
Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

author:Do everything in the world with a pen

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Hong Huang: The tenacity and independence of the entertainment industry


There is a saying that "all roads lead to Rome", but some people choose a different path. Hong Huang, she is one of them, her life path starts from the famous gate of Rome, but she interprets a different story.

1. Famous background and early life

Hong Huang was born into an enviable family, his grandfather was specially approved by Premier Zhou, his grandfather was the same generation as Li Dazhao, his mother was a foreign language teacher of great people, his father was a professor at Peking University, and his stepfather was Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua. Such a background should have made her a celebrity with elegant manners, but fate gave her a different experience.

Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

Her childhood was happy but short-lived, and the shadow of family separation came when she was 9 years old, and when she was sent to the United States to participate in the "Little Translator Training Program" at the age of 12, this overseas study experience changed her personality and made her more free. She studied in a foreign country and was successfully admitted to Vasser College, which also started her first marriage.

Second, from the top class to the entertainment industry

In college, she fell in love with American lawyer Andrei and quickly married, but the rushed marriage was destined to have no good ending. After graduating, Hong worked for a German company with an annual salary of $70,000, far exceeding the average salary in China at the time. Despite the good salary, she was not interested in the job, found it vulgar and boring, so she quit.

Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

After watching "Yellow Earth" directed by Chen Kaige, she became deeply interested in domestic films, and even went to the United States in order to continue pursuing Chen Kaige, and the two eventually got married. However, the vulgar remarks in the entertainment industry disappointed her, especially Chen Kaige's words "We are human beings from now on", which made her heartbroken. After the two divorced, Hong Huang became Chen Kaige's ex-wife and began to emerge in the entertainment industry, known for her poisonous tongue.

Third, the poisonous tongue strong woman in the entertainment industry

In 2003, Hong Huang founded a fashion magazine that became one of the most popular magazines in China in just 3 years. She then entered the entertainment industry and starred in the heroine of the movie "Infinite Movement", which is full of ridicule and directly attacks the hypocrisy of literary and artistic youth, which has attracted widespread attention. However, the promotion of the film advertised her as "Chen Kaige's ex-wife" made her dissatisfied, quarreled with the director, and the two never cooperated again.

Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

She invested in a people's livelihood program that attracted widespread attention. At the same time, she criticized the chaos in the entertainment industry in a bold and humorous style on social media, not afraid of celebrity status, and frequently scaring people. She was named "Asia's Top Four Media Personalities" and was loved by netizens. She not only intimidated Chen Kaige and Feng Xiaogang, but also bluntly criticized Zhang Yimou's film for being vulgar, which caused dissatisfaction among directors.

One of her most frequently frightened subjects was Su Mang, a woman from a low background. Despite Su Mang's career success, Hong Huang often criticized some of her habits and minor problems, and the two once publicly fought over the issue of photo together. Hong Huang's tenacity and poisonous tongue make her unique in the entertainment industry.

4. Find true love and happiness

Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

Although Hong Huang has experienced three failed marriages, she has not lost faith in love. In 2021, she entered the marriage hall with an ordinary designer, and the happy life of the two allowed her to experience true love. She generously introduced her boyfriend and his children, firmly pursuing her own happiness.


Hong Huang is a woman full of tenacity and independent spirit, and despite her arrogant appearance, her criticism is based on factual issues. She has always been self-sufficient, not swayed by others, and now lives in France with her husband and hopes that they will continue to be happy and happy. Hong Huang's story tells us that regardless of background, perseverance and pursuit of happiness are the most important things.

Tearing all over the entertainment industry, shelling the three major directors, and now living in France with her husband

The above is Hong Huang's life and her persistence and independence in the entertainment industry

Standing in depth. Her life journey is a story of tenacity and freedom, but also a resolute attack on the chaos of the entertainment industry. Although she was once a famous family, she was not bound by the labels of the outside world and bravely chose her own path.

Hong Huang's persistence and poisonous tongue style make her unique in the entertainment industry. She is not afraid of celebrity status, bravely points out problems, whether the other party is a director or a star, she will unceremoniously say her opinion. This kind of tenacity and courage is worth learning from, not afraid of criticism, dare to tell the truth, in order to promote the progress of the entertainment industry.

Hong Huang's story also tells us that love is not limited by age. Despite her three failed marriages, she has not lost her pursuit of happiness. In the end, she found her true love and enjoyed a peaceful and happy life. It also reminds us not to be afraid to start over, happiness can be pursued and achieved regardless of age.


Hong Huang's life is full of twists and turns, but she has always maintained her independence and tenacity. She is a woman who dares to speak up, a person who bravely faces challenges. Her story is not only a model of personal perseverance, but also a resolute response to the realities of the entertainment industry. I hope that she and her husband will live a happy life in France and continue to bravely pursue their own happiness.

When looking at the character of Hong Huang, we can draw courage and persistence from her story, and we can also reflect on various problems in the entertainment industry. No matter where we are, sticking to our beliefs and pursuing happiness are qualities worthy of respect. I hope that everyone can be like Hong Huang, dare to be themselves, adhere to their own ideas, and move forward bravely.

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