
The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

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Recently, the world is experiencing a storm that everyone talks about, that is, artificial intelligence. Especially with the release of openAI's intelligent chat software ChatGPT, Internet companies around the world are vying to seize this future place, which has become the commanding heights of the future strategy of various countries.

Initially, artificial intelligence seemed to be shrouded in a veil of mystery, but gradually unveiled this veil, we found that the core factors of AI mainly include three key elements: computing power, data, and algorithms. Any entity with all three has the potential to build the most powerful AI systems and apply them to perform operations unimaginable in science fiction. This will lead mankind towards a scientific and technological revolution and easily achieve breakthroughs in various fields.

The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

However, a scramble is quietly brewing, and European and American countries are trying to seize the commanding heights in the field of artificial intelligence. This area has not yet been developed on a large scale, so whoever can take the lead first will become the fastest and best country in the future. To this end, Europe and the United States signed the Agreement on Artificial Intelligence for Public Interest Administration. The signing of the agreement marks a joint AI model between the United States and Europe in five areas: climate change, emergency response, health care, grid operations, and agricultural development.

This means that the world's two most developed scientific and technological bodies are joining forces, hoping to achieve a leading position in the field of artificial intelligence. What is more worrying is that European and American countries have such strength. Review the three elements we mentioned earlier, computing power, data, and algorithms:

The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

First of all, in terms of computing power, the current AI computing power mainly relies on high-performance AI chips, of which the NVIDIA AI accelerator card of the United States occupies more than 80% of the global market share. This means that although China is the world's second-largest computing power, its computing power actually comes from the United States. The United States, on the other hand, ranks first in the world in terms of computing power and is open to European countries, which means that EU countries can further improve computing power by purchasing NVIDIA acceleration cards.

Secondly, in terms of algorithms, the world's leading algorithms are mainly from the United States. U.S. algorithms are often open source, which allows Chinese teams to learn from and improve them. However, it is important to note that China still lags behind the United States in terms of algorithm originality.

The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

Finally, in terms of data, data is an important resource for AI algorithms, and the amount of English data far exceeds the amount of Chinese data, which creates a gap in global data. Therefore, in terms of data volume, there is still a gap between Chinese and English.

At the G7 meeting, European and American countries found that solving many global problems requires China's participation, but in the field of artificial intelligence, China is obviously lagging behind and needs to catch up.

In order to meet this challenge, China has formulated important policy measures, of which the "Digital China Construction Overall Layout Plan" is a key initiative. The plan aims to achieve important progress in digital China by 2025 and major achievements in 2035, elevating digital development to an advanced level. This also includes development plans in the field of computing power, such as the East Data West Computing and Intelligent Computing Center Project, which will greatly promote the development of computing power in China. In addition, the policy also clearly states that the construction of digital China will become a reference basis for the assessment and evaluation of party and government leading cadres, providing strong support for government leading cadres.

The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

Despite the difficulties, especially in the semiconductor field, China is firmly moving towards the goal of independent research and development of advanced semiconductor technology. Although the current progress is slow, I believe that with the joint efforts of domestic and foreign scientific research workers, China will gradually narrow the gap with European and American countries and realize the great plan of digital China. With the support of a large population and internal and external circulation, the digital China policy will lead the vigorous development of related industries in China. China, come on!


However, we must remain sober, especially in the field of artificial intelligence computing, which is essentially a competition between computing power and algorithms, and computing power is inextricably linked to the semiconductor industry. Under the current circumstances, China still faces huge challenges, and can only independently develop 28-nanometer semiconductor chips, and there are problems in production capacity and yield rate. At the same time, TSMC is already researching and producing 3-nanometer chips, and there is a big gap between China and it.

The crisis and conflict escalated, Europe and the United States fully bet on artificial intelligence, and China fought back and decided to build a digital China

Another key factor restricting China is the slow progress of the pure localization of the domestic semiconductor industry. Despite the trillion-dollar investment by the government into the trillion-dollar integrated circuit fund, internal problems and corrupt elements still exist, which exacerbates the difficulties of the development process.

However, as I mentioned earlier, the field of artificial intelligence is crucial for China's future development. Therefore, we cannot miss this opportunity, otherwise we will be limited in the high-tech field. The semiconductor field is the foundation of building a digital China, although it is full of challenges, we must develop step by step, overcome difficulties, and have independent advanced semiconductor production technology.

Although it is full of difficulties and although substantial breakthroughs have not yet been achieved, I firmly believe that with the joint efforts of smart scientific researchers at home and abroad, China will gradually narrow the gap with European and American countries and realize the great plan of digital China! China, come on! This is not only a sustenance for the future of the country, but also a firm belief in the era of artificial intelligence.

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