
Users complain that Apple 15 series overheating is serious! Apple responded

author:Versatile Wisdom Stars

Recently, a large number of users have complained on Apple forums and social media that the new iPhone 15 series has serious overheating problems. In the face of user dissatisfaction and concern, Apple issued a statement saying that it will release a software update to solve this problem. According to Apple, the overheating issue is due to a bug in iOS 17, a bug in the app, and a combination of temporary setup periods.

Users complain that Apple 15 series overheating is serious! Apple responded

**Apple responds: Software update resolves overheating issue**

Apple pointed out that they are working on an update to the iOS 17 system to prevent the device from overheating, and that they are dealing with applications that run in a way that "overloads the system". Although the exact timing of the update release has not yet been determined, Apple said that users can continue to use the device normally while waiting for the update.

**Overheating Problem Cause: App Error with iOS System Error**

Apple stressed that the overheating problem has nothing to do with the titanium chassis design, but is caused by bugs in specific apps and bugs in iOS that can be fixed through software updates. This means that users do not need to make hardware changes or repairs to the device, but simply wait and install the latest software update to fix the problem.

Users complain that Apple 15 series overheating is serious! Apple responded

**User complaints raise concerns: Apple responds positively**

Apple users' complaints about overheating in the new iPhone have recently attracted widespread attention. Apple attaches great importance to this and said that it will release software updates as soon as possible to solve this problem and ensure the safety and comfort of users when using the device.

**Users can continue to use the device and wait for updates**

Although the exact time of the software update release has not yet been determined, Apple encourages users to continue using the device normally while waiting for the update. Users can use the iPhone 15 series with peace of mind and stay tuned for Apple's latest announcements and notifications to get information about software updates.

Users complain that Apple 15 series overheating is serious! Apple responded

Apple has responded positively to user feedback about the overheating issue and has promised to fix it with a software update. Users can look forward to Apple's timely solutions and look forward to enjoying the convenience and fun brought by the working iPhone 15 series of mobile phones.

The above is a report on the problem of overheating of the Apple 15 series. Apple said it would release a software update to address the issue, stressing that the overheating was due to a bug in iOS 17, a bug in the app, and a combination of temporary setup periods. Users can continue to use the device and wait for updates to be released. Apple actively responds to user complaints to ensure the safety and comfort of users. Please stay tuned for Apple's latest announcements and notices for information on relevant software updates.

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