
The disappearing Miao village

author:Insight into Xiangxi

Author: Long Jiangtao

In the world, there are always some things that will be lost in the long river of history and will no longer be remembered.

A person, a thing, a village, a town, a city, or even a story, a relationship, a wind and a thing, can not violate the natural law of metabolism and trade-off.

When my friend told me that he was going to take me to visit a Miao village that had been abandoned for many years, I agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

This small village became an isolated island due to the construction of the Huangshi Cave Reservoir in Jishou. My friend and I planned to go in along the old road, and when we got under the reservoir, the eldest brother surnamed Liao of the management office kindly reminded us that the old road was no longer passable and that we had to take a boat, and helped us rent a small boat.

I know water, but I can't row. Friends can paddle, but they are raw hands. I sat at the bow of the boat, my hands clinging to the sides, nervous about my friend's rowing technique. People will be fine, but in the camera bag, but all my belongings.

A few meters away, Brother Liao just came up, standing on the dam and looking at the two of us, it is estimated that he is not worried about us. I shouted, we have poor rowing skills, or bother you to accompany us.

Brother Liao is happy.

The disappearing Miao village

The boat traveled through the green water and mountains, and it was early autumn, and a few days of light rain brought a chill to the wind.

Brother Liao is a local and works in the management office. I am quite familiar with the boat, and I introduced to us while rowing, the Miao village above, originally belonging to Longclaw Village (sound) in Shetangpo Township, called Liangchahe, is located at the confluence of two small rivers, and now Shetangpo has been abolished and merged into Qianzhou Subdistrict.

The reservoir was built, and the village was not a flooded area, did not enjoy the immigration policy, because the reservoir was blocked and it was extremely inconvenient, the villagers gradually moved out, and now it has been uninhabited for many years and has become a forgotten place.

The disappearing Miao village

After sending us to the end of the reservoir, Brother Liao said, I am waiting for the boat here, you pay attention to safety.

My friend and I walked up the stream, but we saw that the cliffs on both sides were hundreds of feet high, and the mountains were steaming and misty. The valley is narrow, a small stone road, built next to the stream, because no one has walked for many years, overgrown with emerald weeds.

The disappearing Miao village

Walking a few hundred meters, you will see a few roof tiles exposed in the green forest at the foot of the mountain.

When the two valleys meet, each with a small river flowing in, the autumn wind whistling, and the chill is even stronger. In addition to the sound of the wind, the sound of water in the river, and even the chirping of birds, there is a village, and such silence makes the village gloomy.

The disappearing Miao village

At the entrance of the village, an ancient stone bridge is covered with moss, and it can still be vaguely seen that after a hundred years of walking, the stone slab has been stepped on smoothly as if it has been polished. Rain, moss, light stone slabs, bear witness to the years.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

The first is a brick structure, and the courtyard wall is tightly locked and cannot enter. Behind it, there was a wooden house, which had tilted so badly that it was about to fall, and the slab wall between the pillars had long since disappeared.

Such wooden houses are common in western Xiang. Such a large angle tilt without falling, rare.

Is the house strong, nostalgia for the owner, or adherence to a culture?

You know, to build such a house, you need a special carpenter. At that time, carpenter was a respected profession, and there would be one or two in each village, and there would be a teacher. Nowadays, social development, the development of architecture, masters who can build wooden houses, are also scarce resources.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

Turning the intersection, this should be an alley into the village, and the grass is half a person high.

On both sides of the stone slabs in the alley, in the weeds, rats and various insects dug out old and new caves and mud, adding a lot of horror.

Two altars, one large and one small, were placed in the grass, and rainwater accumulated in the altar, and the color was cloudy, but fortunately there were no foreign objects.

Behind the altar, there is a stone wall made of stone. Such stone walls, thick, are used. Various places that build rural tourism are building such houses, and I have also been to some, and I always feel that there are no original people who have built them to live in, which makes people feel kind.

The disappearing Miao village

Build, always just build. The purpose and meaning of creating one's own residence and creating a place for people to see are different.

I'm not against all kinds of construction, but as individuals, my friends and I like these buildings for our own use.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

This house was built of adobe.

There are still some such adobe houses in the counties, stealing that the phoenix preserves many points.

This kind of adobe, I fought with adults when I was young. It is necessary to choose sticky yellow mud, dig deep, crush, mix a small amount of water, put it in a mold, and then use a wooden clay to pound and shape, and then let it dry naturally, that is, it becomes building materials.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

Using bamboo as a wall, or weaving a floor slab or bearing dust, are all local materials for our Miao family, green and environmentally friendly architectural ideas.

In the wind and rain, how many lives and deaths, in and out, now the owner will not come back to live, and the door wall has become a wisp.

At this time, a mouse burst out of the corner of the wall, and its flexible eyes glanced at us, and then flashed in shock.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

Entering a brick house, the old-fashioned three-pot stove was thick with dust in the dim light coming through the window.

In rural areas, the three-pot stove is generally used for cooking, one for stir-frying, and one for cattle.

Such a large pot of wood-fired rice, fragrant, pot bamboo, and crispy, everyone loves. The pressure cookers and rice burgers in the city are advanced, but they don't have this taste.

The disappearing Miao village
The disappearing Miao village

Behind the stove is a common wooden warehouse in the countryside in those years, used to store grain.

The warehouse has a gap from the ground, moisture-proof, and also prevents rat bites. Another cat at home, or a nosy dog, is safe.

Whether you are rich or not, you have to see whether the granary is big or not. This is the standard for the agricultural years. Legend has it that when the matchmaker entered the house, he had to quietly sit a few times in the barn wall, judging the amount of grain in the warehouse from the reality of the voice.

The economy has developed and the society has developed, I heard people say two days ago that girls go on blind dates, is it directly asking if they have a car, a house, or a deposit? No one knocks on the granary anymore, and there is no granary to knock on.

The market economy is good, and you can buy everything with money.

We are talking about money, not money.

It's vulgar to talk about money!

The disappearing Miao village

In a wooden house with few tiles, the grass grew on the capitals and was a foot high.

Things are people and non-people, and this can be proven.

The disappearing Miao village

An ornament that should have been hung on the wall of the hall was thrown on the water tank.

Such an ornament is not expensive, but at least it shows that the owner is somewhat elegant.

The water tank is intact and can still store water, but it has broken tiles and rain ash.

The disappearing Miao village

On the way out of the village, a harvested cornfield screamed in the autumn wind and rain, and my friends and I walked and turned back.

Because we ourselves are not sure that we will risk all the hardships again.

Even if we come back many years later, will this Miao village, these earthen houses, these wooden houses, still be what they are today?

At the head of the reservoir, Brother Liao looked up nervously, and when he saw us, he had a relieved and reassuring smile on his face.

We got on the boat, the boat moved slowly, and the abandoned village gradually disappeared into the sea of clouds.

I flipped open the camera and watched these films I had taken, but this was just to record a past, a thought, an emotion.

Although such a past, such a thought, such an emotion, will not be paid attention to, nor will it become eternal.

The disappearing Miao village


Feng Xiaocai, a writer, writer, and artist and former member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, wrote a proposal saying that according to statistics, ethnic villages are disappearing at a rate of 60 a day. Therefore, a proposal for protection was put forward, which promoted the introduction of national cultural protection policies.

Ordinary people in ethnic areas should also live in high-rise buildings, and no one should live in houses with poor conditions and places where life is inconvenient in order to protect culture.

To build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and promote targeted poverty alleviation, it is necessary to let all Chinese eat well, dress well, and live well.

Such relocation, whether conscious or supportive, is being promoted in western Hunan, and it is a beautiful event worthy of praise and record.

Bless Xiangxi, bless the motherland!

(End of full text)

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Editor/Li Aijia, Zhou Dengyou, Huang Shasha

Review/Shang Xin Wang Xiangyuan

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