
How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

author:God Card Zero

P.S. Today's society is developing rapidly, the data card replacement is also very fast, the network speed is getting better and faster, when we need to change the package frequently, we need to choose a long-term stable traffic card provider. Pay attention to the VX public number "Zero God Card". This is a platform that integrates free collection of network-wide traffic cards and after-sales consultation protection. And how to select, register, join, develop, promote and other services for first-level agent distribution of traffic cards

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

It took many months to sort out this cost-effective mobile phone card collection article covering four major operators in 32 provinces and regions across the country, and the content of the article has been updated for a long time, it is recommended to double-click the collection and keep it slowly to avoid getting lost when needed.

First of all, this article is not about IoT cards! This article only evaluates and explains the regular operator's mobile phone data card package with low monthly rent, high traffic, and unlimited speed.

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Because I was pitted all the way, I especially hate the routines of those pit people! I used to use the Dawang card, because I usually use a certain news APP more, I can follow dramas and play games more, I thought it was very cost-effective, and after a period of time, I found that there was invisible consumption!

Fixed extra traffic generation every day, there was no seventy or eighty in January, there were fifty or sixty, and then I found an IoT card in a bar, and the result was that 100G could really be used only two dozen G, and finally gave me a card stop and ran away, forced to finally find this regular mobile phone card.

The Internet packages released by the three major operators are really not ordinary packages, and in order to compete for the online channel market, each operator continues to hit the bottom line and refresh the cost performance of the package, which is no longer comparable to the offline package. (Now the four major operators, plus one broadcaster)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)
  1. Internet package is a regular mobile phone card officially produced by the operator, and the operator's customer service and business hall can be served, but it is only available for online application, so it is also called an electronic channel card.
  2. For operators, Internet packages are a new market must be seized, and it is the main weapon to complete new tasks and performance, the reason is that the local population will not change much, and the Internet is different, everyone is on the same network, so as soon as the above task is launched, provincial operators will launch a lot of cost-effective packages ~
  3. For customers, every Internet package on the shelves can be said to be an out-of-print cost-effective package, and when the operator completes the task, the package will be removed, so the listing and removal of these packages is very frequent.
  4. Secondly, operators must also adapt to the development of the times, Internet online application, home delivery by couriers, independent activation, you can apply for a mobile phone card package without going out, just like takeaway, convenient to the extreme, cost-effective to the extreme.
How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

During this time, the operators began to adjust again, I kind of understand, these major operators every half a year or a year to jointly adjust, down these cost-effective packages, personally feel that the provincial operators rolled up, the monthly rent is low are to lose, so a consensus, jointly remove these packages, so that no one can rely on a good package to grab the market, can only put some general ordinary packages. And this adjustment is stricter and longer, most of the cost-effective packages are offline, this time operators to uniformly remove these low monthly rent more than 100G traffic packages, is expected to complete all removals this week, if you need friends can seize the last opportunity to get on the car, after the offline may not have such a cost-effective package (those that have been applied will not be affected by the removal)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Why choose a data card?

There are really too many traffic card recommendations on the market, and it is really difficult to choose a cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-use traffic card. If you are not careful, you will fall into these pits:

Information leakage: bombarded with various advertisements.

Serious inflatedness: the actual effective traffic of 100G bought is only 30G.

No guarantee after sales: unexcused downtime, unexcused phone bills, and even unexplained card cancellation but no after-sales personnel can be found at all.

Therefore, this article, I will summarize the continuous evaluation experience in the past few years based on the long foundation of stepping on the pit in the past few years, as well as the personal experience of netizens, plus my own personal experience, and select about 10 cheap and easy-to-use traffic card packages to include in the article for everyone to choose.

At the same time, it is hereby solemnly promised that all the following traffic cards are and will only be the online formal packages of the four major operators, direct operators, one-click application, information directly transmitted to the operator's system, 1-3 working days to approve and open the card, package delivery, and direct delivery to you.

Whether it is activation, recharge, or query package, recharge phone bill, cancel card number, all are carried out under the operator's official website, there is absolutely no information leakage, serious inflatedness, lack of after-sales possibility.

At the same time, if you buy a satisfactory traffic card through this article, solving the problem of low traffic, expensive traffic, and insufficient traffic, then I hope you can give a small approval, because every approval, like, and collection you point will be fed back to big data, so that big data pushes this article to more friends who are looking for reliable traffic cards!

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Now the traffic cards on the market are really dazzling, and the update and iteration speed is particularly fast, even in daily calculation, one accidentally missed the first-line preferential package in the market.

And when we buy a traffic card, if you want to learn all the relevant knowledge of the traffic card in place, then first of all, not to say the feasibility, just say that such a huge system really understands clearly to spend a lot of effort, for the little white friends is really very "bolt Q", now, directly to you the three major operators status, advantages and disadvantages, and the selection of traffic card related parameters, each card package content, advantages and disadvantages and suitable people to mark in place. Can really do Xiaobai can choose the card after reading it!

I. Introduction of traffic card operators (does not involve broadband)

China Mobile - the largest operator in the whole China, the whole earth, and the whole universe

Advantages: There are mobile base stations in almost all regions, which are the operators with the widest popularity and the most users, as well as the operators with the best and most stable signals.

Cons: The most expensive operator.

China Unicom – the first operator in China to abolish long-distance charges

Pros: The price is lower than mobile

Disadvantages: Poor coverage in the south, poor coverage in rural areas, suburbs.

China Telecom - price reduction maniac

Pros: The lowest price, base station coverage second only to mobile.

Cons: No obvious disadvantages.

China Radio and Television - unique in the 700MHz gold band

Advantages: The shared mobile base station is high coverage, high stability, unique 700MHz gold band, low propagation loss, wide coverage, strong penetration and low cost.

Disadvantages: short development cycle, small number of offline business halls, poor coverage, low after-sales level, online APP after-sales personnel and number to be improved.

Second, the relevant parameters of the flow card are popularized

  1. First of all, we must help you correct a little, traffic card signal, network speed, stability can not be generalized, base station coverage, equipment requirements, specific use places are indispensable!
  2. The distance of the base station is far The coverage of the base station is low The ability of the device to receive signals is poor The device does not support 5G The number of people using the ground is large The shielding signal such as the thick wall of the ground is used

All of the above will affect the signal of the traffic card, network speed, and the stability of use!

Common specific manifestations are:

Suburban, poor signal in rural areas, resulting in poor network speed, unstable network speed The same traffic card in the same area, some equipment has poor signal, resulting in poor network speed, unstable network speed Schools, shopping malls and other places with high population density have full signals, but because the base station is overloaded, resulting in poor network speed and unstable network speed Elevators, basements, toilets located in the center of the bedroom, living room, surrounded by multi-layer walls cannot receive signals, resulting in poor network speed, and unstable network speed

Third, how to buy the most suitable traffic card

1. From September to December every year, it belongs to the promotion node, which is basically the lowest in the whole year.

2. Internet speed is the most important factor, do not pay too much attention to the cost performance, and ignore the network speed.

3. Most of the cards are free to apply, don't spend money to buy! Don't spend money on it! Don't spend money on it!

4. The validity period of the package must be carefully read, and the scope of application of traffic must be carefully read.

5. Ninety-nine percent of bloggers will not mention the content, must go to the account, saying that those who do not need to cancel the account are scammers! It will really be blacklisted! Will receive a leaflet from the court! It is easy to close the account, go to the nearest self-owned business hall or online, there is no trouble as everyone imagines.

4. How much is the price of the data card package

Looking at the winter and summer vacation, the most suitable traffic card is the two big nodes of winter and summer, the price of winter and summer is basically the lowest price of the year, there will be many low-priced packages of 19 and 29 yuan, suitable for their own use can start.

In addition to winter and summer vacations, some lower-priced Internet packages are occasionally launched to supplement performance.

5. Suggestions on traffic card purchase channels

It is recommended to give priority to an Internet platform such as a certain or a certain station, because the operator will sign a contract with the platform to open some more favorable Internet packages to apply for permissions, the platform will be further opened to influential Gaozan bloggers, and the platform review is also relatively strict, in the operator-platform official-Gaozan blogger This step can eliminate the situation of falling goods out of the board.

Other channels can consider e-commerce platforms such as a certain east, a certain treasure, and a certain duoduo, but generally need to pay for processing, and some more preferential packages will even charge tens of yuan or even hundreds of processing fees.

It is not recommended to handle offline business halls, a certain sound, a certain hand these channels, the price of offline business halls is very unfriendly (too expensive), a certain sound, a certain hand of the package is famous for word games, any merchant can register as China Telecom XX store, the authenticity of the package is relatively low, and there is no guarantee after sales, it is not recommended to handle.

The ultimate analysis of the phone traffic card purchase guide

1. Traffic

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

When purchasing a traffic card, you must see the details of the traffic clearly, not simply look at the total amount of traffic, because there are also many classifications of traffic, such as:

  • General traffic: Traffic without any restrictions
  • Directed traffic: Restrict traffic only to certain fixed apps
  • Idle traffic: Traffic that can only be used during the period from 00:00 to 8:00 am

It is recommended that you check the general traffic enough for your own use according to your own needs, so as to ensure your normal use and avoid the embarrassing situation of "there is still a lot of traffic balance at the end of the month, but all of it is directional traffic and cannot be used".

2. Call

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Most of the packages do not come with free calls, and are generally charged at 0.1 yuan per minute. There are also a small number of plans that will configure 100-300 minutes of free calls, but the corresponding discounts will be reduced in other aspects.

If your own call demand is very small, it is still recommended to give preference to the package that tilts the discount to the traffic aspect, after all, it will not charge much money per minute, if you do have a large call demand, you can choose according to the package that meets your own needs.

3. Internet speed

Network speed is divided into several common configurations, such as ordinary 4G, ordinary 5G, 5G gold rate, and 5G platinum rate

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Ordinary 4G is corresponding to our common 100mbps broadband, this network speed can send and receive messages normally, but enter the web page, brush video, cache TV series will be slower, in response to the development of 5G, there are few packages on the market now 4G

Ordinary 5G corresponds to our common 300mbps broadband, this network speed basically brushes the web page, brushes the video will be very smooth

The 5G golden rate corresponds to our common 500mbps broadband, and this network speed will basically download large apps, such as the commonly used WeChat, in this network speed, it only takes 10.48 seconds to download at the earliest

The 5G platinum rate corresponds to our common 1000mbps broadband, which is basically a matter of minutes to download large online games

4. Promotion period

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Be sure to see how long the discount period is, and pay attention to cancellation! Generally, the basic package is long-term, has not changed, but some of the superimposed packages have a period, the preferential period is the term of the superimposed package, there are short-term, there are also long-term, you must pay attention to the end of the preferential period to cancel out, otherwise after the preferential period less traffic is not OK, I believe this 99% of people do not know.

Online packages are generally not the same as those handled in offline business halls, and can be used for a long time, and most of them have a preferential period.

Because these packages are launched by operators to reduce prices in order to supplement performance, the general discount will be given very large, so that the performance can be supplemented in the short term, and the performance will be removed when the performance is enough.

At the same time, the discounts given by these packages are basically the extent that the operator has not made money or even lost money, so there are few long-term preferential packages.

If you see a package that is both a great deal and a long-term package, don't hesitate to get started.

If there is no long-term package for some time period, then pick the big one among the short ones and choose the package with a relatively long discount period.

5. Contract period

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Be sure to see how long the contract period is, the contract period means that it cannot be cancelled in the contract, and cancellation requires liquidated damages, so if it is used for a short time, you must choose a contract period with less or no contract period.

The previous article mentioned that these preferential packages are basically listed by operators in order to rush performance, then the operator company also has an internal assessment mechanism, for example, this batch of new users need to be used for a year to count the performance of normal assessment

In this case, the operator will set the contract period of some traffic cards to 1 year, and there will be liquidated damages for cancellation within 1 year, so that more users can be retained for 1 year.

However, this contract period is a constraint for us, because it will affect us to cancel out, so when choosing a data card, we can give preference to the plan without the contract period.

6. Activate the selection number

The selection of numbers was originally a very basic configuration for handling mobile phone cards, but as mentioned earlier, these preferential packages were launched by operators for performance, and in this case, these packages have had an impact on other businesses normally carried out offline by operators

Therefore, the absolute part of the online package is to cut the function of selecting numbers. However, there are also a small number of packages that are set to be able to choose numbers in order to enhance competitiveness, so if you are a person who is particularly sensitive to numbers, then see the packages that can be selected, I advise you to hurry, such packages are indeed rare.

But there are also most netizens who think that the package discount is on the line, anyway, the main thing is to use traffic, the number does not matter, what do you think?

7. Others

In addition to the above points, some packages will also enhance the competitiveness of products by giving away some members and other ways, although the additional discounts are good, but it is recommended that you give priority to choose according to your own needs, after all, suitable for yourself, enough, save money, can be written off at any time, is the best.

[Delivery address]: Because it is a unified delivery by the operator, you cannot change the information and change the address at will like other e-commerce platforms to buy ordinary goods, so everyone try to fill in the permanent address!

[Activation positioning]: Many small partners will buy cards for family members or help friends buy cards, but Xiaowan should remind everyone that real-name cards should not be borrowed, otherwise there will be problems that will directly affect the real-name householder himself, and the operator in order to prevent this, will also activate positioning, need to be activated when located within one kilometer of the delivery address positioning distance can be activated normally!

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Summary of frequently asked questions

1. How to check the latest news of orders and logistics after applying?

After applying for the number card, the operator will review your information, generally takes 1-3 days, after the review is passed, you can click on the upper right corner of the application page to find the order, of course, I will put the exclusive inquiry channel under the card, more convenient to query. You can also pay attention to the WeChat public account: "Zero God Card" inquiry, and choose more traffic God cards that suit you

2. What is daily conversion?

Friends who have applied for a telecom card should note: Telecom packages generally come with "first month package converted by days", traffic in the first month of activation, traffic is partially received. For example: the 30G directional traffic of the Kapok card is converted to the account by day, if you open the use on the 10th, it will arrive at the 20G directional traffic, and so on, after opening, it is found that the traffic is not right, it is really not my false propaganda~

3. Why hasn't all the traffic arrived?

It can be divided into the following situations:

(1) The package is converted to the account on a daily basis, and the full amount cannot be received in the first month, so the first month will be slightly less than the publicity amount, and the full amount will be restored from the next month;

(2) Failure to recharge as required, insufficient amount of recharge, participation in other recharge activities, in this case, it is recommended to find our customer service sister for specific inquiry to assist in solving;

(3) After the new number card is activated, the traffic may be delayed in arriving within three working days, and all of them can be received by waiting patiently.

4. I don't want to use the card at that time, is it convenient to cancel out?

Especially convenient! Now all mobile phone cards support remote cancellation, and basically several cards in the article support online cancellation. We don't even have to go out, and in the exclusive link online, we can complete the cancellation of the number card, which can be said to be the gospel of social fear.

5. Can I choose my place of belonging?

The above content is a special package, and the attribution location is random by default and cannot be selected. However, there are individual cards that can choose the place of belonging, and the details depend on whether the card you are applying for does not support your region. But it's already 2022, the place of belonging has long been less important, traffic and calls are common throughout the country, and long-distance charges and roaming fees will not be charged extra for remote use, so everyone can use it with confidence!
How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Once you understand clearly, let's enter the topic and start the collection of data card packages! The basic collection before has been removed, and it has taken a lot of time to find a few more cost-effective packages in the past few days, and these are really no good packages.

Again: this article only evaluates and explains the official operator's regular mobile phone card, no IoT card, virtual business card and other cards with routines! I also advise everyone not to use those deceptive cards.

Update the cheap and easy-to-use traffic cards of the four major operators in real time, and click on the approved partner articles to get real-time push after each update!

Unicom 9 yuan 100G + 500 minutes Cangbao card (super explosive, removed for a limited time)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Details of the tariff

The monthly fee is 9 yuan/month

The traffic rate is 100G universal

500 minutes of speech


First deposit of 100 yuan (including 100 yuan)

Add 130G of general traffic within 2 working days

Details of the package

  1. The original package was 29 yuan package, 10G general traffic + 120 minutes nationwide
  1. After activation, a one-time charge of 100 credit is required to enjoy the following packages

(1) The first month of 10 yuan monthly rent 90G general traffic + 380 minutes of call

(72 hours after the first charge of the package)

(2) Effective from the following month, 100G national general traffic + 500 minutes of calls

(3) From February to May, the monthly rent will be reduced by 20 yuan, and only 9 yuan per month will be realized

(4) From the 6th month, resume long-term 29 yuan monthly rental, enjoy 100G general traffic + 500 points per month

Monthly membership of popular apps (valid for 12 months)

Free official video members: Claim path: Tian Music WeChat public account - Le Life - Music membership - Unicom Video CRBT - Member Center - Rights and interests monthly collar


After the 27th, it is recommended to activate the following month (do not activate on the last day)

Place of belonging: random, nationwide.

Application age: 16-30 years old

The official can check the long-term and network access contract and data package indicate 50 months of automatic renewal, true long-term plan

Summary: The rare Unicom God Card, ultra-low monthly rent, ultra-low processing threshold, mainly a long-term package, is a very worthwhile traffic card

Explosive mobile 29/month + 155G Cangxian card (removed at any time)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

29 yuan/month +155G traffic

10GB/month domestic general traffic (long-term validity), 115GB/month domestic general traffic (recharge activity gift, 12 consecutive months), 30GB/month domestic directional traffic (long-term validity)

Voice including caller ID, domestic call free, 4 people national family network free of charge (including the main number)

40GB China Mobile Cloud Disk Service (including 20GB Personal Cloud + 20GB Home Cloud)

After the general data in the package is exhausted, the fee will be automatically stacked at 5 yuan/GB, and the traffic is valid for the month, and the unused traffic is automatically cleared to zero

Domestic calling domestic (including video call) 0.19 yuan / minute

SMS 0.1 yuan/message, MMS 0.3 yuan/message

Offer description

Users who order the 59 RMB Youth Vitality Card (upgraded version) through this activity page and successfully activate it, can recharge at the first express delivery in the month of activation or recharge 50 RMB and above through any channel at one time to enjoy the following benefits:

Offer 1: Enjoy a monthly rent discount of 399 yuan, that is, the monthly rent in the first year is as low as 29 yuan/month.

Offer 2: Get an additional 115GB/month of general data (12 months), which means that the traffic included in the first year plan is upgraded to 155 GB/month (including 125 GB/month of general traffic and 30 GB/month of directed traffic).


1. The above offers need to be recharged for the first time in the month of activation with a one-time recharge of 50 yuan or more

In order to enjoy, the recharge amount will be credited immediately, only through the number applied through this activity page

If you choose to apply for other recharge benefits when recharging, you will not be able to enjoy the promotion at the same time.

2. Monthly rent as low as 29 yuan / month Description: the original monthly rent is 59 yuan / month, the monthly rent is reduced to 39 yuan / month in the first year of network access (a total of 240 yuan reduction), and the first month is free of monthly rent (39 yuan reduction),

Top-up benefits

In the first year of the event, you can enjoy 10 yuan/month (a total of 120 yuan), a total reduction of 399 yuan, which is equivalent to the monthly rent of the first year as low as 29 yuan/month.

3. After the expiration of the above discount, the original tariff will be restored by default, that is, 59 yuan including 10GB general traffic + 30GB directional traffic. Customers are required to maintain the use of mobile network and current package grade for 12 months during the contract promotion period; If the customer intends to end the offer early, he or she needs to go to the service hall to complete the cancellation procedure and need to pay the compensation.

Place of belonging: Guangdong

Age: 25-65 years old can apply

Summary: There are few mobile data cards, few restricted areas, and you can also do 4 family numbers, which is really a rare mobile data card

Cost-effective Telecom Coral Card (20-year long-term package)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

What can 39 coral cards for monthly rent do with 210G

  • A normal-sized photo is 3-5MB, and the coral card can download 53970 copies
  • An episode of an ordinary 40-minute TV series is about 170MB, and the coral card can download 1269 episodes
  • Ordinary people brush videos, watch TV series, play games every month, and don't connect to WiFi for a whole month, just use the data casually, and can't use it at all

The only drawback is that this package, really too sought-after, once on the shelves in March, two days on the shelves, once in June, one day and five hours on the shelves, because these preferential packages are released by operators to rush the indicators to get performance, so every time the quota is full, the operator will remove the free application address: this rare open application quota is 16-60 years old can apply, everyone grabs is to earn Oh! If the link cannot be opened, it will be removed, and the partners who can still open it should not miss it! After applying, the operator will review your information, generally takes 1-3 working days, after the review is passed, you can check the order in the upper right corner of the application page.

Package interpretation: When you activate the number card, you can enjoy the following benefits by recharging 50 during the activation process. (50 normal arrival, is a normal phone bill, do not play word games) (1) After applying, remember to answer the return call of the telecom. After placing an order, some users will receive a call of 10,000, and they must be connected before delivery~ (a little tip: if you ask where you did it, it will be delivered first in a certain east) (2) Charge 50 get 50 free. The original monthly rent is 39, the superimposed traffic package after activation does not incur a deduction, the recharged 50 principal will arrive in the account within 24 hours, and 50 yuan will be given back 10 yuan per month from the month after activation, and 5 consecutive months can be deducted for part of the monthly rent, and the monthly rent from February to June is 39-10 = 29 yuan. (3) The first month will give 40% of the experience money, which can be deducted from part of the monthly rent in the first month. After activating and completing the recharge, 40 experience money will be automatically credited, which can be deducted from the monthly rent of the month to achieve free use in the first month. The first month deduction is, the original package is 39 yuan (converted by days) - 40 yuan (first month experience money) = 0 yuan! (4) After activation and successful recharge, 175G general traffic will arrive within 72 hours. The original package of the Coral Card is 39 yuan package 5G general traffic 30G directional traffic, after activation and successful recharge, 175G general traffic will be stacked for free. The superimposed traffic is automatically deducted, no fees will be deducted, and the monthly rent is still 29 yuan (39) will not change ~ (5) In the first month of use, all package content will be converted to the account on a daily basis. The coral card is activated in the first month, and all the package content is converted to the account by day, such as 30G directional traffic, you activate on the 6th of the first month, the traffic that arrives is 25G directional traffic, and the full amount will arrive at the beginning of the next month. Free application address: After applying, the operator will review your information, generally takes 1-3 days, after the review is passed, you can click on the upper right corner of the application page to find the order. Note: 1. After applying, some users will receive a call of 10,000, and they will only ship after answering (ps. If you ask where you do it, say that users in a certain east will be prioritized for delivery Oh~) 2. When the new number card is opened, the traffic and phone bill may be delayed in the account, generally within 48 hours, if it does not arrive within 48 hours, you can contact our customer service sister to help you urge the operator Oh ~ 3. The coral card is in the form of [telecom star card + upgrade package] to achieve discounts, and remind the telecom star card when opening, After all the traffic packages are received, you can check the package content through official channels~ 4. Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Jilin and some areas that cannot be delivered cannot be delivered, and the UA in other regions can apply, and the specific results of the operator's review shall prevail. 5. The monthly rent of the coral card is 0 yuan in the first month, and it will be automatically changed to 29 yuan monthly rent according to the full deduction and anti-fee deduction from the next month, and it will be changed to 39 monthly rent from July. 6. 180G traffic is added for 20 years at a time, but it will be automatically renewed upon expiration and will be valid for a long time;

29 yuan/month + 280G telecom Acheng card

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Telecom Anjo Card

Monthly rent 29/month, national traffic 280GB, 250GB general + 30GB orientation for 2-13 months

Restrict the voice function, you can send and receive SMS normally, the traffic outside the package is 5 yuan / charged, and the domestic SMS is 0.1 yuan / yuan / message

When activated, participate in the First Charge 100 Free 120 Call Bill

Package introduction, original fee 39 months rent + 30G directional traffic + 5G general traffic, participate in 100 get 120 free activity when activating, 100 principal at one time, 120 yuan free phone bill return in 12 months return at the beginning of each month (can deduct monthly rent), the first month gives 40 yuan experience money (enjoy the first month free), automatically add 0 yuan within 24 hours of activation, 245G general data package (two years) resumes the default package after expiration, and can be renewed or closed according to the telecommunications policy at that time

Comprehensive above offers: 2-13 months 29 months rent + 250GB general traffic + 30GB orientation for free in the first month, limiting voice functions

You can send and receive text messages normally, and the rent will resume for 39 months from 14-24 months.


The contents of the first month plan are converted based on the remaining days of the month, and traffic cannot be carried over.

Shipping/activation: EMS self-service activation Automatically jump to participate in the first charge 100 get 120 free activity when activated.

Non-issuing areas: Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Maoming City, Guangdong and high-level fraud-related areas


Tips: Please be aware that the age of application is 18-60 years old

29 yuan 280G telecom amber card

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

The same is a 29 yuan package, but the traffic has surged to 280G relative to the above packages, the only small flaw is that this card is not the kind of one-time 20-year long-term package, but needs to be manually renewed to achieve long-term use Will you choose the above traffic card with less traffic? Or can you manually renew the amber card but have a lot more traffic? If you are a big traffic user, then I still highly recommend you to buy this one. ¥ Tariff introduction The original package of 39 yuan includes 5G general + 30G orientation, and the national answer is free;

The traffic outside the package is 5 yuan/g, and the voice call dialing function is turned off by default, which can be answered;

The first one-time charge of 100 yuan when the number activates the authentication

*A one-time recharge is required to enjoy the discount, and it cannot be enjoyed without recharging

40 yuan trial fee for the first month of activation, which can be deducted from the monthly rent;

Activate the first charge of 100 yuan to get 220 yuan, the principal of 100 yuan will be credited on the same day, and the bonus fee of 120 yuan will be returned 10 yuan per month from the next month, and it will be returned for 12 consecutive months, and the contract can be renewed upon expiration;

Automatically add 245G general traffic within 72 hours of activation, valid for the current month, 24 months of the offer period, renewable upon expiration;

Free monthly rent for the first month after the preferential offer The monthly rent for the 2nd to 13th month is 29 yuan/month

Including 250G general traffic + 30G directional traffic, renewable upon expiration

Disadvantages: Only users between the ages of 16-60 can apply.

Limited and subject to removal at any time.

Summary: Amber Card is the only ultra-large data package under Telecom so far, configured with 280G large traffic, and the discount can be renewed to achieve the purpose of long-term use, and the monthly rent can also be reduced to a low price of 29 yuan through charging activities, which is a better choice for long-term use

29 yuan 155G telecom yarn light card (traffic can be carried over in full)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

If there is a cap on the offer, I think it must be this 155G fully carryover yarn light card

The low price of 29 yuan, 125G super large general + 30G directional total 155G super large configuration

The key is that the package is to enjoy 500Mbps golden speed without limit (ordinary 5G is 300mbps), and it is valid for 20 years for a long time, and it has been activated for about measurement

Since 2023, operators have competed for many price increases for low-cost packages, and the number of application places is also very tight, anyway, no contract does not affect the cancellation application and does not need to pay, grab is earned.

【2023 traffic card recommendation】Click to apply for the latest good card Everything you want is here~

After the review is passed, the telecom operator will package and send the express delivery, and the telecom staff will come to the door to assist in activation:

(1). The first month after activation will be deducted according to the proportion of 29 yuan for the whole month, and the remaining days of the activation month will be charged to the total number of days.

(2). All traffic will arrive within three working days after activation (about half an hour during off-peak hours), and all traffic in the first month adopts the daily conversion policy, so the traffic arriving in the first month will be slightly less than that of 155G.

(3). The superimposed traffic packages are reduced, which can be queried in China Telecom APP-Inquiry-Package-Ordered Business-My Discount Inquiry, or directly transferred to Telecom manual customer service inquiry, without charging any fees.

(4). When activating, pre-deposit 100 phone bills to add a 20-year discount at one time, no need to manually renew, maintain normal use will always have 155G discounts.

(5). There is no contract period, and the account can be closed at any time, and the China Telecom APP can be closed with one click online.

Minimum age: 16-55 years old

Non-delivery areas: Beijing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangdong (Maoming), Hainan (Danzhou), Guangzhou (Guest, Fangchenggang, Chongzuo, Shangsi, Nanning), Fujian (Yan), Jiangyan (Fuzhou), Weining Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, Henan, Zhejiang Province (Jiaxing City) and other smaller areas that cannot be delivered, subject to the operator's audit results!

Summary: The yarn lamp card is definitely the most cost-effective and unmissable package in 2023, 20 years long-term + the top configuration that can be fully carried forward is really durable, and the monthly rent is only a cup of milk tea money.

29 yuan 180G telecom wind chime card (data call bonus can be renewed when it expires)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Yes, that's right, this wind chime card is a shipping upgrade version of the cherry card (21-60), the same 29 yuan, the package is 180G + 100 minutes, but the age limit of the wind chime card is modified to 16-60 years old,

In addition, in terms of preferential renewal, wind chime cards, whether it is traffic, calls, or free monthly rental discounts, are renewable for long-term use

If you happen to not be eligible for the Cherry Card because of your age, then be sure to check out this wind chime card

In order to recharge the performance of the operator temporarily put on the shelf, as soon as it is sold out, click the card below to enter the application step

2023 traffic card recommendation - telecom wind chime card 29 yuan 180G traffic + 100 minutes call, limited time application

On-Demand Activation and Express Activation are 12/24 months respectively and can be renewed upon expiry, see below.

After the review is passed, the telecom operator will package and send the express delivery, and the activation methods are self-activation and express brother-assisted activation:

(1). Free use for the first month after activation, 40 yuan only valid for the first month of the experience money, as long as the package is not exceededed, the 40 yuan experience fee can offset the first month of monthly rent.

(2). All traffic will arrive within three working days after activation (about half an hour during off-peak hours), and part of the traffic in the first month adopts the daily conversion policy, so the traffic in the first month will be slightly less than 180G + 100 minutes.

(3). The superimposed traffic packages are reduced, which can be queried in China Telecom APP-Inquiry-Package-Ordered Business-My Discount Inquiry, or directly transferred to Telecom manual customer service inquiry, without charging any fees.

On-demand version: 100 pre-deposit credit at the time of activation to add a 12-month monthly rental discount, which will be renewed according to the exclusive link issued by the operator upon expiration, and add a 12-month data call discount at one time, and the data package will be automatically received after activation after activation.

Express brother activation version: recharge 50 phone bills at the express brother at the time of activation, add 12 months monthly rent discount at one time, recharge according to the exclusive link renewal issued by the operator after expiration, recharge 50 again according to the entrance of the application page after activation, you can add 24 months of data call discount at one time, and renew according to the operator's exclusive link when expiring, the data package does not need to be manually claimed, and it will automatically arrive after activation.

(5). The wind chime card can be cancelled at any time, and supports one-click account cancellation online of China Telecom APP.

Application age: 16-60 years old

Non-delivery areas: The following areas and other less parts of the area cannot be delivered, subject to the results of the operator's review!

→ Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan and Guizhou

→ Guangxi

(1) Laibin City (Xingbin District), Heshan City, Xiangzhou County, Wuxuan County, Xincheng County, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Laibin County (former name of Xingbin District)

(2) Nanning City (Binyang County)

(3) Fangchenggang City (Dongxing City)

(4) Chongzuo City (Pingxiang City)

(5) Yulin City (Bobai County, Luchuan County)

→ Fujian Province [Quanzhou City (Anxi County), Zhangzhou City (Nanjing County)]

→ Hainan Province [Dongfang City, Danzhou City (Danzhou City)]

→ Hunan Province (Loudi City, Shuangfeng County)

→ Liaoning Province (Anshan)

→ Henan Province (Zhumadian City, Shangcai City)

→ Hubei Province (Xiantao City, Xiaochang County, Xiaogan City)

→ Guizhou Province (Guiyang City, Bijie City)

→ Hubei Province (Xianning City, Qianjiang City)

→ Shaanxi Province (Xi'an, Weinan, Xianyang)

→ Ningxia (Yinchuan, Wuzhong)

→ Inner Mongolia (Xing'an League, Chifeng City)

→ Jilin Province (Jilin City, Tonghua City, Siping City)

→ Heilongjiang (Qiqihar City, Mudanjiang City, Qitaihe City)

→ Shandong Province (Linyi City)

→ Jiangxi Province (Ganzhou City)

→ Sichuan Province (Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Deyang Mianzhu City, Mianyang City)

→ Gansu Province (Tianshui City, Qinzhou District, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Qingyang City, Longnan City)

→ Zhejiang Province (Jiaxing City)

For other regions, the results of the operator's audit shall prevail

Summary: As a 39 yuan star card produced by Telecom Group, the wind chime card can achieve the package effect of renting 180G and 100 minutes of call for 29 months by activating the exclusive activity stacking package discount!

6#29 RMB 155G Telecom Chunhui Card (Long-term Package/Optional Number)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

如果要我‬选一张2023最不能错过的流量卡,那么肯定是这张春晖卡莫属! Because it has the following three advantages:

You can choose your own number during the activation process, which is unique for today, when 99% of online packages cannot choose a number!

After activation, it is directly a 20-year ultra-long-term package, which is unique for most of the online packages that are either three or five months, or a one-year or two-year discount period!

If you don't want to use it later, you can cancel at any time, and support online and offline channels to cancel and refund phone bills, and operators who do not brush hooligans can be described as unique!

Such a preferential package is that the operator will be on the shelves to rush when it lacks performance, and it will be removed at any time, and everyone will see and cherish it.

2023 traffic card recommendation - telecom Chunhui card 29 yuan 155G self-selected number long-term package

After the review is passed, the telecom operator will package and send the express, and the package is accompanied by a phone card + activation operation manual, and the code can be scanned to operate:

(1). Automatically jump to the number selection step when activating, free use in the first month after activation, will give 30 yuan only the first month valid experience money, as long as the package is not used exceeding, 30 yuan experience money can offset the first month of monthly rent.

(2). All traffic will arrive within three working days after activation (about half an hour during off-peak hours), and part of the traffic in the first month adopts the daily conversion policy, so the traffic arriving in the first month will be slightly less than that of 155G.

30G orientation: the remaining days of the first month will arrive in the account of several G 125G general: full arrival

(3). The superimposed traffic packages are reduced, which can be queried in China Telecom APP-Inquiry-Package-Ordered Business-My Discount Inquiry, or directly transferred to Telecom manual customer service inquiry, without charging any fees.

(4). Pre-deposit 100 phone bills at the time of activation to add a 20-year discount at one time, no need to manually renew, maintain normal use will always have a discount of 29 yuan 155G.

(5). The account can be closed at any time, and supports the one-click account cancellation of China Telecom APP online.

Minimum age: 20-64 years old

Non-delivery areas: Sichuan Dazhou, Guangdong Maoming, Jiangsu Taizhou, Fujian Longyan, Henan Zhoukou, Hubei Xianning, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hainan, Yunnan, Beijing, Guangdong Qingyuan and other less parts of the area that cannot be delivered, subject to the operator's audit results! (Friends in non-shipping areas can check out more good cards in the pinned link in the comment area.)

Summary: For the demand point in the use of traffic, or there is a demand for the elders or children at home, do not want to have the trouble of renewal, then the telecom Chunhui card is really super worry-free, the activation period is up to 20 years and does not need to be renewed, completely say goodbye to worries!

39 RMB 210G Telecom Torch Card (Platinum Rate / Full Carryover)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

For some small partners with high network speed requirements, the torch card can definitely meet your fantasy of all usage needs

Popular science: Ordinary 5G network speed can reach 300-500mbps speed, after opening a gold membership can reach 500+, and only open the legendary platinum member can reach the legendary, nearly 1000mbps speed, and the torch card average 900+ speed record, what level, everyone should understand!

20-year ultra-long validity 210G super large data card that can be fully carried over, limited to 20 orders per day, whether you can apply for it depends on your luck!

【2023 traffic card recommendation】Click to apply for the latest good card Everything you want is here~

Non-delivery areas: Only a very small number of regions do not ship, subject to the operator's audit results!

After the review is passed, the telecom operator will package and send the express delivery, and activate it according to the instructions in the package after arrival:

(1). After activation, the deduction is converted on a daily basis, and the first month is converted according to the original package (59-20) = 39 yuan (converted by days).

(2). All traffic will arrive within three working days after activation (about half an hour during off-peak hours), and all traffic in the first month adopts the daily conversion policy, so the traffic arriving in the first month will be less than that of 210G.

(3). The superimposed traffic packages are reduced, which can be queried in China Telecom APP-Inquiry-Package-Ordered Business-My Discount Inquiry, or directly transferred to Telecom manual customer service inquiry, without charging any fees.

(4). When activating, 100 phone bills are pre-deposited to add 20 years of traffic discount at one time, and the data package does not need to be manually claimed, and can be cancelled at any time before expiration.

(5). The account can be closed at any time, and supports the one-click account cancellation of China Telecom APP online.

Application age: 16-55 years old

Non-delivery areas: Beijing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Guangdong (Maoming), Hainan (Danzhou), Guangzhou (Laibin, Fangchenggang, Chongzuo, Shangsi, Nanning), Fujian (Yan), Jiangyan (Fuzhou), Weining Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, Henan, and others are subject to operator review

Summary: As a 59 yuan star card produced by Telecom Group, Torch Card can achieve monthly rent reduction and package superposition by participating in exclusive activities, and achieve the effect of 39 monthly rent and 210G large traffic!

19 yuan 192G radio and television Futu card (produced by the fourth largest operator radio and television)

How to choose a super cost-effective flow card in September 2023 (explosive liver finishing measurement)

Since the establishment of the fourth largest operator Radio and Television in October 20, and the official start of operation of Section 192 in May 22, many netizens began to squat on the traffic card of Radio and Television, and by July 23, that is, now, finally ushered in the highlight moment of radio and television!

Directly launched the 192G high-traffic Kafu Rabbit card, and this Futu card has the following extraordinary configurations:

Choice of attribution (the place of receipt is the place of attribution)

Shared mobile base stations (the largest number of mobile base station operators)

Apply to enjoy the new 192 number segment (pure first-hand new number)

Exclusive 700Mhz band (strong penetration, low loss)

2023 traffic card recommendation - radio and television Futu card 19 yuan 162G high-speed traffic, limited time application

After the review is passed, the radio and television operator will package and send out the express, and the Jingdong Express brother will come to assist in activation:

(1). The place of ownership of the Futu card is optional, that is, the delivery address is the place of belonging;

(2). Free use for the first month after activation, will give 29 yuan only the first month valid for the first month of the experience money, as long as the package is not exceededed, 29 yuan experience gold can offset the first month of monthly rent.

(3). All traffic will arrive within three working days after activation, and part of the traffic in the first month adopts the daily conversion policy, so the traffic arriving in the first month will be slightly less than that of 192G.

(4). The superimposed traffic packages are reduced, which can be queried at the China Radio and Television App-Classification-Inquiry-Ordered Business Office, or directly transferred to the manual customer service inquiry of Radio and Television, without any charge, and the date of the data package is displayed as 24 months.

(5). Pre-deposit 100 phone bills at the time of activation to participate in radio and television official exclusive activities, pre-deposit 100 to get 50 to get a total of 150, the normal monthly rent is 29, and the bonus fee is 50 times a month in five deductions, each deduction of 10 yuan can achieve the rental effect from February to June 19.

(6). The 30G general + 30G orientation in the package can be carried over, and the carryover validity period is 1 month, that is, the unused traffic in the first month can be carried forward to the second month for use, but the traffic carried over to the second month cannot be carried forward to the third month for use, and the traffic of the second month itself can be carried forward to the third month for use, and so on.

(7). The package has a 6-month contract period, and the account is not allowed to be closed during the contract period, and the account can be closed at any time through the offline business hall after the contract period.

(8). The above and other offers together form a 19 yuan 192G Futu card package, and at the same time, because it is too preferential for all limited applications and faces removal at any time.

Minimum age: 16-60 years old

Non-delivery areas: Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Beijing, Hangzhou, Changsha, Guangzhou, Jiangsu Suzhou and Anhui Hefei and individual operator non-delivery areas, subject to the operator's audit results!

Summary: Futu Card is an online good card launched by the fourth largest operator of China Radio and Television, which is free for the first month consisting of the original package of 29 yuan superimposed on the first charge discount and data discount, the rent from February to June 19, and the large data package of 192G from July to 24 and 29.

P.S. Today's society is developing rapidly, the data card replacement is also very fast, the network speed is getting better and faster, when we need to change the package frequently, we need to choose a long-term stable traffic card provider. Pay attention to the VX public number "Zero God Card". This is a platform that integrates free collection of network-wide traffic cards and after-sales consultation protection. And how to select, register, join, develop, promote and other services for first-level agent distribution of traffic cards