focused more on academic and artistic development. She invests a lot of time and energy every day to learn and practice, and constantly improve her abilities. She finds her interests and is no longer swayed by the judgments and expectations of others. She firmly believes that only through her own efforts and talents can she truly gain the recognition and respect of others. Over time, Bai Shanshan's efforts began to pay off. Her grades are getting better and better, and her artwork is becoming more and more appreciated. She gradually got a piece of her own world, showing her talent and personality to the fullest. And those who had ridiculed and denigrated her began to change their attitude and began to face up to her abilities and strengths.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

Bai Shanshan protected not only for herself, but also for others who were also provoked and ridiculed. She told them that they didn't need to give up their authenticity in order to deal with hostility and injustice. She proves with her persistence and hard work that only through practical actions can she truly change others' perceptions of herself. She called on everyone who is challenged and troubled to have firm faith, believe in themselves, and impress people with their strength.

Bai Shanshan, the soul of the Evergrande Song and Dance Troupe, thought about her courage and way of protection!

Bai Shanshan's story also provokes people to think about "protection methods". In the face of difficulties and challenges, do we choose to fight back with quarrels or prove our worth with practical actions? In the age of social media, should we pay more attention to actual achievements and strength, rather than being swayed by external judgments and expectations? These are questions that require us to think carefully and answer.

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