
Eating more soy has many benefits

author:Bright Net
Eating more soy has many benefits

Soybeans and their products are traditional health foods in mainland China. Soybeans include soybeans, black beans and green beans, while other common beans such as red beans and mung beans belong to the miscellaneous beans. The nutritional content of soybeans, black beans and green beans is not much different and can replace each other.


The nutritional value of soybeans

The protein content of soybeans is as high as 35%, containing amino acids necessary for the human body, and the composition ratio of essential amino acids is similar to animal protein, which is a high-quality protein and the only "complete protein" in the plant world. The lysine content in soybeans is high, while the lysine in cereals is relatively lacking, so when grains and soybeans are eaten together, the digestion and absorption rate of grain protein will be greatly improved, resulting in the effect of "1+1>2".

Eating more soy has many benefits

The fat content of soybean is 15%~20%, mainly unsaturated fatty acids, of which the essential fatty acid linoleic acid accounts for half, and the digestibility is high. The amino acid ratio of protein in soybeans is similar to that of meat, and if it is used to replace part of red meat, it can reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids while providing high-quality protein, reduce the adverse effects of excessive meat consumption, and be more beneficial to cardiovascular health. Soybeans are also rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, a variety of minerals and other nutrients.

It is particularly worth mentioning that soybeans are rich in a variety of phytochemicals that are beneficial to health, such as soy isoflavones, plant sterols, oligosaccharides, etc. These phytochemicals can improve immunity, lower blood lipids, lower blood pressure, and also have a positive effect on preventing osteoporosis and improving menopausal symptoms in women. Among them, soy isoflavones are known as phytoestrogens. Unlike estrogen in the human body, this phytoestrogen can balance hormones in the body and reduce the risk of breast cancer in perimenopausal women.


How to eat more soybeans

The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022)" recommends that each person consume 105~175 grams of soybeans per week, 15~25 grams per day. According to the results of the 2016-2017 nutrition and health survey of Chinese residents, the average daily intake of soybean and its products for children and adolescents aged 12~17 in mainland China was 11.0 grams per person, 9.7 grams for adults aged 18~59, and 9.9 grams for adults aged 60 and above, all of which did not meet the recommended amount.

Eating more soy has many benefits

Soybeans can be made into a wide variety of soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, dried fragrant, thousand zhang, tofu brain, tofu skin, and so on. If converted according to protein content, 50 grams of soybeans is equivalent to 145 grams of northern tofu, 730 grams of soy milk, 110 grams of dried tofu, 350 grams of lactone tofu, and 80 grams of shredded tofu. Soy products are cooked in a variety of ways, so we can eat them in different ways in our daily lives to achieve the recommended daily amount. This not only tastes delicious, but also satisfies our nutritional needs.


Tips for eating soybeans

Eating more soy has many benefits

Uncooked soy milk contains saponins, trypsin inhibin and other harmful substances, which are easy to cause poisoning after drinking, so soy milk should be completely cooked before drinking. Although soybeans are very nutritious, because they contain more protein, insoluble dietary fiber and oligosaccharides, eating too much may cause flatulence and indigestion.

Beans are high-purine foods that should be consumed in moderation for gout sufferers.

From: National Health 12320

Source: Jilin 12320