
An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

author:Lao Li Health said

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Speaking of China's plant species are really diverse, among them, different trees may also have different characteristics, but also have different values and functions.

In terms of the more common tree structure, this can not only clear the liver and tonify the kidney, but also reduce swelling, and can treat a variety of tumors, which can be regarded as an excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine. So, how much do you really know about tree construction?

In the countryside on the side of the field road, there is often such a tree, its leaf shape is similar to the maple leaf, in the middle of summer, often grow lychee-sized fruit, among them, the fruit will be completely red when ripe, really bright, people can't help but want to taste.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

In other areas, the tree may have titles such as grain tree and false bayberry, but unlike other trees, the tree can be medicinal in the whole plant, which means that the part above the soil can be medicinal, and the roots below the soil can still be medicinal, which is really not wasted at all.

As a deciduous tree of Sanko, the tree can grow to more than 20 meters at the tallest, its leaves are as big as a palm, and there are thick fine hairs on the back, many children may use its leaves to wipe their butts in childhood, of course, there are also some cattle and sheep farmers who will use the leaves to feed pigs and cattle, just to save a little feed money.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

In fact, this tree is native to the mainland, because of its tenacity, it does not need careful care, and it can often appear on the side of the road.

In ancient books such as the Book of Poetry, tree construction has appeared, and even some literati praised him for his hard work and not afraid of wind and frost, and called it an inspirational tree, but some people think that tree construction is a major invasive species, and even the United States once listed it in the total list of invasive species, because it may occupy a lot of high-quality land, whether it is suffocated with engine oil or killed by concentrated salt water, it seems that tree construction can always be blown and born in the spring breeze.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

It is worth mentioning that in ancient times, once there was a famine, the leaves and fruits of the tree could be used to fill the hunger, and it could also be used to make paper, and even extract the active ingredients in some traditional Chinese medicine, and many people use it to green it today.

For example, in the Inner Mongolia area, where some salinized land and desert land are more, local government personnel use it to improve the environment and even protect the wind and stabilize the soil.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

In terms of medicinal use, the branches, roots, emulsions, fruits and seeds of the tree can be used for medicine, sweet and non-toxic. The special thing is that the medicinal properties of each part of it are different, for example, the leaves are cool, while the bark is flat.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

In the case of framing leaves, it has the effect of clearing heat and moisture, if it is juiced and drunk, it can also expand blood vessels, and the bark can well lower blood pressure and reduce hematoma, and even treat various dermatitis.

In addition, the tree tree has the effect of urinary eyesight and strengthening the muscles and bones, while the tree root has the effect of improving indigestion and clearing heat and yellowing.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

According to modern pharmacological research, the tree tree flower contains as many as 17 kinds of amino acids, which can be directly used in medicine, and the tree tree leaf also contains a large number of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.

At the same time, tree seeds and bark can be extracted to treat hepatitis and anti-tumor drugs, as for structural resin, not only essential oils, but also into ointments to treat trauma or inflammation. It can be seen that the tree is really full of treasures.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

Hearing this, many people may think that the tree is a fortune tree, in fact, in terms of food, the buds of the tree can also be made into delicious dishes, in addition, the tree tree can also extract nectar to make a unique tree honey, therefore, for many farmers friends, the tree full of treasure can also become a potential source of income for them.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

In many areas, farmers can harvest the first pot of gold because of the trees they plant. According to incomplete statistics, the planting area of continental hybrid trees has increased from 14,700 mu in 2014 to more than 1 million mu today, and behind the continuous expansion of the scale is that countless farmers have obtained the greatest economic value from the trees.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

For example, the wood of the tree can make paper, of course, the growth rate of the tree is relatively fast, which can continuously provide raw materials for the paper industry.

In terms of ecology, tree construction can also release a lot of oxygen, absorb car exhaust and carbon dioxide, reduce the degree of air pollution, and reduce noise pollution, thereby protecting the stability of the ecosystem.

An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors

However, some people often stay at the level of harming trees because of cognitive limitations, but this requires everyone to look at the tree correctly, not only see its drawbacks, but also make full use of it, re-examine the medicinal, economic and ecological value of the tree, improve the utilization and awareness of him, in order to fully play its multi-functional role.

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An excellent anti-cancer Chinese medicine - building trees, clearing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, reducing swelling in the eyes, and can treat tumors