
"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

author:Eight Birthdays

Wen 丨八生紀 Editor 丨八生紀

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Film is a powerful cultural medium with unlimited potential to convey stories, ideas, and emotions. As a country with a rich history and diverse culture, China has always actively participated in and shaped the development of world cinema.

Chinese audiences' love and enthusiasm for movies is not limited to domestic films, but also includes international film works. In this era of increasingly convenient information exchange, the influence of international films in the Chinese film market is increasing, which provides opportunities and challenges for cultural exchange and cross-cultural understanding.

"Death is Coming". Although this series of films is not made in China, it has attracted widespread attention and discussion among Chinese audiences.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

The Chinese film industry has become one of the most important film markets in the world, and its huge audience base and potential have attracted the attention of international film producers. At the same time, Chinese audiences have shown sustained interest in different genre films, including horror movies. Horror movies, as a globally popular genre, have always found success in the Chinese market. However, horror movies are not just a form of entertainment, they also reflect social and cultural characteristics, triggering viewers to think about death, survival, and supernatural forces.

The "Death is Coming" series of films is distinguished by its unique narrative strategy and horror elements, which have aroused widespread interest among audiences. However, the success of this series of films lies not only in its horror scenes, but also in its profound themes, especially the exploration of fate and fate.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

Horror movies and culture

Definition and evolution of horror movies

As a film genre, horror movies have always attracted audiences, making them feel horror and excitement in a tense and thrilling plot. However, the definition of a horror movie is not easy to define, as it can contain a variety of different elements and themes. The evolution of horror movies also reflects social and cultural changes, from the earliest monster movies to modern psychological horror films, horror films of different eras reflect the anxiety and fear of the society at that time.

Cultural characters in horror movies

Horror movies are not just meant to cause fear and horror in the audience, they also carry cultural and social messages. Horror movies can reflect society's values, morals and cultural beliefs, while also challenging traditional concepts and provoking audience reflection. The themes and elements of horror movies can vary from culture to culture, so it can serve as a cultural study tool to help us understand the similarities and differences between different cultures.

The acceptance of horror movies by Chinese audiences

The acceptance of horror movies by Chinese audiences has been increasing, reflecting the diversity of the Chinese film market and the expansion of audience tastes. Although China has some cultural traditions and beliefs that contradict the theme of horror movies, audience interest in horror movies continues to grow. This change may be related to the modernization of Chinese society and cultural globalization, making audiences more willing to accept film works from different cultures.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

The narrative strategy of the "Death is Coming" series of movies

The plot of the "Death is Coming" series centers on the life and death journey of a group of major young people. The plot of these films often revolves around a potentially catastrophic event, while the protagonists try to avoid their own or others' deaths. However, this is not a traditional horror movie, as death is not caused by a specific murderer, but is portrayed as an invisible force, the Grim Reaper itself.

Narrative structure and timeline

A distinctive feature is the non-linear narrative structure of these films. The main characters usually experience a life-or-death crisis at the beginning of the film, but then they are saved and their lives seem to be reborn. However, this salvation is not the end, but a temporary delay. As the story progresses, viewers see how the protagonists try to stop Death's plans and how they gradually approach death.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

Character building

The shaping of the main characters is key in this series. The protagonists are usually young people who must deal with the threat of death and work to stop it. The audience develops an emotional connection with these characters as they try to understand and overcome death. Death, on the other hand, is portrayed as a ruthless force, invisible but omnipresent, which adds to the tension and fear.

Death scenes with horror elements

The Death is Coming series of films is known for its creative and terrifying death scenes. These scenes are often creepy and include a variety of different ways of dying, from traffic accidents to accidents, all designed with exceptional elaboration. The visual effects and horror elements of these scenes enhance the tension of the film and attract the attention of the audience.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

Cultural awareness and the reaction of Chinese audiences

There is a strong sense of fatalism in Chinese culture, that is, people believe that the fate of life has been predetermined and cannot be changed. This idea echoes the fantastic fatalism of the "Death is Coming" film series. The protagonists in the film constantly predict their own death and seem unable to escape their fate. This resonated with the Chinese audience's view of fate, triggering a reflection on their own destiny.

Chinese culture has a special attitude towards death, viewing it as a sensitive and important topic. However, the "Death is Coming" series places death against a backdrop of tension and horror, in stark contrast to the traditional view of death among Chinese audiences. This contrast provokes a different view of death in the audience, as well as a deeper reflection on life.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

How the film provokes the audience to think and discuss

The wonderful fatalism and creative death scenes of the "Death is Coming" series of movies have triggered the audience's thinking and discussion. The audience not only pays attention to the horror elements in the film, but also tries to understand the deep themes conveyed by the film. These films inspire viewers to discuss fate, death, and survival, and drive social and cultural inquiry into these topics.

We will delve into how Chinese audiences react to the Death is Coming series, with a particular focus on the connection between fatalism and Chinese culture. We will also explore how the film provokes audience thinking and discussion, and the impact it has had on Chinese audiences' attitudes towards death. These discussions will help us better understand the interaction between film art and culture.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

A Chineseized adaptation of the "Death is Coming" series of movies

Chinese version of "Death is Coming": adaptation and audience reaction

In China, the "Death is Coming" series of movies quickly gained great popularity and influence. Not only that, but there is also the Chinese version of the "Death is Coming" movie, which includes some elements of adaptation and reshoot. Whether these adaptations are successful or not, and how audiences react to the Chinese version of the film, are all concerns for us. Do these adaptations incorporate elements of Chinese culture into the film? Did the audience accept these adaptations? This chapter will delve into the similarities and differences between the Chinese version of Death and the original, as well as their impact on Chinese audiences.

The addition of Chinese cultural elements and cultural dialogue

The Chinese version of "Death is Coming" movies often add some Chinese cultural elements to suit the tastes and cultural backgrounds of Chinese audiences. This may include more Chinese humor, cultural symbols, or specific scene settings. Has this cultural element been successfully integrated with the original horror element of the film? Do they promote cultural dialogue and allow viewers to understand the themes in the film more deeply?

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

Film and social issues

The Grim Reaper and Chinese Society: The Topic of Death and Destiny

The "Death is Coming" series of films is not only designed to provide intense entertainment, they also touch on some important social issues. Death, fate and fate are central themes in these films, and these themes have also attracted much attention in Chinese society. This chapter explores how cinema reflects Chinese society's views on life and death, destiny, and individual freedom. Did they provoke the audience to think and discuss these topics?

The social impact of the film on the audience

As a popular culture medium, film has potential social influence. They can shape the perceptions and values of the audience, influencing their behavior and attitudes. In this chapter, we will examine the social impact of the "Death is Coming" series on Chinese audiences. This includes the emotional and psychological impact of the film on the audience, and whether they inspire the viewer to think deeply about life and death.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

The connection of film to contemporary social issues in China

Although the Grim Reaper is Coming film series belongs to the horror film genre, they also provide a platform to discuss a range of contemporary social issues. These issues may include conflicts between individual freedom and fate, interpersonal relationships, and security issues. This chapter explores the connection between film and contemporary Chinese social issues, and how film reflects and shapes audiences' views on these issues.

We will delve into the place of the "Death is Coming" film series in Chinese culture and society, and their interaction with Chinese audiences. We will examine the Chinese adaptation and the cultural elements incorporated into the film, as well as how the film touches on a range of social issues. These discussions will help us to understand more comprehensively the relationship between film art and culture and society.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers


Study the narrative strategies and cultural awareness of the "Death is Coming" film series, as well as their influence and reaction among Chinese audiences. Through the analysis of film, we can delve into the interaction between film art and culture, and how film reflects and shapes the cultural consciousness of the audience.

The "Death is Coming" series of films is known for its unique narrative strategy and horror elements. Non-linear narrative structure, creative death scenes, and characterization all add to the film's appeal. By exploring themes of fate, death and fate, the series provokes viewers to think deeply about these issues. The fantastic fatalism in the film resonated with Chinese audiences' perceptions of fatalism and sparked a cultural dialogue.

The acceptance of horror movies by Chinese audiences is increasing, which may be related to the modernization of Chinese society and the globalization of culture. The audience became interested in the death scenes and horror elements in the film, but also showed concern for the deeper themes in the film. The Chinese version of the film "Death is Coming" has been a success among Chinese audiences, successfully connecting with the audience by adding some elements of Chinese culture. There are certain similarities and differences between this adaptation and the original film, but both have an impact on the audience.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers

Movies are not only entertainment, but also touch on a series of social issues, such as the conflict between individual freedom and fate, interpersonal relationships, and security issues. They provoke the audience to think and discuss social issues, and promote cultural and social dialogue. As an artistic medium, film is diverse and complex, and different audiences may have different views and reactions. Therefore, the findings may not be applicable to all audience groups.

The "Death is Coming" series of films attracts the attention of audiences with its unique narrative strategy, horror elements, and deep themes. They are not just entertainment, but also reflect social, cultural and individual concerns. This film series promotes cultural dialogue and social discussion by provoking viewers to reflect on life and death, fate and destiny. Through the research of this thesis, we better understand the interaction between film art and culture, and how film affects the cultural awareness of audiences. It is hoped that this research can provide useful reference and inspiration for future cultural research and film research.

"Death is Coming": An enduring horror film that contemplates death survival and supernatural powers