
"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

author:The history of the world's wars

Colloquial language refers to the informal colloquial speech form of the people, which is an easy-to-understand local expression summarized by people in daily life, and is also one of the typical folk speech forms, which has the characteristics of generalization, popularity and regionality, and is the crystallization of language that embodies folk wisdom and life.

Although these sayings are vulgar, they also show the closeness and life-like nature of language. 1. Traditional colloquialisms Traditional colloquialisms refer to the informal forms of folk colloquial speech that have gradually formed and evolved in traditional culture, which are usually concise, profound, and full of meaning, which can make people's communication more convenient and interesting. And because each region has its own dialect colloquial form, traditional colloquialisms often have a regional character as well.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

Traditional sayings often include slang, proverbs, and colloquial idioms that people use on a daily basis. In "Assassin Wu Liuqi", a large number of popular sayings are used, reflecting its folk and life-oriented characteristics. There are many sources of popular sayings, one is a habitual expression from traditional culture. The other is customary expressions from contemporary folk life, which are more close to contemporary life and more able to elicit people's emotional responses.

In "Assassin Wu Liuqi", Meow Xiaomi asks Wu Liuqi to pierce the dog eyes of the boss of the Wangxing, and "blinding his dog eyes" is a deformed use of the traditional saying "a dog's eyes look low on people". In the anime, Wang Mad proposes to break up with Meow Xiaomi, who thinks that Wang Mad is empathetic and loveless, so he thinks that he is "a dog's eye to look down on people", so he wants to "blind his dog's eye" (Figure 3-1).

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

After dissolving the misunderstanding, Meow Xiaomi said to Wang Mad that she wanted to "marry a chicken with a chicken, and marry a dog with a dog". This saying comes from Du Fu's "Newly Married Farewell": "If a daughter is born, the chicken and dog must also return", Gu Li believes that after a woman is married, no matter whether her husband is good or bad, no matter what the situation is, she must be content with what she encounters and abide by the way of women.

The positive aspect refers to the woman's loyalty to her husband, while the negative aspect refers to the woman's contentment with the status quo and helplessness. In "Assassin Wu Liuqi", Meow Xiaomi's favorite is a dog, originally referring to people as dogs, but now it has become a direct point, this flexible use makes an originally serious and neutral colloquial phrase into a witty humorous language.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

Contemporary sayings

Contemporary colloquialisms refer to informal forms of colloquial speech that form with the folks of contemporary culture. Unlike traditional sayings, contemporary sayings are often not concise and profound because most of them have not been accumulated over a long period of time.

However, the advantage of contemporary colloquialisms is that they can better and more flexibly express the new typical and universal problems that have emerged in contemporary society, and can adapt to the development of the times with the changes of the times and maintain their continuous renewal. Especially in the era of mass media, contemporary sayings with typical and universal characteristics can spread quickly and effectively, so they do not have a strong regional character compared with traditional sayings.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

For example, in the first episode of "Assassin Wu Liuqi", Ji Dabao suggested that Wu Liuqi become an assassin and said: "High salary, good benefits, flexible working hours, year-end dividends and overseas travel, where to find such a good job?" ”

This sentence is a common term for contemporary job advertisements, derived from people's definition of ideal work, and Ji Dabao describes being an assassin and selling cattle miscellaneous as this ideal job, but in fact, selling miscellaneous beef and being an assassin can only meet the condition of "flexible working hours", so this line is just an advertisement boast by Ji Dabao in order to make Wu Liuqi change his career as an assassin.

When Meow Xiaomi asked about the strategy against Mad Dog, one of his staff officers said: "I picked up a small card on the ground, the kind that was thrown at the door of the hotel room, not the one I learned about swimming and fitness." These words contain rich life experience, full of ridicule and humor about some special life scenes.

"Learn about swimming and fitness" is a common verbal advertisement that appears in front of shopping malls and supermarkets.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

Chen Bo, the island keeper, found that the robot had destroyed the public property of the island, so he said to the robot: "Destroy the public property, fine 500." This is a serious slogan that can be found everywhere in the people, used to restrain the behavior of the public. But the context of the otherwise serious slogan was clearly undermined, because ordering robots to pay fines was clearly pointless. However, to change the context of this slogan is obviously a mockery of its seriousness, making it a funny joke.

He Xiaomad applied a large number of folk phrases that originally appeared in recruitment advertisements, commercial advertisements, slogans and other folk words to animation works, creating a very life-like market image. In this context, the words of the public seem to have a certain life and folk character, and at the same time obliterate the seriousness in these words, so that the serious life form becomes humorous and ridiculous.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

The second verse of humorous and ironic metaphors refers to the use of other words or words to imply what is to be said without directly stating the original meaning. Implicit words can be implicitly expressed, with sharp thoughts and consciousness. Therefore, cryptic words often have two or more meanings that are shallow and implicit. For example, Rabelais's preface to The Great Guai satirized the Bible and even Greco-Roman mythology. He said in the tone of a boaster in the bazaar:

The most famous and valiant winners, noble people, and others, etc., you are concerned about all things lovely and good, and you must have seen, read, and heard of the "Incredible Great Biography of the Giant Gaokangda", and believed it as firmly as true believers believed in the Bible, and more than once when you felt nothing to say with those venerable ladies and ladies, tell this long and interesting story, You have been praised by many and remembered for a long time.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

With this language of free and joyful play, Rabelais creates a special atmosphere similar to that of the square, in which Rabelais always juxtaposes the sublime with the lowly, the sacred with the profane, giving them an equal position.

In "Gao Kangda", Rabelais describes the birth of Gao Kangda as follows: from there the child jumps up at once, burrows into the large vascula, through the chest diaphragm, all the way to the shoulder, the child walks from the left, and then burrows out of the left ear.

Such a description is almost like the nonsense of a drunken slacker, but Rabelais proves his sobriety in very coherent and eloquent language:

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

Wasn't Bagus born from Jupiter's thigh? Didn't Adonis grow from the bark of the myrrh tree? Didn't Castor and Pollux hatch from Leda's eggs?

Bakhtin believed that these cunning exaggerated and exaggerated words were the highest level of irony and the highest level of grotesque realism.

In "Assassin Wu 67", the affirmation of individual will is also the denial of collective blind obedience. In the fifth episode of "Assassin Wu Liuqi: Xuanwu Kingdom", Wu Liuqi accidentally broke into "Shi Genguo" on the way to Xuanwu Kingdom. People in this country admire fitness, and men have perfect muscle lines.

In order to obtain this perfect body and hard muscles, people's staple foods are only protein powder and chicken breast, and Shi Genguo's fitness star Coach Chen is one of them. Because he heard that Wu Liuqi said that they were weak, Coach Chen then competed with Wu Liuqi. The audience was filled with Coach Chen's fans, who were eagerly looking forward to their fitness idols breaking each other with their proud bodies.

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

The early stage of the competition used extremely witty, exaggerated and unreasonable fantasies to show the hardness of the muscles. The first "Copper Wall and Iron Wall" requires the contestant to pass through eighteen walls of varying thicknesses in the shortest possible time, including wooden, copper and iron walls. The second event, "Crushed Stones in the Chest", requires the contestants to smash boulders, which are comparable to buildings, with their chests. The third "copper and iron bone" requires the contestants to take turns to hit each other in turn, and the first to fall is counted as losing, and props include but are not limited to wooden sticks, chainsaws, etc.

One of the most humorous is that the people of this country will practice a martial art called "King Kong is not a bad boy body", when the skill is activated, the human body will become shining like gold, and it will be invulnerable. When everyone in the audience activated their skills, the entire tournament hall was filled with gold (Figures 4-4, Figures 4-5).

"Assassin Wu Liuqi" uses a lot of popular sayings, reflecting its folk nature and life

But this martial art still has a fatal flaw before it reaches the highest level, namely the navel. When the navel is hit, the human body acts like a deflated balloon (Figures 4-6).

In the story, there is a skinny and humble bodyguard who everyone in Shi Gengguo despises - He Dachun, who has trained the "King Kong Not Bad Boy Body" to the seventh layer, surpassing the people who eat protein powder and chicken breast every day in Shi Gengguo, and is close to breaking through the highest level of Achilles heel.

And the reason why he was able to surpass his own limits was because the humble He Dachun was extremely self-disciplined, assiduous and diligent, and he insisted on exercising day after day, rather than being opportunistic like Shi Gengguo's people. In this story, the will to persist and work hard is the bright line, while the dark line is actually a satirical mass of ignorant conformists, denying blindly obeying the collective will, and losing the subjective thinking of the individual.


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