
Ping po flowers bloom stunning banyan city, true and false apple po tree you can distinguish clearly? There are very few Ping po trees in Fuzhou, and there are less than a hundred trees in the whole city, and many places in the whole body are treasures, and it is also called acacia fruit true and false ping po trees, can you distinguish them clearly?

author:Straits Metropolis Daily

N Haidu reporter Luo Danling Bao Huawen/Photo

In April on earth, flowers bloom everywhere. Recently, if you go to Fuzhou Sanfang Seven Alleys, it is easy to be attracted by a tree full of small white flowers. The flowers are like strings of small lanterns, and like hollowed-out carved ivory balls, the breeze blows, the flowers fall like snow, and it has a special charm, it is the Apple Tree.

Ping po flowers bloom stunning banyan city, true and false apple po tree you can distinguish clearly? There are very few Ping po trees in Fuzhou, and there are less than a hundred trees in the whole city, and many places in the whole body are treasures, and it is also called acacia fruit true and false ping po trees, can you distinguish them clearly?

While admiring the "beauty" of the apple blossoms, you may notice that a tree called "false apples" is also blooming. Is the real and false apple mother "family"? Today's "Talking about Heaven and Earth", let's talk about the apple tree.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > there are very few Pingbo trees in Fuzhou There are fewer than 100 trees in the city</h1>

There are very few, less than 100 apple trees in Fuzhou, most of which are located in park scenic spots, next to old buildings or in old streets and alleys. Among these Ping Po trees, the most famous one is the Ping Po Tree in the Small Yellow House of Sanfang and Qixiang. Every year, during the peak of the flowering period, tourists come to admire this century-old Apple Tree.

Teacher Guo Feng, a famous person in the Literary Circle of Fujian Province, once lived in the dormitory of the Literary Association in Sanfang And Seven Alleys, and this Apple Tree could be seen on the balcony of his house. Therefore, Guo Feng discussed its history in his work "East Neighbor and Three Trees", writing: "It may have been planted by Chen Shouqi (a Scholar of the Qing Dynasty). ”

Ping po flowers bloom stunning banyan city, true and false apple po tree you can distinguish clearly? There are very few Ping po trees in Fuzhou, and there are less than a hundred trees in the whole city, and many places in the whole body are treasures, and it is also called acacia fruit true and false ping po trees, can you distinguish them clearly?

In the book "Ancient Trees and Famous Trees of Gulou", Xu Wei, a garden expert, also studied the origin of the Xiaohuanglou Ancient Pingbo: "Some people say that it was planted by Huang Pu in the Tang Dynasty, some think that it was planted by Liang Zhangju in the Qing Dynasty, and some people think that it was planted by Chen Shouqi. If it was planted by Chen Shouqi, the age of the tree is at least 177 years, but it seems difficult to determine from the characterization of the tree. ”

According to garden experts, the apple tree has a large amount of flowers and a flower form that is also very distinctive, so in recent years, with the rise of beaded parks, the garden department has planted apple trees in various places. Nowadays, in addition to the three lanes and seven lanes, the public can also see the fragrance of the Ping po tree in Baima River Park, West Lake Park, Jinshan Park, Shangxiahang and other places.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > many places throughout the body are treasures also called acacia fruits</h1>

According to the data, Ping po is native to India and Malaysia. It prefers warm and humid climates, prefers to grow in well-drained fertile soil, and is tolerant of certain shade, which is easy to grow. Usually within a few years, the apple tree will immediately flourish and the canopy will be fragile.

In China, Pingbo also has a number of other names, such as acacia fruit, nine layers of skin, rich and noble son and so on. Ming Wang Ji wrote in the "Junzitang Ri Inquiry Hand Mirror" Zhongyun: "There is also a famous nine-layer skin, stripped to nine layers of square pointed meat, cooked and eaten, the taste is chestnut- "It can be seen that the cooked apple fruit is edible.

Ping po flowers bloom stunning banyan city, true and false apple po tree you can distinguish clearly? There are very few Ping po trees in Fuzhou, and there are less than a hundred trees in the whole city, and many places in the whole body are treasures, and it is also called acacia fruit true and false ping po trees, can you distinguish them clearly?

In addition to the fruit can be eaten, other parts of the apple are also treasures. For example, the leaves of Ping Po are wide and thick, steamed for a long time, and contain a fragrance, which can be used to wrap rice dumplings or wrap rice dumplings. Lightweight and beautifully textured, Applewood can be used to make furniture, boxes, musical instruments, or as a general building material. Pingbo bark contains a large number of high-quality fibers, which can be used for rope, weaving sacks or artificial cotton, and becomes a good papermaking raw material.

As for how the Ping Po tree was introduced to China, it is said that when Tang San hid in India, he often sat under the Ping Po tree to read the scriptures, and then brought the tree species back to China.

□ cold knowledge

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > can you tell the difference between the real and false apple trees? </h1>

While admiring the "beauty" of the apple blossoms, you may notice that a tree called "false apples" is also blooming. The provincial Olympic Sports Center and the Yeshan Spring and Autumn Garden fake apple blossoms are in full bloom. Its flowers are pale pink, and the sepals are mostly 5 pieces, resembling "small stars". So, what is the difference between true and false apples? Are they family?

It is understood that Pingbo is an evergreen tree of the Sycamore family, with a straight trunk and a height of 5 to 20 meters. The pseudo-apple is also an evergreen tree of the sycamore family, and its ecological characteristics and origin are similar to the apple.

Ping po flowers bloom stunning banyan city, true and false apple po tree you can distinguish clearly? There are very few Ping po trees in Fuzhou, and there are less than a hundred trees in the whole city, and many places in the whole body are treasures, and it is also called acacia fruit true and false ping po trees, can you distinguish them clearly?

The fake apple in the Taijiang goldfish

But there are four major differences between the two. Most notably, the flowers look different. The flowers are creamy white, somewhat like small lanterns, while the flowers are pale pink and five-pointed stars. Secondly, the leaves are different, and the leaves of the apple are wider than those of the false apple. Usually, the leaves are between 8 and 25 cm long and between 5 and 15 cm wide. The leaves are 7 to 15 cm long and 2.5 to 7 cm wide. Again, the fruit size is different. The fruit of Ping Po is larger than that of the false Ping Po, whose fruit is similar to the size of a broad bean, and the fruit of the fake Ping Po is only the size of a peanut. In July and August, the apple fruit ripens and cracks, and the fruit contains black seeds, which resemble shiny black eyeballs, and the shell is shaped like a phoenix eye. Finally, the apple tree is often leafy, and even in the hot summer, the branches and leaves of the apple are basically unable to penetrate the light. The branches and leaves of the false apple are relatively sparse, and the mottled shadows under the tree can be seen.