
The Hu-Nanjing Expressway Bridge of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line completed the main construction of the southern half of the bridge

author:Small Fish News

On September 28, with the completion of the last truck of concrete pouring, the southern half of the bridge deck paving construction of the Shanghai-Nanjing High-speed Bridge Project of Qingyang Port Channel Improvement Project was completed, marking the completion of the main construction of the southern half of the bridge, and the project fully entered the stage of sweeping up the final battle.

The Hu-Nanjing Expressway Bridge of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line completed the main construction of the southern half of the bridge

【Construction Process】

At present, the project has completed two traffic conversions, and the northern half of the new Baotong Bridge and the new main line bridge have been opened to traffic one after another.

On July 17, 2021, the Baotong Bridge was completed and opened to traffic, completing the first traffic transfer of the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway;

The Hu-Nanjing Expressway Bridge of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line completed the main construction of the southern half of the bridge

On September 21, 2022, the northern half of the main bridge was completed and opened to traffic, completing the second traffic conversion of the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway.

The channel improvement project of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line is implemented by Kunshan Water Transport Command, of which the 7 bridges that have been implemented are under the construction and management of the Communications Construction Company, and the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway Bridge is constructed by the 20th Bureau of China Railway Company. Since the start of the project, all parties involved in the construction have closely followed the project construction goals, regularly held project technical seminars and communication and coordination meetings, strived to overcome unfavorable factors such as narrow construction site and land and water cross operations, reasonably set schedule plans and node targets, strengthened construction safety and quality management, equipped with strong on-site construction guarantees, and made every effort to ensure the high-quality and efficient completion of various construction tasks.

The Hu-Nanjing Expressway Bridge of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line completed the main construction of the southern half of the bridge

In the next step, CCCC continued to urge all parties involved in the project to make every effort to do a good job in the follow-up bridge deck asphalt paving, traffic safety facilities installation and other construction tasks, and work together to tackle the goal of opening the project to traffic as soon as possible to ensure that the project was completed and opened to traffic as soon as possible to exert social benefits.

【Project Introduction】

Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway Bridge is one of the bridges in the first phase of the channel improvement project of Qingyang Port section of Shenzhang Line, because the clear space and net width do not meet the navigation requirements of the three-level waterway, and the old bridge needs to be demolished and built for a new one. In order to ensure the normal passage of the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, the project was implemented in three phases according to the plan of "demolition of the old bridge and new construction in situ": the first stage of the construction of Baotong Bridge and Baodao Road, after the completion of the construction, the traffic of Baotong Road was opened, and the old bridge in the northern half of the main line was closed; In the second stage, the old bridge in the north half of the main line will be demolished, the new construction and wiring construction of the northern half of the main line bridge will be carried out, and the northern half of the main line will be opened to traffic after completion; In the third stage, the old bridge in the south half of the main line will be demolished, and the new construction and wiring construction of the southern half of the main line bridge will be carried out, and the southern half of the main line will be opened to traffic after completion.

The Hu-Nanjing Expressway Bridge of the Qingyang Port section of the Shenzhang Line completed the main construction of the southern half of the bridge