
42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

author:Humorous evening tong

Respect and equality are the most important cornerstones of the marriage relationship, yet in reality, we often see inequality and disrespect. Nowadays, society is gradually opening up, and people are beginning to pursue personal value and happiness, but traditional ideas and prejudices still exist. Some words and behaviors in the blind date process often expose this prejudice and disrespect.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

In real life, we often hear about the conditions and restrictions in marriage, including bride price and fertility issues. These issues are often placed in discussions of blind dates and marital relationships, but they are not always presented in a manner and attitude that reflects respect and equality.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

Take the example of a 42-year-old female doctor blind date to illustrate, this woman has a certain status and economic foundation in society, and she has her own thoughts and requirements for marriage and life. Her decision not to have children was a personal choice and her plan for herself and her future life. At the same time, she asked for a bride price of 5.2 million, which is undoubtedly a high amount. However, in the process of blind date, the response of the man she faced was "Bubble pee to take care of yourself, right?" Such a response is neither respectful nor mature, nor takes into account the woman's rights and personal choices.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

Such words and attitudes are undoubtedly disrespectful and demeaning to women. First, the man's response implied that women should lower their demands and expectations, and he dismissed the female doctor's decision, believing that she did not deserve such a high bride price. Second, the man's response reflects a disrespect for women's fertility, believing that women are too old to have children and therefore are not worth marrying. Such logic is wrong and unfair, women's fertility and marital relationship should be two separate issues and should not affect each other.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

In marriage, men and women should treat each other as equals and respect each other's choices and decisions. Especially in modern society, women are more and more aware of pursuing career and personal value, they have their own pursuits and goals, and hope to receive equal support and respect through marriage. Men's responses neither respected women's choices nor viewed marriage equally.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

Marriage should be based on equality and respect, and two people should discuss future life plans and goals together. It's normal for different people to have different requirements and expectations. Both the bride price and the fertility issue are negotiable and negotiable. If the man disagrees with the woman's decision, it should be communicated and discussed on an equal footing, rather than belittling and ridiculing the other person.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

We should call on society and individuals to maintain equality and respect in blind dates and marriages. Women have the right to choose their own lifestyle and pursue personal happiness, and cannot sacrifice their rights and choices because of society's traditional concept of marriage. Men also need to re-examine the definition of marriage and family, and marriage and childbearing should not be used as criteria for judging a woman's value.

42-year-old female doctor blind date, asking for 5.2 million bride price not to have children, man: bubble pee to take care of himself?

Finally, we need to give women more freedom and equal choice. Marriage should not become a shackle to personal development and happiness, but should become a driving force for two people to grow and progress together. Let everyone discover and pursue their own life value and happiness, which is a truly equal and respectful society.