
Daily bookings are full! Halfway through the holiday, how can Chengbo go out with the "best cost performance"?

author:Beiqing Net

Original title: Daily appointments are full! Halfway through the holiday, how can Chengbo go out with the "best cost performance"?

During the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, "cultural tour" has become one of the hottest keywords of cultural tourism in Chengdu. The whole library is open late, the number of explanations is increased, and there are a variety of cultural and social and educational activities... In order to welcome a new wave of peak visitor flow, Chengdu Museum launched a series of service optimization measures during the Double Festival to make the visitors' experience more comfortable. The holiday has passed halfway, and the first four days of Chengbo are full of appointments every day, and the reporter learned that in order to allow citizens and tourists to deeply check in in Chengbo, the museum has also specially targeted different age groups, according to the different preferences of the audience, customized a number of tour routes.

Delayed opening and diversion of peak shifting to enhance the exhibition experience

"These days, as in previous holidays, tickets are fully booked several days in advance, but everyone can pay attention to the system at any time, and sometimes they can 'pick up leaks' successfully." Chengdu Museum staff told reporters. When coming to the museum, the reporter saw that there was no crowding and long-term queuing of a large number of tourists in the exhibition hall, and the viewing experience was more comfortable. "We don't close on Mondays during the long holiday, and we don't 'close' for eight consecutive days, and we have extended the opening hours from 6 pm to 9 pm every day, so the audience has more choices in terms of visiting time." The staff said.

In addition, in order to better meet the cultural needs of the audience, let people see and feel, Chengdu Museum also specially increased the number of free public welfare explanations during the double festival, from one in the morning and afternoon on weekdays to seven performances per day, and the audience can obtain the specific schedule of daily explanations at the information desk at the back of the museum.

At 10 a.m. on October 2, a copy of "The Secret of Sichuan Nature: The Western Flower Kingdom" was being played in the screening hall on the first floor of Chengbo. "This is a short and splendid flower season in the flower kingdom, green velvet artemisia, purple pansy, primrose, horse artemisia, gentian, iris..." On the big screen, delicate and cute flowers change with the sound; On the seat, a pair of small eyes concentrated, intoxicated by the "world of flowers". "When I returned to the hall after watching the Chinese character exhibition, I found that I was playing a 'movie', and I was just tired of shopping, so we rested while watching here." Jiang Lin, a citizen, said that such activities can allow her daughter to learn about Sichuan's local natural science knowledge while learning about Chinese history and culture, which is very meaningful.

The reporter learned that in addition to watching movies, during the festival, Chengdu Museum also prepared a special session for public welfare education activities, including many interesting cultural activities. With the theme of "Continuing the Civilization Gene and Exploring the Ancient and Modern Cities of Rongcheng", the Chengdu Museum will carry out cultural salons, book launches, piano shows, etc., while a variety of interesting activities such as "Chengbo Society" will study brands, cultural and creative innovations, and new media check-ins. It is worth mentioning that the Chengbo brand activity "Weekend Children's Museum" will launch a special event "Full Moon Mid-Autumn Festival - Love Me China", more than 10 themed activities, which will continue to be carried out every day, so that young audiences can enjoy the museum every day.

Parent-child activities are colorful A fulfilling trip to special forces

"Chengbo has so many interesting activities every day, it is simply dizzying, how can we make good use of the limited time to get more cultural experience at one time?" Boutique exhibitions and various activities "bloom in a hundred flowers", so that many netizens said that Chengbo "can't finish shopping", and many tourists share their check-in strategies on social platforms, just to achieve a most cost-effective trip to Chengbo.

Wang Li, director of the communication and publicity department of the Chengdu Museum, told reporters that in order to allow citizens and tourists to check in in an all-round way, the museum has specially targeted different age groups and "customized" a number of tour routes according to the different preferences of the audience. "For parent-child families who come to the museum to 'walk their babies', we recommend parents and children to arrive at the museum before 10 am to visit the special exhibition 'Chinese Characters China' being held in the special exhibition hall on the first floor, as the highest standard exhibition since the opening of the Chengdu Museum, of course, it should not be missed, and it can be a preview for the next research activities." After watching the exhibition, the second stop can go to the parish of the community on the fifth floor to participate in the "Characters of the Motherland" study course from 10:00 to 12:00, understand the patriotic feelings in the exhibition "Chinese Characters in China", understand the development history of the motherland's characters, experience writing and painting on a fan, and paint the Chinese dream together.

"The afternoon trip can revolve around the kids' favorite critters. First go to the exhibition hall on the second floor, see our Chengbo 'treasure of the town hall' Zhenshui Shixi, and visit the cultural relics from the pre-Qin to the Southern and Northern Dynasties periods in the exhibition hall. Then in the "Man and Nature: Behring Donation Exhibition" on the first floor, enter the curious "animal world" in reality, and bring the relationship between children and nature closer. After the visit, at 16:00, you can also go to the screening hall on the first floor to experience the "Secret of Nature Viewing Activity", from an ecological point of view, let the audience understand Sichuan, a beautiful home where countless rare and unique animals and plants live endlessly. Wait until 18:30 to experience the "big show" of the finale of this tour. "On the first floor of the museum, the 'Fun Walks' activity will take children to learn and explore in the nature exhibition hall, and tell the children about the life and reproduction of these natural animals."

Fun "sweeping the building" A relaxing cultural journey

"This rap figurine makes people happy at a glance!" "No wonder it's a comfortable city!" In the exhibition hall, Haiyou Figurine is always surrounded by large and small audiences who take photos with him and take memes of him. During this double festival, there are also many spectators holding cultural and creative fans to take photos here. It turns out that Chengdu Museum has recently launched a series of wonderful activities such as "conspicuous bags in the museum" new media check-in, and audiences can get limited cultural and creative peripherals by sharing their chance encounters with Chengbo's "conspicuous bag cultural relics" with topics.

Compared with the "special forces-style" all-day tour with children, for audiences who want to come to Chengbo to enjoy a relaxed cultural life, especially those who love "collecting stamps and checking in", the museum also recommends another exclusive route for everyone. "You can come to the museum around half past one, and the flow of people is relatively small during this time, so you can get a better tour experience." Wang Li introduced that in addition to various cultural museums and social education for teenagers and children, Chengbo also launched fun activities suitable for all ages and children during the double festival. "When entering the museum, you can first go to the information desk on the first floor, sign the nickname of Little Red Book, and you can receive a limited limited number of small fans for Tao Hai Youmaid for free. At the same time, don't forget to stamp at the information desk, you can bring your own stamp book, or you can buy an exclusive book in the cultural and creative store, which is more commemorative. ”

The reporter saw that after visiting the blockbuster special exhibition of "Chinese Character China" and major permanent exhibitions, many spectators came to the exhibition hall to carry out the special exhibition collection. "In addition, while 'sweeping the building' to view the exhibition, you can also pay attention to the 'conspicuous bag' in the Chengdu Museum while strolling. Just share the conspicuous packs you meet with topics on Little Red Book, and @LifePotato, you will have a chance to get limited peripherals. "If you are tired of shopping, you can also go up to the M-LOOP coffee area on the fifth floor, and you can get 5 stamps while drinking Internet celebrity Chengbo coffee and eating stone rhino ice cream.

(Sichuan News Network)