
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...


The first day of the holiday

Many netizens who got up early and set off to hurry found out

His own prejudgment was prejudged

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

(There are also many that leave early in the evening!) )

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

Someone blocked to collapse and directly wanted to turn back!

But behind are all cars, which are already "doomed"

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

Today is the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday

It coincides with the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival

Forecast based on ticket sales

Today, 20.2 million passengers will travel by train

It is the peak of the holiday passenger flow

Stations around the world "as usual"

Entered since last night

People herd model

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

The hottest November holiday in recent years

In addition to going home to visit relatives and reunite with their families, a large part of these people on the road take advantage of the long holiday for leisure travel.

A few days ago, Baidu Map released the "2023 November Holiday Travel Forecast Report" showing that this year's November population migration popularity will become the highest in recent years. The data shows that the total number of population migration during the November holiday in 2023 is expected to increase by more than 200% compared with 2022, and the enthusiasm of national travel has recovered significantly.

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

According to statistics from China Railway Group, the "popularity" of this small long holiday is very strong, and 94.9% of the interviewees have a very strong or relatively strong willingness to travel during the holiday.

However, if you are not ready to travel now, I advise you to plan carefully! Because at present, many popular scenic spots have been sold out.

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

According to Cultural Tourism released news on September 28, major scenic spots have entered the "crowd" mode, and tickets for some scenic spots during the National Day have been sold out in advance.

The Mogao Grottoes are sold out for seven days from today

The Palace Museum is sold out for six days from today

Badaling Great Wall sold out from September 30th to October 4th

The Hunan Provincial Museum is sold out for six days from today

The Shaanxi History Museum is sold out for five days from today

Sanxingdui Museum is sold out for four days from today

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

Yesterday (September 28), Sichuan Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base announced that due to the large flow of people during the holiday, the morning sessions of Panda Valley Scenic Area on September 30, October 1, October 2, October 3 and October 4 have been sold out, and there are still tickets left for the afternoon session. Please arrange your trip time reasonably, choose an afternoon session or go to Panda Valley on another day.

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

Five days before the holiday (September 29 to October 3), the ticket reservation for the night period of Shandong Tai'an Tai Mountain View Area is full, the scenic spot reminds: Please make an early reservation for tickets for other periods (including annual pass holders and policy preferential free tickets, etc.).

Beijing has always been a tourist destination that many people want to check in on National Day.

On September 26, the Information Office of the Beijing Municipal People's Government organized a press conference on the supply of cultural tourism and safety service guarantee for the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday. According to the meeting of the meeting, according to the online platform booking forecast data, Beijing is the most popular domestic tourist destination city during the "Double Festival" holiday. The city is expected to receive 12.83 million tourists, an increase of 60.8% year-on-year and 21.9% over the same period in 2019. The total number of tourist arrivals will far exceed the overall level in 2019, and it is expected that October 1-3 will be the peak period for scenic spots, with more than 3.2 million visitors per day, and the peak reception day will reach 3.4 million on October 2.

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

Some popular tourist destinations that are not traditionally seen also saw peak traffic this holiday.

Some netizens posted the live situation of today's Benxi Water Cave Scenic Area in Liaoning, and the camera followed the crowd in line for several seconds and did not find the end of the line...

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...
People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

In the comment area, some netizens posted photos they took in the same place in March this year. Looking at the baby who enjoyed the exclusive scenery, many netizens cried with envy...

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...

This holiday

Are you ready to travel?

Did you buy a car (door) ticket?

Are there many people in the places you visit?

Shanghai News Broadcast is integrated from every economic network, CaiLian News, E Travel, etc

Editor: Chen Wen

Responsible editor: Chen Min

People are still on the way, tickets to attractions are gone...