
The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

After the opening of the Asian Games, the North Korean team raised its flag to participate in the competition, which triggered a discussion in the European and American media. Since 2021, the North Korean team has been banned by WADA with exactly the same requirements as the Russian team before it.

However, during the Asian Games, they not only raised the flag normally, but also dressed exactly the same as other teams. As a result, WADA made another move and wanted to ban the team, but was met with the Indian boss back.

The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

The North Korean team has been banned since 2021 because it does not have a local doping agency and does not meet the requirements of WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). In the past 2 major competitions (Olympic and Winter Olympics), they did not participate. At this Asian Games, the North Korean team suddenly appeared, and everything was as usual.

WADA wrote to the Olympic Council of Asia reminding them that they needed to follow WADA's procedures.

The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

WADA is a civil body independent of the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, whose main function is doping testing, with each member having its own branch.

In the past, they have banned the entire Russian team and a large number of athletes from the United States, Kenya and England, as well as the Chinese player Sun Yang. I originally thought that the Asian organizing committee, like Europe, would be obedient, but the interim chairman of the Asian organizing committee, Randhir Singh, jumped out to oppose it.

The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

Randhir Singh said: Whether it is the North Korean team or the runner-up committee, we have written to WADA to explain. We'll look into it and see what the future holds. The meaning of the Asian Organizing Committee is that everyone should participate (of the Asian Games) and everyone should have the opportunity to participate. Previously, it was this big guy who wanted to pull Russian and Belarusian athletes to the Asian Games, but did not count gold and silver medals, only results. Since the Paris Olympics do not recognize the Russian team, even if they participate in the Asian Games, there is no guarantee that the two Russian athletes will qualify for the Olympic Games.

The North Korean team raises the flag at the Asian Games! WADA called for a ban, and the Indian president of the Olympic Council of Asia was tough

Japanese media, Korean media, and American media have reported the news before, but they have not been as tough as WADA. Japanese netizens have said that the North Korean team was not tested for taking drugs and should not be banned, but just did not organize the inspection as required. ESPN strongly agrees with Mr. Singh, because the vast majority of the outlet's Asian sports reporters are of Indian descent. WADA's current leader is former Polish sprinter Wiltod Banka.

PS: It is not easy for Hubei old fans to write, if it is convenient, please pay attention to Hubei old fans and praise the works of Hubei old fans.

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