
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

author:Sink July 29

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Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

Zhang Yuqi is a name that everyone knows in the entertainment industry. With her extraordinary appearance and unique personality, she has become the focus of attention of many netizens. Recently, her appearance at Milan Fashion Week caused heated discussions among netizens.

Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

According to reports, Zhang Yuqi wore a black lace open-back dress during this fashion week. This look shows her figure and temperament very well, making her the most eye-catching person in the room. Produced by the stars.

Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

Judging from the photos taken at the scene, Zhang Yuqi was wearing a black dress. This long dress is made of lace, which makes her figure look slimmer and adds a lot of fashion sense. Her hair is tied into a low ponytail with bangs in the middle. He looks ladylike and delicate. The length of the skirt reached the knee, showing her slender legs very beautifully.

Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

However, some people don't like this look very much. Netizens said that "people are beautiful, but this dress is really difficult to say [cover face]", "This dress is too exaggerated and not suitable for daily wear".

Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

However, stylist Zhang Yuqi said that this shape was not chosen arbitrarily, but perfected after many interactions and designs. They hope to show Zhang Yuqi's confident, independent and sexy personality through this look. At the same time, this is also Zhang Yuqi's breakthrough attempt many years after his debut. She wants to challenge herself and try more different styles.

Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!
Zhang Yuqi surprised Milan Fashion Week with her lace dress!

In any case, Zhang Yuqi's performance in online warfare has aroused heated discussions and concerns. After the photo was posted on social media, she also received many likes and comments from netizens. I believe that this Milan Fashion Week experience will become an unforgettable memory in Zhang Yuqi's career.


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