
"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

author:Beiqing Net

CCTV News: October 1, 2023 is the 74th anniversary of the founding of New China, and all localities have jointly wished the great motherland prosperity in many ways. This long holiday, the Mid-Autumn Festival is "connected" with the National Day, and the rare "double festival" is celebrated together, allowing people to more deeply appreciate the close connection between "home" and "country".

Beijing: Tiananmen Square is crowded with tourists

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"
"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

Tourists from all over the world come to Tiananmen Square to take photos, especially the festive giant flower basket in the center of the square, which has become the most popular photo spot. In 2023, the flower basket of the square will be loaded with grain elements symbolizing a good harvest for the first time, reflecting the splendid flowers and abundant grains, expressing the people of all ethnic groups in the country to create a better future in the great journey of building the Chinese dream together.

Shanghai: Boat trip to Pujiang Enjoy the good scenery on both sides of the strait

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

In Shanghai, the Pujiang Cruise Ship, which connects the two banks of the Huangpu River, welcomes many tourists to "check in" sightseeing, and the Puxi Bund complex is also newly decorated.

Dunhuang, Gansu: 10,000 people sing the singing sand mountain

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

On the evening of September 30, in the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area in Dunhuang, Gansu, tens of thousands of tourists sang red songs such as "Sing the Motherland" to express their patriotic feelings.

Harbin, Heilongjiang: National flag dressed up "Laojiang Bridge"

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

During the holiday, the Songhua River Binzhou Railway Bridge, which has a history of more than 100 years, has become a "wish bridge" for many citizens and tourists to express their patriotic feelings under the decoration of 800 five-star red flags.

The national flag flutters the fragrance of flowers, blessings are full of celebrations of "double festival"

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

In Pingyao, Shanxi, Yangshuo, Guangxi, Taizhou, Jiangsu and other places, national flags are warm and eye-catching, and streets are full of flowers.

"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"
"Home" and "Country" are closely linked, full of blessings, and celebrating "Double Festival"

Experts pointed out that this long holiday, the Mid-Autumn Festival is "connected" with the National Day, and the rare "double festival" is celebrated together, allowing people to more deeply appreciate the close connection between "home" and "country". (CCTV)