
#Mid-Autumn Festival homesickness#Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, evoking my feelings of homesickness. My hometown is familiar and strange in my memory. I say familiar because I was born and raised

author:Broad subordinate to Guangtu

#Mid-Autumn Festival Homesickness#

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, which evokes my feelings of homesickness. My hometown is familiar and strange in my memory.

I say familiar because it was the place where I was born and raised, there is a familiar rural sound, a strong rural feeling, and every grass and tree is engraved in my memory.

Speaking of strangeness, since the death of my parents, I have been like a kite with a broken thread, floating around in other places. Like a duckweed without roots, let the wind and waves blow and do not touch the roots. On the road of life, I gradually blurred the road back to my hometown, and the rural sound of my ears was missing. My hometown, in my memory, is drifting away.

Over the years, although I have been far away from my hometown, deep down in my heart, I still remember it in my heart and never forget it. Approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, homesickness is strong. Every time I think about it, I can't help myself, and I burst into tears.

My hometown is my eternal memory complex. Every year when the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the feeling of homesickness is like an old wine, and it becomes stronger and stronger.

#Mid-Autumn Festival homesickness#Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, evoking my feelings of homesickness. My hometown is familiar and strange in my memory. I say familiar because I was born and raised
#Mid-Autumn Festival homesickness#Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, evoking my feelings of homesickness. My hometown is familiar and strange in my memory. I say familiar because I was born and raised
#Mid-Autumn Festival homesickness#Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, evoking my feelings of homesickness. My hometown is familiar and strange in my memory. I say familiar because I was born and raised

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