
Central Meteorological Observatory: Continued rain in West China Typhoon "Little Dog" will move northwestward

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

It continued to be rainy in western China

Typhoon "Puppies" will move northwestward


During the day today, moderate or heavy rain occurred in parts of Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan and other places, and local heavy rain. It is expected that in the next three days, there will be a risk of heavy rain disasters in northern Chongqing, south-central Shaanxi, southwestern Henan, western Hubei and other places, and it is recommended to strengthen the defense against secondary disasters; In some parts of West China, the autumn harvest period is rainy, it is recommended that Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei and other places drain and scatter water in time, do a good job in the scheduling of agricultural machinery and equipment, and avoid rain to harvest mature crops.

First, the weather situation

1. Moderate or heavy rain in parts of Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan and other places

During the day today, moderate or heavy rain occurred in parts of southern Shaanxi, northeastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern and southeastern Hunan, and heavy rain (50~78 mm) in Chenzhou, Hunan and Wuxi, Chongqing; Scattered moderate or heavy rain occurred in Fujian, Guangdong, eastern Guangxi and southern Yunnan.

2. Key weather forecasts

1. Continuous rain in West China

From the night of October 1st to 2nd, there was precipitation in western China, moderate to heavy rain in eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, southern Shaanxi, most of Hubei, central and southern Henan, and local heavy rain to heavy rain.

From the 4th, there will be a new round of rainfall in eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Guizhou, southern Shaanxi, western Hubei, western Henan and other places, moderate to heavy snow or sleet in central and eastern Qinghai, central and southern Gansu, and local heavy snow.

2. Typhoon "Puppy" will move to the northwest

This year's No. 14 typhoon "Little Dog" has strengthened into a strong tropical storm this morning (October 1), and at 5 o'clock in the afternoon its center is located in the northwest Pacific Ocean about 920 kilometers north-east of Manila, Philippines, that is, 18.3 degrees north latitude, 128.7 degrees east longitude, the maximum wind near the center is 10 (28 m/s), the lowest pressure in the center is 982 hPa, the radius of the seven-level wind circle is 220-550 kilometers, and the radius of the ten-level wind circle is 90 kilometers.

It is expected that the "little dog" will move northwest at a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, and on the 4th it will turn to move westward, gradually increasing in intensity, the strongest can reach the strong typhoon level (14-15 magnitude, 45-50 m/s), and on the 5th, it will move into the northeastern sea of the South China Sea, and the intensity will gradually weaken.

3. Specific forecasts for the next three days

From 20:00 on October 1 to 20:00 on October 2, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Shaanxi, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, southern Henan, southwestern Yunnan, central and southern Guangdong, among which, there were heavy rains or heavy rains (100~120 mm) in parts of southwestern Henan, northern Hubei and northern Chongqing. There will be northeast winds of magnitude 7~8 and gusts of magnitude 9 in the Taiwan Strait (see Figure 1).

Central Meteorological Observatory: Continued rain in West China Typhoon "Little Dog" will move northwestward

Fig. 1 National precipitation forecast map (20:00 on October 1 to 20:00 on October 2)

From 20:00 on October 2 to 20:00 on October 3, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of southern Heilongjiang, northern Jilin, Chongqing, central and southern Hubei, southeastern Henan, western Anhui, western Yunnan and other places, among which, there were heavy rains (50~60 mm) in southwestern Hubei and other places (see Figure 2). Some areas in central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Hebei, eastern Zhejiang and other places have 4~6 level winds; The Taiwan Strait has northerly winds of 6~7 and gusts of 8~9 (see Figure 2).

Central Meteorological Observatory: Continued rain in West China Typhoon "Little Dog" will move northwestward

Fig. 2 National precipitation forecast map (20:00 on October 2-20:00 on October 3)

From 20:00 on October 3rd to 20:00 on October 4, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of central and eastern Heilongjiang, southern and eastern Qinghai, southern Gansu, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, western Hubei, eastern Sichuan, north-central Chongqing and eastern Taiwan Island, among which there were heavy rains (50~90 mm) in parts of eastern Taiwan Island. There are 4~6 level winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, northern Hebei, most of northeast China, Shandong Peninsula, central and eastern Zhejiang, etc.; The Taiwan Strait has northerly winds of 7~9 and gusts of 10, and northerly winds of 6~7 and gusts of 8 in the southern and northeastern South China Seas (see Figure 3).

Central Meteorological Observatory: Continued rain in West China Typhoon "Little Dog" will move northwestward

Fig. 3 National precipitation forecast map (20:00 on October 3 to 20:00 on October 4)

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