
Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!

author:Demon without spirit

In Serie A, Inter played a fierce match with Napoli. However, the turning point of this game happened at the end of the game! Inter's main defender, Onana, voluntarily admitted his mistake after the game and shed tears of remorse. This surprising move is reminiscent of his former team, Inter Milan. Celebrities have called for Onana to now go back to Inter and face the mistakes he made.

Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!

Let's review it all.

First, Onana's mistake

Onana is an important defender and a member of Inter's team. However, in this game, he made a fatal mistake that directly caused Inter to lose the game. In the final moments of the game, he made a mistake in defense and scored the winning goal straight after being tackled by his opponent. This mistake made Onana feel guilty and regretful.

Second, Onana's self-blame and remorse

After the game, Onana did not choose to escape his mistake, but resolutely went to the media reporter, voluntarily admitted his mistake, and left painful tears.

Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!

He said that he is sorry for the team and the fans, and he feels very remorseful and remorseful for his mistake that directly led to the team's loss. This scene moved the fans and reminded people of Inter Milan, where he once played.

Third, the appeal of the famous place

Onana's move has attracted the attention of many veteran Inter Milan players. They say Onana should now roll back to Inter to face the mistakes he made during his time at Inter. Although Onana has been away from Inter Milan for many years, the veteran players believe that it is Onana's responsibility and responsibility to return to the team he once played for and face his mistakes. They hope Onana will take the initiative to go to Inter Milan and apologize to the team and fans.

Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!

4. Support and expectations of fans

Onana's act of repentance has also won the support and understanding of fans. Many fans have said they will still support Onana, believing he will learn from this defeat and work harder to win for the team. They are looking forward to Onana being able to prove himself in future matches and give Inter a confession.

5. Onana's future path

In the face of numerous appeals, Onana will face an important choice as to whether he is willing to take on his mistakes and return to Inter Milan to face the team and fans. Whatever decision he makes, Onana faces a difficult road ahead.

Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!
Mine, mine! Onana voluntarily admitted his mistake and shed tears after the game! Fame: Go back to Inter!

He needs to learn from this failure, pick himself up again, and show his strength and responsibility.


Onana's mistakes and his repentance sparked widespread attention and discussion. Whether he chooses to stay with Inter or go back to Inter, hopefully he can grow and reflect through this defeat. As a professional, admitting mistakes and taking the initiative are very important qualities. We look forward to Onana showing his quality in future matches, returning to the top and facing his mistakes with a more mature attitude."

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