
How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

author:Love to think about yellow peach 7d7t

In the long river of ancient history, there was a climax that attracted everyone's attention, that is, the "Nine Tribes". The emperor was furious, and with an order, Zhang San fell to the ground and pulled the emperor's clothes, and the order of the Nine Tribes also spread from then on.

Immediately afterwards, officers and soldiers from all over the place kicked in the door, hundreds of people were arrested in a daze, kneeling and begging, however...

However, this raises the question: how many people will die because of the "Nine Tribes"? Will those who get away with it finally succeed?

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

The system of the "Nine Tribes" originated from the Shang Martingale of the ancient Chinese Qin state, but the original intention was only to suggest the three tribes, that is, parents, wives and brothers. After the introduction of this family entertainment system, the deterrent effect was amazing, and the number of rebels dropped sharply. However, it was not until Shang Martin was reported as rebellious that King Hui of Qin was angry and destroyed his three clans. The deterrent power of this system was passed down and even influenced Emperor Wen of Han. Emperor Wen thought that the Yi tribe was too cruel, and despite the minister's objections, he insisted on canceling it, until he was deceived by the jianghu Taoist priest Xinyuanping, who reactivated the family dissipation system and razed the three clans of Xinyuanping.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

With the increase of the descendants of emperors, the scope of family entertainment expanded to the five and seven ethnic groups, and finally the Sui Emperor promoted it to the nine ethnic groups. However, although we often see the emperor shouting "Jiu Clan" in TV series, in fact, there are only two cases of "Yi Jiu Clan" in history.

The first person in history to be condemned by the Nine Tribes was Yang Xuangan, the son of the famous Sui dynasty general Yang Su, however, his own actions also laid the groundwork for it. Yang Xuanjian heard a grapevine that Emperor Sui had threatened to kill the nine Yang clans before forcing his father Yang Su to death. Yang Xuangan did not verify the authenticity of the news, but took advantage of the opportunity for Emperor Sui to lead troops to conquer Goguryeo and began a rebellion.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

The situation was critical, and Emperor Sui had to take action, and finally really destroyed Yang Su's Nine Tribes.

Another legend is even more gripping. Zhu Di seized his nephew's throne, and in order to legitimize this action, he asked Wen Guan Xiaozi to draft an edict of accession to the throne. However, Fang Xiaozi believed that Zhu Di's seizure of the throne was a great rebellion, and not only swore to die, but also sent four words: "Yan thief usurped the throne." Zhu Di was furious and threatened to kill Fang Xiaozi's Nine Tribes. Fang Xiaoxiao was unmoved, and only replied: "What about my ten tribes?" As a result, Zhu Di really condemned Fang Xiaoxiao's nine tribes, and even added an additional clan, and a total of 873 people were implicated.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

This legend is not recorded in the official history, but comes from the "Wild Record" written by Zhu Zhishan, one of the four great talents of the Ming Dynasty. Although the literati of the time regarded it as gossip, it was later misrepresented as a canonical history. This also shows that the actual cases of the emperor's "Nine Tribes" are very rare, because no one dares to bear the reputation of a tyrant.

Although the emperor rarely jokingly used the threat of the "Nine Tribes", the imperial court still prepared relevant algorithms in case of contingencies. These algorithms are varied, the most common of which are:

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

The first algorithm is direct male, which means that if a person rebels, generations such as Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, Daoguang, Xianfeng, and Tongzhi may be wiped out.

The second algorithm is the so-called "matryoshka method", which requires four generations of the father, three generations of the mother, and two generations of the wife. This means that if one person rebels, it will affect the whole family with the same surname, as well as three generations of the mother's mother's family and two generations of the wife's mother's family.

Both algorithms pose a huge threat to the vast number of families. For example, if a person rebelled, it would affect many generations such as grandfathers, fathers, great-grandfathers, great-grandfathers, as well as the wife's family and the mother's family. This would result in hundreds of people being punished, which for sparsely populated villages would mean almost the entire ethnic group.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

Therefore, those who want to successfully escape face great difficulties. However, if they have some wisdom and luck, there are still ways to do it

Try your best to avoid the fate of the "Nine Races". Here are some successful ways to escape:

1. Keep the news from leakage: In ancient times, news of rebellions was easy to leak, so the first task was to keep the news secret. Rebels are often afraid to tell their loved ones lest the news leak, so this method is difficult to implement.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

2. Avoid detection by the pavilion chief and village chief: The pavilion chief, village chief, and neighbors are people who follow the village closely and are responsible for collecting taxes and arresting criminals, so it is very difficult to avoid detection. The ancient household registration system was very detailed, and it was easy for strangers to arouse suspicion when they came to the village.

3. Pay taxes, but be careful of interrogation: In addition to the poll tax and field endowment, the taxes that the ancient people could not pay were also a variety of taxes, such as gate tax, analysis tax, cattle tax, livestock tax, and business travel pass tax. As long as you pay your taxes, you will attract the attention of the government and may be interrogated.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

4. Forge your passport and successfully smuggle out of the country: Smuggling is one of the most dangerous ways to escape, because without a legitimate passport, border guards will intercept and interrogate you. Even if you forge your passport, without the emperor's signature and stamp, it is invalid. Successful smuggling requires great luck and wisdom, just like Tang Xuanzang.

5. Survive in unmanaged wilderness: If you fail to escape the country, you can only hide in the old forests of unmanaged forests or remote areas. Here you must face the threat of the beast while avoiding infection with miasma. Surviving in this environment requires extreme survival skills and luck.

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?

6. Find a hideaway to hide your identity: If you're lucky enough to find a hideaway that no one knows, you can live incognito and live a peaceful life. However, it will take a long time, as well as the persistence and efforts of future generations, to truly get rid of the threat of the "Nine Races".

In short, it is very difficult to successfully escape the fate of the "Nine Tribes"

How many people will he be involved in being sentenced to the Nine Races, three generations of single transmission? Will sneaking one out be discovered?