
Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?


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In the spring of 1952, on the Korean battlefield, after five battles, a great founding marshal, Mr. Peng, returned home in triumph. He was a hero with a high status in the revolutionary years at that time, and his reputation reached its peak after the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. At this time, Mr. Peng was appointed to preside over the daily work of the Military Commission, and three years later, he became the second ranked founding marshal.

However, the heights are cold. A trip to Lushan in 1959 changed everything and pushed the marshal's life to a low point. Mr. Peng came to the outskirts of Wujia Garden, loneliness followed, and his family and comrades-in-arms were estranged from him. Even his wife Urayasu took the initiative to file for divorce, and Mr. Peng's heart was tormented, and his age seemed to have aged a lot overnight.

Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?

Time flew by, and in 1973, Mr. Peng's condition deteriorated and he was admitted to the 301 Hospital. The ward was closed and guarded by guards, but only his nephews and nieces remained by his side. However, there were two more founding generals who broke through many obstacles to visit the marshal, who were they?

The first was the founding general Zhang Aiping, who was once a general under President Peng, and he made many battle achievements for the marshal. Zhang Aiping's admiration for Mr. Peng was overflowing, and she once said: "Chief Zhou taught me to do things, and Mr. Peng taught me to be a person." In 1959, he was filled with righteous indignation and took the initiative to accompany Mr. Peng back to Beijing to support the old leader.

The other is Li Jukui, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, who has followed President Peng since the early days of the revolution and experienced the Long March of the Red Army, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. However, he was omitted from his 1955 title and was not given the rank of general alone until three years later. After General Li Jukui knew that Mr. Peng was admitted to the 301 Hospital, he came to wait outside the ward, and although the marshal signaled not to say hello, the general bowed affectionately and burst into tears.

Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?

These two founding generals, Zhang Aiping and Li Jukui, are close comrades-in-arms of Mr. Peng, and their firm support at the trough of Mr. Peng shows true military feelings and deep friendship. This history bears witness to their loyalty and tenacity, leaving us with a story that can be sung and wept.

At that special moment, Zhang Aiping and Li Jukui represented many comrades-in-arms, who dared to face difficulties, braved hardships and dangers, and expressed endless respect and friendship to Mr. Peng. The outpouring of these emotions is far more than words, but transmitted through practical actions, becoming a part of history and remaining in people's hearts.

Zhang Aiping followed the marshal back to Beijing with firm steps, and General Li Jukui, despite suffering from injustice, still came to visit the old leader with affection. Their demeanor, like a mirror, reflects the noble character and loyalty of a generation of soldiers.

Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?

As Zhang Aiping said in her later years, they were "a real person", a term that profoundly sums up the character of these two founding generals. They were not only outstanding military strategists, but also noble personalities. Their friendship and loyalty not only convey our tenacity and responsibility, but also inspire future generations and lead us to a brighter future.

Mr. Peng's life, like the long river of history, has both glory and troughs. And Zhang Aiping and Li Jukui are the indelible scenery that lights up the difficult moments in his life. Their friendship and loyalty will always be engraved in the history of the Chinese revolution, and will also inspire us to continue to move forward, never forget our original intention, and forge ahead. It's a truly moving history, a story to remember.

Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?

In the ever-changing history, Mr. Peng and his comrades-in-arms jointly wrote a magnificent chapter in the Chinese revolution. Although time has passed, their stories will always inspire us, let us cherish and inherit this precious military feeling, continue to move forward with firmer faith and higher character, and pursue greater ideals and causes. As Mr. Peng advocated throughout his life, perseverance, loyalty and no regrets, we will continue to move forward and strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Mr. Peng was seriously ill and hospitalized in his later years, and two founding generals broke through the barrier to visit him?

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