
Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

author:Smelly fart meow

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Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but it actually leaves 3 major regrets

Subtitle: The ending of Feng Baobao in "Under the Inhumans" is unexpected


The TV series "Under the Inhumans" is a suspenseful brain-burning drama that swept the country and once aroused heated discussions among the audience. The plot is exciting, the characters are unique, and the ending is even more surprising. Although the ending feels satisfactory, if you look closely, you will find that there are three major regrets in it.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

This article will combine the detailed analysis of the plot to take you to uncover the three regrets behind the ending of "Under the Inhumans".

First, the missing Feng baby

In the creation of "Under the Stranger", Feng Baobao is a character that has attracted much attention. She is a mysterious woman with supernatural abilities, and is inextricably linked to major characters such as Jiang Hong and Liu Jing. However, at the climax of the plot, Feng Baobao suddenly mysteriously disappeared and never appeared again.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

This ending was unexpected and made the audience feel very regretful.

What does Feng Baobao's disappearance mean?

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

Who exactly kidnapped her or left voluntarily? The play does not give a clear explanation, which greatly dampens the audience's curiosity. Feng Baobao's departure adds a touch of suspense to the whole story, but it is also regrettable and incomprehensible again.

Second, Feng Baobao's past and life

In the play, Feng Baobao has always been portrayed as a mysterious character, and her past and life history have always been the focus of the audience's attention.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

However, in the entire plot, no detailed explanation of Feng Baobao's past and life is given.

The audience hopes to better understand Feng Baobao's behavior and the source of her powers through her backstory, but unfortunately, no clues to this are given in the play. Such regrets make people have more speculation and questions about the role of Feng Baobao, and also leave the audience room to think.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

Third, the emotional development of Feng Baobao and Jiang Hong

The relationship between Feng Baobao and Jiang Hong is an important clue in "Under the Stranger". The interaction between the two and Feng Baobao's concern for Jiang Hong gradually attracted the attention of the audience. However, the development of the relationship between Feng Baobao and Jiang Hong in the play only gives a vague ending.

At the end of the play, Feng Baobao and Jiang Hong sat together, but there was no clear explanation and development between them, and the audience could only guess and speculate about the development of their feelings.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

This strong sense of regret left the audience with a lot of regret and helplessness.


"Under the Stranger" is a fascinating TV series, and its ending seems to be satisfactory, but it actually leaves three major regrets. The mysterious disappearance of Feng Baobao, the unrevealed history of her past and life, and the uncertainty of the development of her relationship with Jiang Hong all bring regret and room for reflection to the audience.

Under the Stranger: The ending seems to be satisfactory, but in fact it leaves 3 major regrets, and Feng Baobao's ending is unexpected

Despite these regrets, "Under the Stranger" is still a very wonderful series. Its plot setting is compact and the characters are deep, leaving the audience with a lot of content worth remembering and thinking about. I hope that more stories of Feng Baobao will unfold in the future, so that the audience can satisfy their curiosity and expectations for this character.

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