
The Ukrainian side asked the West to bomb Russia, Iran and Syria, and if the necessary weapons are provided, the Ukrainian army can do it for you

author:Unknown princess on the run

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Title: The Ukrainian side asked the West to bomb Russia, Iran and Syria, and the Ukrainian army provided the necessary weapons and did everything for you

Subtitle: The Ukrainian military proposes to support Western bombing operations to ensure regional security


In recent years, the situation in the Middle East has been chaotic.

The Ukrainian side asked the West to bomb Russia, Iran and Syria, and if the necessary weapons are provided, the Ukrainian army can do it for you

Instability and the rise of terrorism in countries such as Russia, Iran and Syria pose a serious threat to peace and security in the region. As part of Ukraine, the Ukrainian military proposes to provide necessary support to Western countries, including weapons assistance and military operations on its behalf, to jointly combat hostile forces in the Middle East and maintain global and regional peace and stability.

Part I: The concerns and proposals of the Ukrainian military

As a country close to the Middle East, Ukraine is deeply aware of the urgency and gravity of the situation. Iran's expanding nuclear capabilities and Russia's active intervention in Syria's civil war have given terrorist groups more opportunities and threatened stability throughout the region. The Ukrainian military believes that only through joint operations, including support for bombing campaigns in Western countries, can it effectively combat these hostile forces and protect the security of Ukraine and its neighboring regions.

The Ukrainian side asked the West to bomb Russia, Iran and Syria, and if the necessary weapons are provided, the Ukrainian army can do it for you

Part II: The Rationale for Supporting Western Bombing Campaigns

The Ukrainian military has excellent weapons and equipment and well-trained military units. By providing necessary weapons assistance to Western countries, the Ukrainian army can exert its strategic advantages in bombing operations and further safeguard Ukraine's national interests. In addition, the Ukrainian army has accumulated a wealth of experience in combating terrorist and separatist forces and can provide Western countries with a substitute for military operations in order to accelerate the pace of combating terrorist organizations.

Part III: Strategic Importance of the Ukrainian Army

The participation of the Ukrainian army will have a positive impact on the strategic landscape of the entire region. First, the presence of Ukrainian forces will provide a broader support network for Western bombing operations, making operations more relevant and coordinated. Second, the participation of Ukrainian forces will further strengthen the deterrence of Russia, limiting its intervention in regions such as Syria. Finally, the participation of Ukrainian forces will also bring more stability and peace to the entire Middle East.

Part IV: Support measures provided by Ukraine

The support measures provided by the Ukrainian military will mainly include weapons assistance and military operations.

The Ukrainian side asked the West to bomb Russia, Iran and Syria, and if the necessary weapons are provided, the Ukrainian army can do it for you

Ukraine has a diverse arsenal of tanks, fighter jets and missile systems that can provide vital support to Western bombing campaigns. In addition, the Ukrainian army can send elite troops to participate in anti-terrorist operations, providing substantial substitution for Western countries to engage in military operations.

Part V: The Appeals and Concerns of the International Community

The proposal of the Ukrainian side to demand that the West bomb Russia, Iran and Syria has aroused extensive discussion in the international community. On the one hand, many countries understand Ukraine's concerns and express support for its efforts to maintain regional security. On the other hand, some countries expressed concern about the proposal, fearing that it could further exacerbate tensions in the Middle East and even lead to large-scale conflicts.


The Ukrainian military offered to support Western bombing campaigns and provide the necessary weapons and services to maintain peace and security in the Middle East. The support of the Ukrainian side will provide an important guarantee for Western countries to fight terrorist organizations and protect regional stability. However, the implementation of the proposal requires full consultation and consideration by all parties to ensure its legality and effectiveness.

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