
Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

author:Fa Fa talks about life

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang take the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

As the leader of the Chinese diving team, Guo Jingjing has repeatedly achieved great results on the sports field and won glory for the country. However, behind great athletes, there are often ordinary and great parents. Guo Jingjing is a typical representative. Guo's mother not only took on the heavy responsibility of teaching her daughter, but also stayed in Hong Kong for a long time after her daughter married away, just to help her daughter's family take care of the child. To be a companion in a foreign land, Guo's mother has made great sacrifices and selfless dedication.

First, the heart of tenacity: Guo Jingjing's tutoring gene of a steady mentality

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

As a diver, Guo Jingjing is most proud of her excellent psychological quality. In the face of major events, she can maintain a stable and calm response, calmly and play her best. This kind of tenacious and stable psychological quality is not born, but the result of acquired cultivation.

Guo Jingjing's success depends on her parents' tutoring from an early age. Guo's father Guo's mother is a person with a stable and introverted mentality, never humble or promiscuous. Guo Jingjing has been influenced by this atmosphere since she was a child, and has developed the resilience to continue to move forward in the face of difficult trials. At all stages of her life, her parents have always given her spiritual support, helping her build self-confidence and not be discouraged in the face of failure.

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

Because of such a family, Guo Jingjing was famous for her excellent psychological quality when she was on the national team. No matter how strong the opponent she faces, she is calm and confident before the game. After winning multiple major tournaments, all Ny's are inevitably a little complacent. But under the reminder of her parents, Guo Jingjing maintained a humble and low-key style and constantly broke through herself. A steady mindset and a can-do spirit are important cornerstones of her success in the diving industry.

Second, chasing dreams: Guo's mother left her hometown and followed her in Hong Kong

With a sound mentality, Guo Jingjing has achieved remarkable results in diving events. However, the road to growth is far from easy. She also faced a major life decision. In the 90s of the 20th century, Guo Jingjing met Hong Kong male diver Fok Qigang while competing in China. The two fell in love, and Guo Jingjing resolutely decided to marry Hong Kong.

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

When the newlywed Yan'er is married, there are even greater tests awaiting. In the 00s of the 20th century, their child Huo Zhongxi was born. How to take care of family in addition to training and competition has become a difficult problem for Guo Jingjing. At this time, Guo's mother volunteered and took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Hong Kong to help her daughter take care of her grandson.

Moving from her hometown in Hebei to Hong Kong was a huge change for Guo's mother. Not only did she leave her familiar surroundings and old friends and cherished people, but she also lost her lifestyle and social circle. After arriving in Hong Kong, Guo's mother devoted all her time to her grandson, busy taking care of living and educating and disciplined. With friends all over her hometown, she is quite lonely in Hong Kong.

In order to help her daughter, Guo's mother did not hesitate to leave her hometown and go to another country. Even if she is not used to the new environment and has no confidantes and friends, she still silently takes on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her grandson. Grandchildren are all to her, she just wants her daughter to have no worries and chase her sports dreams. This generous and selfless dedication is awe-inspiring.

3. Dedicated to parenting: Mother Guo's quiet contribution in Hong Kong

The arrival of Guo's mother really relieved the urgent needs of her daughter's family. With the careful care of their mother, Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing can devote themselves to their respective training and competitions with peace of mind. They can rest assured that they will no longer worry about their children's living and education.

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

Mother Guo completely took on the responsibility of childcare instead of her daughter. She patiently took care of Huo Zhongxi's living and eating, meticulously took care of his emotions, and read him stories and sang children's songs, carefully enlightening his curiosity about the world. The strict but loving discipline method also gradually cultivated Huo Zhongxi's independent personality.

At the same time, Guo's mother did not use her son-in-law's fame and connections to make friends with Hong Kong celebrities or rub circles. She quietly spent her husband and son at home, and put all her thoughts on her grandson. Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang are very grateful for their mother's silent dedication.

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

The arrival of Guo's mother not only helped her daughter's family through the difficulties of parenting, but also allowed Zhu Lingling and his wife to enjoy retirement leisurely. Thanks to Guo's mother being with her in Hong Kong for many years, Zhu Lingling did not face the pressure of taking care of her grandson, and was able to enjoy sightseeing and living a world of two with her husband.

How should we give back to our parents?

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

Through the story of Guo's mother, we can see that behind the success of a great athlete, there is often hidden the selfless dedication and dedication of parents. Guo's mother not only taught her daughter to become an elite athlete, but also took care of her grandson away from home. It is with her mother's support that Guo Jingjing can climb the peak on the field without worries.

And Mother Guo's sacrifice and dedication also made each of us think deeply as children. How should we repay our parents for their nurturing grace? When our parents need our help, what should we do in return?

Guo Jingjing's mother sacrificed a lot for her daughter and went to Hong Kong to help Huo Qigang bring the baby, and there was no one to play with without friends

First of all, we must cherish the tutoring and companionship given to us by our parents. These meticulous reflections nurture our talents and character. Second, we should be filial to our parents and care more about their health and life. Only when parents are well nurtured can their children become successful. Finally, we need to actively give back to our parents. It is possible to visit home often, give gifts or support your life. When parents are old and need care, they should also take the initiative to take responsibility.

Each of us owes our parents a lot of love. And the parents' expectation is simple - to see us grow up happy. Let's start today to learn from Guo Jingjing's mother's great love and give back to our parents for their nurturing grace with practical actions. Fill their remaining years with our achievements and companionship. It will also be the greatest comfort for them.

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