
Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

In October, the new NBA season officially kicked off, and teams held media days one after another, followed by training camp + preseason, and in mid-to-late October, the regular season officially began. Lillard was traded by the Blazers to the Bucks in the past 1 week, and when Lillard brought his family to Milwaukee, it was welcomed by thousands of fans, and for Lillard, missing out on the Heat joining the Bucks may be a blessing in disguise. The deal that followed was that the Blazers were going to sell Holladay because they didn't need such veterans at all. There is a very interesting news: when the Blazers released the wind to trade Holladay, the Heat expressed "strong" interest, and even the media helped the Heat to give a trade plan: Lowry + Jovic + Highsmith + 2 first-rounder. Could Holladay go to the Heat?

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

In the words of Heat reporter Barry Jackson, although the Heat are interested in Holladay, they have blocked Blazers general manager Cronin, or because the Blazers did not send Lillard to the Heat. In fact, after Lillard officially announced his joining the Bucks, many media revealed that the Heat wanted to target Harden who was in Cao Ying's heart in Han, but several reporters from the Heat directly denied it: The Heat can't look at Harden and won't pursue Harden! As last season's runner-up team, how many layers of power do the Heat have left in the new season? To put it bluntly, the Heat have gained nothing in the past three months, and they have lost a few titans! So when Lillard joined the Bucks, Butler turned his face and bombarded: The league should investigate whether there was a problem with the Bucks and Blazers deal.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

According to the Bleachers, the Heat have missed four stars in a row in the past 15 months. Last summer, the Jazz put Mitchell on the shelf, and the Heat were the most competitive next home. But when Riley was still hesitating, the knight had already gathered 8 chips, making Angie nod and release the person; Before the trade deadline last season, Durant left the team, the Suns are Durant's favorite home, but the Heat are also listed, but the Heat has never made an official offer for the Nets, and Durant eventually joined the Suns; Before the free market opens this summer, Beal is ready to leave the Wizards, he has a trade veto, and Beal has stated that only the Suns will not let him use the trade veto. Including Lillard today, the Blazers will not send Lillard to the Heat, and the Heat have nothing to do. The Heat don't feel for Harden, but to be honest, on the Lillard trade, it was Lillard who they actively refused.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

According to Hayes, the Heat had hoped to pull a third-party team and let the Blazers get 3 first-round picks + Hilo, but Portland management did not give the Heat this opportunity, and Lillard's team believes that this has become a personal feud. It's unlikely that if you think about it in your head, the Blazers will send Lillard to the Bucks if they have a chance to get three first-rounders? The Heat's real offer to Lillard is just packing a few fringe players plus Hiro, up to two first-rounders. To paraphrase a reporter from the Heat, Heat management decided that even without Lillard, the team could rush out of the East, just as the Clippers refused to come up with chips for Harden to satisfy the 76ers! The key is that after the free market opened this summer, the Heat sent Oladipo to the Thunder, Strus joined the Cavaliers for 63 million in 4 years, Vincent joined the Lakers for 33 million in 3 years, and the departure of Utsevern and Zeller.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

The Heat only got Thomas Bryant, signed Richardson with base salary, drafted Jaime Harx Jr. in the first round, and that's it. For example, the Heat are like a hesitant old woman, they made up their minds early on to take Lillard, share the pressure on Butler, and form the Big Three of Butler + Lillard + Adebayo. However, in the process, they never got Lillard's courage, but they vacated Lillard's position after his arrival, but no one could stand it! The Heat stumbled all the way from the Eastern Conference playoffs last season, but entered the playoffs, eliminated the Bucks in the first round, knocked the Knicks down in the second round, and led the Celtics 3-0 in the Eastern Conference finals, and finally made the thrilling advance, but by the Finals, they were not the Nuggets' opponents at all. The Heat have the strength to win against all Eastern Conference opponents, but in front of Western Conference teams, they are paper tigers.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

The Heat entered the East Conference Final 3 times in 4 years and entered the Finals 2, which is definitely not only the credit of Butler alone, Adebayo's internal fulcrum and strategy, and Hiro's stable output, including Vincent, Martin, Strus, who are undrafted and slowly support the Heat, are indispensable. But as the helmsman, Patlairy's woman's heart is also destroying this team. Butler turns 34, and while he can be trusted in the playoffs, can the regular season keep dragging the team forward? Last season's starting two guards left, nothing to add, Hiro was also hit by frequent trade shelves, and veteran Lowry has become a hot potato, and there is no way to find a successor. All indications are that the Heat may really be fighting for the playoffs next season, and their opponents are not the Bucks and Celtics, but the Raptors, Pacers, and Wizards.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

In fact, the Heat missed Lillard, it's really not a bad thing, from the perspective of management, they still have room to make up for the loss, Harden can guarantee the team's lower limit, and can mobilize role players, you can really try. The key is that Harden is an expired contract, and the Heat don't have to worry about Harden's attitude at all; Or talk openly to Blazers management about the Holladay trade, a balanced offensive and defensive star player who is suitable for any championship-level team. The Heat team, they don't lack attitude, but they lack scoring points and people who can coordinate the big picture, Butler is not omnipotent! Of course, Butler may be uncomfortable, 4 years, can't wait for a partner, the championship is close, but also far away.

Ignore Harden, refuse Lillard, bamboo basket empty! The league champions become paper tigers

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