
Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

author:Guangzhou Radio and Television Station

On the morning of September 27th, in Shengping Social Studies and Cultural Square, Baiyun District of Guangzhou City carried out a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities". The activity was hosted by the Guangzhou Municipal Leading Group Office for "Eliminating Pornography and Combating Illegal Activities", co-organized by the Office of the Leading Group for "Eliminating Pornography and Combating Illegal Activities" in Baiyun District, and organized by Shijing Street Comprehensive Service Center. The guests attending the event included the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee and relevant leaders of Shijing Street. The event invited Shijing Street Center Kindergarten, Zhangcun Primary School, Jinbi Xincheng Primary School and Jiukong Hulusi team to perform live.

Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

The stage of this event adopts the innovative publicity form of the caravan, and the display board inside the carriage is pasted with the knowledge of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities". In the left area in front of the stage, dozens of excellent works from the 2023 Guangzhou Second "Qingfeng Xia Nursery Seedlings" comic works collection activity were carefully selected and displayed at the scene. On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, combined with traditional cultural characteristics, many colorful lanterns were also arranged and hung above the square.

Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

Accompanied by cheerful music, a moving dance kicked off the event, the atmosphere was warm, and in the "anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities" knowledge prize Q&A session, everyone was even more excited and enthusiastic, and they all raised their hands to grab answers.

Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

After the performance, the guests and the masses, led by the preacher, boarded the caravan to visit, everyone listened carefully to the preacher's explanation, visited this magical stage, and some parents led the children to watch comic works, through simple and interesting pictures, to convey the correct values to the children.

Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

After the exhibition, the teacher who led the performance program gave feedback, "This activity was held very well, through the combination of knowledge and performance, exhibition, so that the children learned more anti-pornography and non-pornography knowledge in the play, through this activity came into contact with a lot of information and knowledge from the outside world, not just the knowledge taught by the teachers in the classroom." ”

Some children said excitedly, "This stage is so interesting, it is in a car, there is air conditioning, and there is an electronic screen." Although I have seen this before, it is the first time to go up, and my uncle explained to us the knowledge of anti-pornography and fighting, which is really fun! ”。

Baiyun District held a publicity activity for the nursery caravan and a publicity activity on the theme of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal activities"

The publicity activity of the Guangzhou Baiyun District Seedling Protection Caravan aims to enhance everyone's knowledge and understanding of "anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities" through the combination of performance, exhibition viewing and knowledge publicity, enhance everyone's confidence and determination, jointly promote the in-depth development of anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities, and make greater contributions to the harmony and stability of society. Shijing Street will also continue to carry out various cultural and sports activities to enrich and enliven the spiritual and cultural life of the residents in the jurisdiction, enhance the sense of belonging, identity and happiness of the residents in the jurisdiction, and promote the vigorous development of Shijing's cultural and educational undertakings.

Source: South+