
Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...


Recently, Dong Yuhui was pushed on the hot search because of the video of the CCTV interview.

The thing is that he accepted an English-language interview with CGTN, in which Dong Yuhui talked about some topics that young people are concerned about, and the conversation was very sincere and heartfelt.

But unexpectedly, it was such a video that Dong Yuhui was sprayed.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

Someone in the comment area asked: "Two Chinese, why do you speak English?" What's more, the rhetoric was fierce: "Get out of China!" ”

This scene is really a little embarrassing.

You know, CGTN is China International Television, which is open to audiences all over the world, and it is very normal to communicate in English.

In addition to Dong Yuhui, there is another thing that is also ridiculous.

Just a few days ago, a sensitive news suddenly came out on the Internet - "Apple insults China".

It turned out that some netizens found that on the official website page of Apple's Chinese, the appearance of a shopping expert "caused discomfort".

Yellow skin, wide eye distance, squinting, long braids... Some felt it was a stereotype of Asians, an official targeted shaming.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

But it was soon confirmed that the service worker was a female Apple employee who was selected to put on the official website page only because of her outstanding professional ability.

Her photos are not only available on the official website of Apple Chinese, but also on the official websites of the United States, Japan, and South Korea. The point is that this lady is not Asian, but Indian, yellow-skinned, long braids, that is, the characteristics of people, and has nothing to do with us.

Two things come out, embarrassing and thought-provoking.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

The cognitive level determines the height at which a person sees the world

From the network to reality, it is not difficult to find that when people's cognition is not at the same level, the things we see are not in one dimension.

Just like two people who have been to college, when chatting with a person who has only read junior high school, it is difficult for college students to see the details of life that junior high school students can see, and junior high school students cannot understand some of the in-depth topics discussed by college students.

This is the difference in cognitive levels.

Someone once concluded that 90% of the differences between people are cognitive differences.

I think so.

People with a high cognitive level see a wider and far-reaching world; People with a low cognitive level see a narrower and shallow world.

Once talking to a friend, he talked about a relative.

This relative spent the early years doing business outside the home, earning some money, and his family was relatively wealthy. Later, the general environment was not good, and the business could not continue, so I could only go to work for people.

But he has always felt more discerning and level than his co-workers, and he often looks down on the people around him.

When there is a conflict with someone when working, the relative will unconsciously use his experience as a boss to suppress others.

But in fact, the times are rushing forward, and his knowledge and experience have long been outdated.

There are not many people like him in life, and the older he gets, the more he can't recognize himself.

Especially after staying in a familiar environment for a long time, surrounded by a group of people who know similar to themselves, it is easy to breed a sense of self-righteous superiority.

As everyone knows, this sense of superiority is actually a manifestation of ignorance.

The higher a person's self-righteousness, the less he can see his limitations. Just like a person standing at the foot of a mountain, he can only see the top of the mountain, but he cannot see higher and farther away.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

Source: "One Day"

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

The lower the cognition, the more stubborn

With people, we often find that the lower the cognitive level, the more stubborn they are.

Their unwillingness to accept new things, their unwillingness to admit that their cognition is flawed, and this state is terrifying.

Just like a closed mussel shell, unwilling to accept the external environment and changes, it will eventually be eliminated and abandoned.

The more opinionated people are, the easier it is to generalize. They are unwilling to communicate and think with people who have different opinions, and once someone raises objections, they will refute and resist in various ways.

Such people live in their own world and enjoy themselves.

Sticking to their inherent cognition and refusing to change, they will not realize the limitations of their cognition, let alone think about how to improve their cognitive level.

Stubbornness is actually a self-protection mechanism.

Each of us has cognitive blind spots, and stubbornness can make us alert and wary of the unknown to some extent, thereby creating a sense of security for ourselves.

But this sense of security has limits.

Each of us has a limited understanding, and if a person is always stubborn and cannot listen to the opinions and suggestions of others, it is difficult to make breakthroughs and grow on the road of life.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

Source: "One Day"

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

In this life, people are paying for their own cognition

Different people have different cognitive levels, and the cognitive level determines a person's thinking mode and behavioral characteristics.

This discrepancy can inadvertently affect a person's entire life.

As the writer Liang Guru said: "Cognitive ability determines doing the right thing, which is 100 times more important than doing it right." ”

Each of us is influenced by our own perceptions.

Sometimes it may be a problem of vision, sometimes it may be a problem of knowledge, sometimes it may be a problem of experience, and it may be a problem of way of thinking... In short, these factors all play a role in the trajectory of our lives.

How you see the world, the world will reward you.

A person's cognition determines his choices and practices, and these will affect the direction of our destiny.

If you can look at problems, yourself, and life with a higher understanding, life will be full of opportunities and scenery.

Only by continuously improving our level of awareness can we better cope with future challenges and opportunities; Only by constantly breaking through the limitations of one's own cognition can we truly realize our self-growth and value.

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

Source: "One Day"

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

There is a very classic line in "The Godfather":

People who spend half a second seeing through the essence of things and people who spend their whole lives unable to see the essence of things are destined to have completely different fates.

In the information age, cognition is the biggest barrier between people.

When you look at the world at the foot of the mountain, you can only see the rocks and tree shadows hundreds of meters in front of you;

When you look at the world halfway up the mountain, you can see the trees that have just covered you, and the scenery under your feet;

When you reach the top of the mountain, the extreme view is far away, all the scenery is in full view, and nothing can block your view.

Everyone sees the world differently.

When your cognitive level is higher and higher, standing higher and farther, you will see a more real and vast world!

Dong Yuhui's CCTV interview was sprayed on the hot search, and I had an epiphany about the biggest gap between people...

Author: Brother Claw; Source: Horse Grabber.