
Revealing the secret of He Minxu: How to quickly degenerate into a corrupt official with the shortest life?

author:Eat a custard bun in one bite

In a distant era, an official named He Minxu rose to prominence in the political arena, but his political career was as short as a shooting star, and he was the shortest-lived corrupt official. This article will tell you the story of this official, a time full of greed, fornication and the corruption of power.

He Minxu was born in Shandong, with a prominent family background and parents who were cadres, and he seemed to have stood on the threshold of power early. However, he did not embark on the road to the college entrance examination, but chose a military career and spent 20 years in the military. During this time, he accumulated a lot of military merits and political achievements. Later, with the help of his parents' connections, he moved to Zhejiang and took up the position of deputy director of the Labor Department. However, just as he was beginning to adjust to his new position, the seeds of greed were already taking root in his heart.

Revealing the secret of He Minxu: How to quickly degenerate into a corrupt official with the shortest life?

He Minxu's greed began with an incident in which he helped local cadres to be transferred, and the other party's gratitude was expressed in a "thank you money" of 5,000 yuan. This small benefit fee seemed to ignite the greed in He Minxu's heart, and he began to help more grassroots cadres get promoted, and thus received more benefit fees. Gradually, more and more people gave gifts, and one of the coal mine owners even gave him a bribe of 1.6 million yuan. The power in his hands is getting bigger and bigger, and He Minxu's greed is becoming more and more insatiable. According to the investigation, 27 units and individuals paid bribes to him, of which 10 paid bribes solely for the purpose of seeking opportunities for promotion or job transfer, with a total amount of 1.94 million yuan.

However, corruption is not limited to promotion, and He Minxu has another side that is not known to outsiders - his promiscuous life. Although he has multiple mistresses, he is a person who likes the new and dislikes the old, and in order to get rid of these mistresses, he needs to pay a high "youth loss fee". All this requires a steady stream of corruption to satisfy.

It was in this context that He Minxu came across a restaurant called "Peach Garden", and the beauty of Li, the owner of the restaurant, fascinated him. After Li learned that He Minxu was a high-ranking local official, she began to approach him intentionally, and she thought that climbing this tree would improve the business of the restaurant. The two came together when they had a soul in their hearts. However, this good time did not last long, and Li soon discovered that He Minxu was not a dedicated person, so she introduced her own sister and cousin to He Minxu. These three sisters served He Minxu together, completely immersed him in the gentle ocean, and he even turned off the computer to ignore the world outside the window. However, it was at this time that a mass incident broke out, and He Minxu was far away from the place of the incident.

Revealing the secret of He Minxu: How to quickly degenerate into a corrupt official with the shortest life?

On 26 June 2005, four passengers got into an argument with a pedestrian, triggering a serious clash. The instigation of lawbreakers led to an escalation of dissatisfaction among the masses, and the situation deteriorated rapidly, injuring many officers and soldiers of the armed police and public security police. And He Minxu enjoyed the company of the three sisters on Jiuhua Mountain, and did not know anything about the things outside the window. By the time he finally learned of the report, it was too late, and the Commission had launched an investigation into him.

He Minxu eventually became a short-lived corrupt official, and his story became what people called "negative teaching materials". This story warns us that power leads to corruption, and that greed and fornication often accompany power. We must always be vigilant, reject the temptation of corruption and fornication, and adhere to the principles of integrity and integrity.

Revealing the secret of He Minxu: How to quickly degenerate into a corrupt official with the shortest life?

Ho's story is also a profound cautionary tale of the serious consequences of corrupt power and greedy and promiscuous behavior. At the same time, it also reminds us to maintain a clean and noble character, start from ourselves, and promote the progress of society. In modern society, a transparent, just and clean political and social environment is essential for the development of society and individuals. This is the responsibility of each of us and our common goal. May He Minxu's story become a mirror that illuminates the way forward.

Revealing the secret of He Minxu: How to quickly degenerate into a corrupt official with the shortest life?