
Europe and the United States want to learn China? Impossible! Restrictions on gallium germanium: China will rise as soon as Western industries are banned?

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The gallium germanium embargo: challenges and opportunities for the semiconductor industry

On July 3, 2023, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued a blockbuster announcement, announcing the implementation of export controls on gallium and germanium-related items, which will take effect from August 1. This decision has aroused widespread attention and heated discussion. Gallium and germanium, two seemingly ordinary elements, are actually one of the most critical raw materials in the semiconductor industry. China's share of global gallium and germanium production is as high as 90% and 68% respectively, making this export control policy directly affect the global semiconductor industry pattern.

Europe and the United States want to learn China? Impossible! Restrictions on gallium germanium: China will rise as soon as Western industries are banned?

A key raw material for the "lifeline" of semiconductors

Germanium, as one of the basic materials in the semiconductor industry, is widely used in infrared optics, fiber optical fibers, solar cells and other high-tech fields. Gallium is mainly used in the manufacture of compound semiconductors such as solar cells, gas sensors, and rare earth permanent magnet materials. In today's advanced radar technology, GaN semiconductors are an indispensable key component.

However, the extraction of the two is not an easy task. Germanium mainly comes from lignite germanium, lead-zinc smelting by-products, etc., while the global resources of gallium are almost monopolized by China, with an output of 97.67%. And the output of countries such as Ukraine has been swayed by geopolitics and has almost stagnated.

Europe and the United States want to learn China? Impossible! Restrictions on gallium germanium: China will rise as soon as Western industries are banned?

The changing global semiconductor landscape

What does the gallium germanium embargo mean for the global semiconductor industry? First, for countries such as Europe and the United States, they may seek independent alternatives, but in reality, this is not an easy task. The extraction of gallium is closely related to the huge alumina industry, and China has achieved unparalleled superiority in this regard. If other countries want to follow suit, they face multiple problems such as technology, resources, and markets.

The rare earth industry faces a similar situation. China's rare earth smelting industry is technologically leading, and the global rare earth market is almost inseparable from China. Therefore, any country that wants to break this monopoly pattern needs to pay a very high price.

Europe and the United States want to learn China? Impossible! Restrictions on gallium germanium: China will rise as soon as Western industries are banned?

Challenges and opportunities coexist

In this "game" of the semiconductor industry, China has obvious advantages. However, this also means that China will be under greater international pressure and needs to make greater breakthroughs in independent and controllable technology. For the global semiconductor industry, under the current situation, we must jointly respond to this challenge and seek technological breakthroughs and industrial upgrading.

In general, the export control of gallium germanium will lead to a fundamental change in the semiconductor industry pattern, and this change is both a challenge and an opportunity. China's semiconductor industry will usher in new historical opportunities on the global stage, and at the same time, it needs to be fully prepared to deal with the complex international situation.

Europe and the United States want to learn China? Impossible! Restrictions on gallium germanium: China will rise as soon as Western industries are banned?

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