
Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

author:Coca-Cola 4 new

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During the Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Zhou Daguang in a small village in Zhangqiu County, Jinan Province. After eight years of marriage to his wife, she fell ill and died. Since then, Zhou Daguang has lived alone and has a dog at home.

On this day, Zhou Daguang returned from abroad. As soon as he entered the house, he suddenly noticed that there was an extra puppy in the kennel. At this time, the big dog is lovingly licking the puppy. It seems that the puppy has just been born.

Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

Zhou Daguang was busy outside every day and paid little attention to the family dog, so much so that he didn't know that the big dog was pregnant with a puppy. At this time, he looked at the cute puppy and couldn't help but smile.

In the following days, Zhou Daguang fed the big dog something delicious every day, so that the big dog had enough milk to feed the puppy. In this way, the puppy grew up day by day, snow-white, chubby, furry, and very cute.

Next door there is an old lady in her seventies, who lives alone, named Grandma Shen. Grandma Shen also likes Zhou Daguang's little white dog. Whenever she saw this little white dog on the street, she would always pick it up and pet it affectionately.

This little white dog seems to have a special fate with Grandma Shen. If one day he didn't see Grandma Shen on the street, he would run to Grandma Shen's house, and then when he saw Grandma Shen, he would shake his head happily. The tail rubbed on Grandma Shen's body, and Grandma Shen couldn't close her mouth with joy.

Grandma Shen is a person with bad luck. She lost her husband at an early age and managed to raise her only son and marry him. Unexpectedly, just two years ago, her son hanged himself. Later, his daughter-in-law also left.

Since then, Grandma Shen has never smiled again. She was depressed every day, sighing, and often crying silently. However, now with the company of this little white dog, the smile on Grandma Shen's face gradually increased.

Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

Day after day, this little white dog not only accompanies Grandma Shen during the day, helps Grandma Shen carry things when she goes out, but often does not go home at night, lying in front of Grandma Shen's door to watch. After her. Family nursing homes.

Chow Daguang is a kind and enthusiastic person. He knew that his little white dog brought a lot of happiness to Grandma Shen, so the little white dog often went to Grandma Shen's house and never stopped him.

A year later, however, something happened to the little white dog.

That evening, Zhou Daguang returned from out of town. When he was about to reach the door, he suddenly heard a dog barking in front of him. Zhou Daguang's heart trembled violently. Then I followed the sound and saw a figure shaking in front of me.

In a moment, he walked over quickly and found that the figure was quietly leaving here with a large bag in his hand. When the man saw Zhou Daguang approaching, he quickly picked up his bag and ran.

Seeing this, Zhou Daguang immediately concluded that this person was definitely not a good person, so he caught up with him and stopped him. After some questioning, the man hesitated, and then viciously warned Zhou Daguang to be less nosy.

Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

In this way, Zhou Daguang fought with that man. During the fight, the bag in the man's hand "plopped" and fell to the ground, and then a dead dog fell out of the bag.

When Zhou Daguang saw the dead dog, his heart was like being cut by a knife. He really didn't want to believe that this dead dog would be his little white dog. Subsequently, Zhou Daguang frantically knocked the man to the ground and sent him to the county government.

After interrogation, the man was found to be a dog thief. That day, he walked to the door of Zhou Daguang's house and saw a white dog. So, he quickly picked up the wooden stick on the side and smashed it towards the white dog. And just like that, he smashed it. After a few blows, the white dog dies ...

Zhou Daguang never expected that such a humane dog would die in the hands of dog thieves. The more he thought about it, the more sad and angry he became. However, when Grandma Shen next door found out, she immediately burst into tears and cursed angrily: "This damn dog thief, how can you be so vicious..."

In the following days, the smile on Grandma Shen's face disappeared again. She sat in the doorway all day in a daze, sometimes crying silently. After Zhou Daguang saw it, he sympathized with Grandma Shen very much, so he thought left and right, and gave his old dog to Grandma Shen.

Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

Unexpectedly, that night, Zhou Daguang dreamed that the dead white dog was talking to him.

In the dream, Bai Gou said: "Actually, I am your deceased wife!" I have come to atone for my sins! It's just that I was good at gossip and causing trouble before my death, so my neighbor Brother Shen hanged himself, and I died like this. Later, King Yan Luo let me reincarnate as a dog to accompany Grandma Shen to atone for my sins, but I didn't expect that just one year later, I was killed by dog thieves, and I hope you will take more care of Grandma Shen in the future, use her as a stand-in, let me atone for my sins! ”

Grandma Shen's son, Brother Shen, is a warm-hearted person. When he was alive, he would always help people in need in the village. It can be said that every time he asks, he responds to his needs.

One day, Brother Shen passed by the river and saw a woman in the village who wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and he quickly went over and grabbed her.

However, this scene happened to be seen by Zhou Daguang's wife who passed by later. The wife of Zhou Daguang, known as "Crutching Mouth", couldn't help but pout when she saw Brother Shen having sex with a woman by the river.

Later, this "fast mouth" returned to the village and spread Brother Shen's shameless deeds, and a husband with a woman actually molested women by the river!

As soon as these words came out, the village quickly exploded. Everyone pointed the finger at Brother Shen, and things became more and more outrageous. In a short period of time, Big Brother Shen used to be a good person in the eyes of the villagers, but now he is not. Turned into a heinous villain.

Story: After his wife died, the family dog gave birth to a puppy, and the husband dreamed of the puppy talking to him at night

As the saying goes: Spit can drown people! In the face of everyone's slander and accusations, Brother Shen could not justify. In the end, he chose to commit suicide by jumping into the river to prove his innocence!

However, what everyone didn't expect was that half a year after Brother Shen's death, Zhou Daguang's wife died of illness when she was almost drunk.

Now, Zhou Daguang dreamed that the white dog said this to him, and his heart could not calm down for a long time. After dawn, with tears in his eyes, he made a decision: he would spend his life atoning for his wife's sins!

In this way, later Zhou Daguang went to Grandma Shen's house with gifts, and said that he would recognize Grandma Shen as his godmother, and would provide for her godmother until the end of her life! Grandma Shen smiled with tears in her eyes and nodded repeatedly...

Write at the end: Sometimes verbal violence is really scary, and rumors can kill invisibly. Those who say that people are right and wrong must be right and wrong. Be kind to others and take care of yourself so that you don't bring disaster to yourself!

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