
Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

author:Pixiu Express

Instant noodles are popular in daily life and have become a delicacy for all ages, often accompanied by eggs, ham and other ingredients, which are simple and convenient, and can be called delicious. However, despite its popularity, it has never been adopted by any country's army. Why is that?

Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

First of all, instant noodles, although delicious, have relatively low nutritional value. Soldiers need a high supply of energy on the march and pursue a balanced nutritional intake. In addition, the preparation of instant noodles requires a lot of hot water, which is usually very limited during army marches. Although you can use warm water to make instant noodles, on the battlefield, clean drinking water is a precious resource in itself, and wasting water for cooking is a luxury.

Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

Secondly, instant noodles belong to puffed food, compared with compressed biscuits and other military dry food, instant noodles are larger and easy to break, not suitable for soldiers to carry. Due to the limited space in the backpack of soldiers, the amount of instant noodles in the same space is far less than that of compressed military ration, so using it as military dry food does not ensure that soldiers get enough food to meet their energy needs on the march.

Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

Third, the military food of the modern army is diverse and rich in nutrients. For example, the mainland's Type 09 individual field rations include a variety of dishes such as shredded fish and meat, as well as drinks, candies, and biscuits. Whether it is nutritional value or taste, it is far better than instant noodles.

Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

Finally, a large number of food additives are added to the production of instant noodles, which are harmful to human health when consumed for a long time. Usually, doctors advise ordinary people to eat less instant noodles, let alone military personnel who are on military missions.

Instant noodles are a must-have delicacy for long-distance travel, why don't any country use them as military food?

In summary, instant noodles have not become the military food selected by the army because of their characteristics of not easy to carry, insufficient nutrition, and consumption of a large amount of water. However, it is undeniably still a delicacy loved by the elderly and children.

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