
After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

author:Doigt Chen

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Legendary journalist Bob Woodward and Washington Post veteran Robert Costa's new book, Jeopardy, is due to release in October. The book attracted widespread attention in the United States and abroad, and the information disclosed in it shocked the world. The book reveals a series of astonishing actions by Trump after the U.S. election and Capitol riots, including his consideration of using nuclear weapons to effect a right-wing "coup."

Trump's extreme thinking worries General Mark Milley, the top U.S. military general and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The book "Jeopardy" describes Trump falling into a nervous breakdown after losing the election, shouting at White House officials and immersed in illusions about Democratic election intrigue. This state of madness deeply worried General Milley, fearing that Trump might act like crazy, so he took covert action.

After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

General Milley convened a secret meeting at the Pentagon on January 8, 2021, to discuss military operation procedures, including the use of nuclear weapons. He explicitly ordered senior officers not to accept any orders unless he was involved. Milley asked every senior official to understand that his involvement was needed no matter what order he received. The action was made to ensure that Trump did not abuse his military power.

Milley's concerns stem from observations of Trump's erratic behavior before and after the election. To reduce the risk of a possible future conflict with China, Milley secretly spoke twice with General Li Zuocheng, chief of staff of the Joint Staff of the People's Liberation Army Chinese People's Liberation Army. He assured Lee that the United States would not launch an attack on China and promised to notify China in advance to avoid accidental war and the use of nuclear weapons.

After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

After the Capitol riot on January 6, General Milley became more concerned about Trump's "special risk" to national security and took action to secretly spy on Trump. He ordered all Trump's activities to be monitored to ensure national security. Milley sees this as a real precautionary measure to preserve international order and avoid historic ruptures and unpredictable military action.

Trump's unpredictability lies in his actions. He signed a military order to leave Afghanistan, which was secretly drafted by members of Trump's team. Although it was eventually repealed, it left Milley concerned about Trump's irresponsible behavior. Milley believes Trump's military powers must be weakened to prevent him from making unpredictable decisions.

After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

In both "I Can Solve the Problem" and "Danger," Milley discussed plans with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to resist Trump's illegitimate orders, as well as fears that Trump and his allies were trying to stage a coup. Senior U.S. national security officials are also concerned that Trump could be distracted by provoking conflict after the election.

Trump refused to admit defeat and fell into election fraud conspiracy theories, but Pence steadfastly refused to support overturning the election results. Bannon played a key role in encouraging Trump to take action at the important moments leading up to Jan. 6. However, Trump's anger has also been aimed at those who are against him, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

Trump is planning to run in the 2024 presidential election, but his extreme personality could spell disaster for the United States and the world. We must closely monitor Trump's actions to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. In short, the book sheds light on the chaos and dangers of the Trump era and reminds us to cherish democracy and stability.

After losing the election, the crazy Trump tried to open the Pandora's box of war

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