
Wisdom brain, digital tools iteration Haier Zhijia three-winged bird scene brand squat jump

author:China Business News

Our reporter Yang Rangchen and Shi Yingjing reported from Shanghai

"We firmly believe that every user has their own lifestyle." Zuo Mozhi, vice president of Haier Zhijia and general manager of Three-winged Bird, said at the third anniversary results conference of "Wisdom Home Sees the Future" that different families will have different apartment types, different styles, and different habits, so Three-winged Bird must also have different solutions, "This is the meaning of its continuous iteration and continuous new development." ”

It is understood that on the occasion of the third anniversary, Haier Smart Home's scene brand Sanying Bird has launched 6 scene solutions including 1 set of whole-house appliance solutions, 4 sets of smart kitchen solutions and 1 set of whole-house water solutions. At the same time, the three-winged bird has also upgraded its stores and customized smart home capabilities with the help of Zhijia Brain 2.0 and digital tools.

Xu Meng, vice president and general manager of Haier Zhijia China, told media reporters including China Business News that Sanying Bird will continue to customize a better life for users and become the second growth curve of Haier Zhijia, "flying into thousands of households with inexhaustible innovation." ”

(The three-winged bird is now used by more than 340,000 households.) Interviewee/Figure)

6 new scenario solutions

At the results conference, Sanying Bird released 6 major scenario solutions, including whole house appliances, smart kitchens, whole house water, etc., and can achieve one-stop customized landing of "one household, one solution".

The reporter noticed that the whole house home appliance solution can grasp the temperature, humidity, water quality, water quantity, voltage, power and consumables in the home at any time through the smart home brain screen. "For different scenarios, the whole house appliance solution can carry out planning water use, such as five-stage filtration of table water, soft washing scheme customized for laundry water, and double scale removal for bath water." Haier Zhijia said.

Smart kitchen solutions can be finely divided into application scenarios. Among them, Miaoji kitchen scene can solve the problems of cramped space and cluttered placement in traditional Chinese kitchens through new space combinations such as large-capacity refrigerators, Chinese and Western dual kitchen designs, and all-round washing areas; Lightyear Kitchen and Zhijing Kitchen can meet the personalized needs of various groups of people through rich product choices and ultimate connected experience, such as refrigerators customizing recipes based on user health data, refrigerator linkage oven one-click baking, etc., to achieve the customization of smart kitchen life.

The biggest highlight of the whole house water solution is energy saving. "The solution can intelligently match electric energy, gas, air energy and solar energy to form five combinations according to the climate environment and energy conditions of the user's household." Haier Smart Home said that if users have whole house cooling and heating, water purification and soft water needs, and the required electricity consumption is large, it will recommend the use of air energy + gas energy solutions to ensure comfort, stability and energy saving to the greatest extent.

The upgrade of the above scenario application benefits from the technical support of Haier Smart Home Brain. "HomeGPT, the industry's first smart home vertical model, has completed the capability transition from 1.0 to 2.0." Haier Smart Home said that as the core technology engine of smart home, Haier Smart Home Brain 2.0 subverts the traditional "one question and one answer" interaction mode, realizes natural interaction in all scenarios, and can also provide active services for the whole house, such as air conditioning to identify people's location and actively avoid air supply, and lights to achieve all-weather automatic dimming according to region and season.

At present, Haier Smart Home Brain has been connected to 140+ categories, 400+ ecological categories, 130 million + network devices, 2.4 billion monthly scene interactions, and has built the largest "billion-level" knowledge base in the smart home field, which can face users' various needs such as clothing, food, housing, and entertainment.

Open a new track of scene branding

Under the continuous iteration of Zhijia's brain and digital tools, Haier Zhijia is also opening up new tracks with the help of three-winged birds.

According to the data, the three-winged bird has been recognized and chosen by 340,000 families across the country, and there are more than 2,900 stores in the country. In 2023 alone, Sanying Bird will provide users with 18,725 sets of whole-house smart scene solutions. In addition to HomeGPT, Winged Bird has achieved an overall upgrade of digitalization, nesting design tool 2.0 and wing delivery 1.0 in the above stores.

Specifically, through the upgrade of digital stores, Sanying Bird can allow users to experience and customize smart scenes "without leaving home", and can also interact in real time 24 hours a day. In terms of design tools, with the integration of AIGC into nesting design tools 2.0, the ability of three-winged birds to customize smart homes has also been further improved.

"Whether it is the whole house decoration or partial renovation, users can immediately see the implementation simulation through the 3D-VR model room." Haier Zhijia said that at present, nesting design tools can provide designers with more than 20 million + real apartment types, covering 90% of residential units in the country. In addition, the upgrade of Winged Bird Wing Delivery 1.0 can achieve housekeeper-style full-process delivery, smart home overall delivery, and high-standard zero-variance delivery, restoring design drawings to life one by one, and ensuring that users "see is what they get".

The reporter noticed that in addition to upgrading the scene brand of the three-winged bird in an all-round way, Haier Zhijia is also using the three-winged bird to break the boundaries of industry and industry, and open up new increments by opening up new tracks.

According to Haier Zhijia, the three-winged bird has broken the original industrial boundaries, and the original refrigerator, air conditioner, and washing machine in the industry are each in one faction, and users need to pay attention to the layout logic of choosing their own collocation, and provide users with a complete customized scene scheme in the kitchen, bedroom, living room and even the whole house. At present, Sanying Bird has more than 20,000 components, 400+ scene solutions, and more than 200 services, which can be freely selected and combined by users.

At the same time, Haier Smart Home is also building a new ecology of the industry with the help of three-winged birds. "Considering the pain points brought to users by the separation of home decoration, home furnishing, home appliances and other fields in the past, Sanying Bird has opened up the whole chain of ecological resources through the full-process digital capability to achieve 'one-stop customization' services covering home appliances, home decoration, home and even home life."

The data shows that Sanying Bird has connected 20,000+ designers, 30,000+ home appliance customers, 1000+ home improvement companies, 1000+ home ecology, and 14,000+ complete sets of service housekeepers. Haier Zhijia said that as another strategic step of Haier Zhijia in the new era, Sanying Bird not only opened a new track from selling products to selling scenes as the world's first scene brand, but also achieved the same frequency resonance with user needs through continuous iteration of solutions and continuous upgrading of capabilities, so that customized smart and beautiful life continues to land and accelerate popularization." ”

According to the analysis of relevant research reports of Guojin Securities, the provision of one-stop whole-house intelligent solutions and supporting one-stop after-sales service capabilities are the core driving forces of current whole-home intelligence. "At present, the industry has not yet entered the state of real active service and thousands of faces, hardware power is still the first priority, and the model of hardware power + strong platform capability cooperation is the most competitive model in the short and medium term. In the medium and long term, companies that master the entrance to household central control traffic will gain more share. ”

(Editor: Qu Yingjing Proofreader: Yan Yuxia)