
Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

author:Years bloom

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Recently, on an online video platform in the United States, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic. The topic sparked a fierce debate among American netizens, many of whom believed that the so-called "world first" was just China's boastful rhetoric. There is even a young American railroad engineer, Barrett, who insists that Chinese high-speed rail technology is "stolen" from the United States. Faced with hotly debated comments, Barrett decided to travel to China in person to find evidence of "theft" of high-speed rail technology.

Barrett, a young engineer, was a rookie in American railroad construction. He grew up hearing from his parents about China's poverty and backwardness, and they described the country's travel methods as walking, biking, and even relying on donkey carts. This became his early impression of China, which he always associated with poverty and backwardness.

Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

However, Barrett joined American Railroad Construction after graduating from college, and he was proud of his country's technology. Although he knew that American railroads still had a long way to go, when he learned that Chinese high-speed trains could reach a top speed of 486.1 kilometers per hour, and test trains could reach 605 kilometers per hour, he mockingly thought it was Chinese pure boasting. In his view, the reason why China can build high-speed rail must be a breakthrough made by learning or "stealing" American technology, and surpassing the United States in the field of high-speed rail is even more bizarre.

After Barrett announced online that he was going to China to find evidence, he was supported by a large number of American netizens. He was encouraged to reveal the true face of China and defend American railroad technology. Barrett packed his bags and got ready to go. His parents reminded him to bring more food and clothing, fearing that he would suffer in China's harsh conditions. However, they are also proud of their son's decision.

Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

Early the next morning, Barrett arrived in Beijing, the capital of China. However, he was shocked by what he saw, and the Beijing airport was completely different from the shabby scene he had imagined. Barrett tried to comfort himself that China must have paid a lot of money to hire American designers to build it. After leaving the airport, he was struck by the bustling scene of Beijing, full of high-rise buildings, which made him doubt his impression. He quickly hailed a taxi to the Beijing high-speed railway station, and was once again shocked by the luxury of the high-speed railway station. Barrett began to feel a little uneasy, worried that he had been tricked elsewhere by the taxi driver.

After buying tickets for the Fuxing train from Beijing to Tianjin, Barrett waited nervously at the platform. He tried to be vigilant, thinking that all this might have loopholes. However, when he saw the train, his heart completely collapsed. He was blown away by the look and design of the train and felt like he was in a paradise. He entered the train excitedly, then stood up cautiously to experience unprecedented speed.

Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

He remembers the opening of China's first high-speed rail line in 2008, and he was impressed by the news reports at the time. But he didn't believe it was real. Today, he is riding on China's first high-speed rail line that was reported that year. He felt the speed of the high-speed train, and the speed sign outside the window showed 304 kilometers per hour, which made him hold on to the seat back. Compared to 2021, the average speed of high-speed rail running in the United States is only more than 100 kilometers per hour, and after more than 150 kilometers, passengers will feel significant discomfort. But here, he can walk easily without worrying about falling. This turned Barrett's perception upside down, and he began to respect China's high-speed rail.

Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

After seeing the calm attitude of the Chinese passengers, he began to feel sorry for his ignorance. He decided to experience everything firsthand before drawing conclusions. He picked up a camera to show the audience the advantages of China's high-speed rail, calling on everyone to put aside stereotypes for a while.

However, when his phone is about to run out of battery, he urgently needs to charge it. After he asked the train attendant, he learned that there were sockets under each seat that could be used for charging, as well as USB ports and two power outlets. Barrett then decided to visit the first class seat and the business seat.

In the first-class carriage, the first thing he felt was the spaciousness and wide seats. He sat in the seat and felt very comfortable. He placed

Recently, the world's leading position in China's high-speed rail technology has become a hot topic

A can of water, surprised to find that this can is completely unaffected by the speed of the train and remains stable. He was in a happy mood and sighed to the camera: "Friends, do you know? I really want to sleep here now, this chair is so comfortable. ”

Barrett marveled at the stability of China's high-speed rail. He met a fellow American who had been working in China for ten years. The fellow told Barrett that China is not building high-speed rail to make a profit, but to provide convenience to the people. The ticket price of China's high-speed rail is far from covering the cost of construction. This fact made Barrett rethink.

Knowing that China plans to reach a total of 70,000 kilometers of high-speed rail by 2035 and introduce a new generation of high-speed rail that can reach speeds of up to 600 kilometers per hour, Barrett's attitude has completely changed. He no longer dismissed China's high-speed rail technology, praising it as a "crazy achievement." He is convinced that China is capable of achieving this. Barrett looked back at the camera and called on everyone to put aside their stereotypes and come to China to experience the miracle of high-speed rail in person.

As for whether China has stolen American technology, the answer is obvious. Since the opening of the Beijing-Tianjin intercity railway in 2008, China's high-speed railway has made a series of breakthroughs, including the construction and operation of the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway, the Zhengxi high-speed railway, the Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed railway and the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway. By the end of 2020, China's railway operating mileage reached 146,400 kilometers, of which 38,000 kilometers were high-speed railways. China is far ahead in high-speed rail technology and operation, and this is China's high-speed rail, there is no need to question it. For those foreign friends who are skeptical, welcome to come to China in person and experience firsthand what is the real high-speed rail.


Through Barrett's experience, we have seen the remarkable achievements of China's high-speed rail. This article presents his journey of discovery in a bottom-up manner, from skepticism to recognition, allowing readers to feel first-hand the excellence of China's high-speed rail. At the same time, the article emphasizes the authenticity and leading position of China's high-speed rail, refuting accusations of "stealing" technology. The development of China's high-speed railway has not only made China proud, but also attracted international attention, becoming a global leader in railway technology.

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