
The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

author:Tayanagi Talk

On the 14th of this month, the Sino-Russian "Maritime Joint - 2021" exercise officially kicked off, which was held near Peter the Great Bay in Russia, and the two countries carried out exercises around communication exercises and through mine danger zones. However, on the 15th, just as the two armies were entering the live-fire exercise, the US destroyer "Chafi" was eager to move, forcibly invading the waters of the Sino-Russian joint exercise, interrupting the course of the exercise, and even trying to infringe on Russia's territorial waters during the period.

The Russian Ministry of Defense revealed that at 5 p.m. local time, the "Chafi" that had been staying in the sea of Japan for several days approached Russia's territorial waters step by step, and after the Russian warships patrolling nearby were discovered, they immediately warned the US military to stop the operation through international communication channels, but the other side not only did not stop when receiving the message, but was ready to take off the helicopter, which proved that the "Chafi" did not unintentionally break into the Russian sea area, but intentionally.

The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

In this regard, the Russian naval ship "Admiral Tributs" took a further expulsion operation, staged "our ship was ordered to hit your ship", forcing it to be less than 60 meters away from the "Chafi", so that the latter was forced to change course, and finally fled. On the evening of the incident, the Russian Defense Ministry summoned military attaches at the US Embassy in Russia to protest the behavior of the US military, accusing the "Chafi" of serious violations of the 1972 International Convention on Maritime Avoidance Rules and the agreement between the United States and Russia on the prevention of accidents on the high seas and in the skies over them.

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that the reason why the US warships forcibly invaded the waters of the Sino-Russian exercise was to give the two countries a downward spiral, but the US approach did not reflect the professionalism of a military power at all, and it can even be said that it was quite irresponsible. Because this kind of forced intrusion into the forbidden area of other countries' maritime exercises is likely to cause unnecessary casualties and thus trigger conflicts between the two sides.

The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

In particular, the sea area that the US military broke into this time was originally a specially demarcated no-navigation zone for the artillery fire of the Chinese and Russian armies, so the risk was even greater. And the reason why they are so "deadly" is because in the eyes of the United States, nothing is more important than maintaining its own hegemony.

As mentioned in the previous analysis, the US military sent ships into the Sino-Russian exercise area in spite of danger for the purpose of demonstration and sabotage of the exercise. More precisely, the growing relationship between China and Russia in the military field has made Washington uneasy. After all, Washington has always regarded China and Russia as its biggest rivals, and naturally does not want the two countries to get too close, and the United States is not the first time to make such a move.

The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

In 2013, the Liaoning fleet of our navy was undergoing routine training, and in order to ensure safety, it also opened up relevant information through the website of the Maritime Safety Bureau, which clearly stated that our army would carry out military operations between 18:00 on December 3, 2013 and 18:00 on January 3, 2014, and any vessel was prohibited from entering the no-navigation area.

Of course, the US military, which has always paid close attention to the dynamics of our army, knew this news, but they still sent cruisers to storm the training area of the Liaoning warship during the period, and still sailed forward after our side had warned it of its horn, and finally it was only under the strong obstruction of our army that they forced the other side to make an emergency evasion decision.

The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

In 2018, the Russian military encountered the same situation during military exercises. At that time, Russia's Navy and Air space force jointly launched a military exercise, and a US destroyer swung into the exercise area. After the warning was ineffective, the Russians dispatched multiple fighters to conduct a simulated attack on the US ships, eventually forcing them to leave. After the incident, the Pentagon also complained that Russia's behavior was too dangerous.

Although the United States has repeatedly intruded into the exercise areas of other countries and been expelled, it has not changed, and now it has developed into more and more small actions. Since the Biden administration made the decision to withdraw troops in Afghanistan, the United States has shifted its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region, the reason is nothing more than to contain the development of China and Russia at the same time, but although the provocation of the US military has brought certain troubles to China and Russia, the nature of Washington's bullying and fear of hardness has also made themselves a jumping beam clown again and again.

The US warship forcibly broke into the forbidden area of the Sino-Russian exercise, and Russia staged "Our ship was ordered to crash into your ship.", and the United States fled into the wilderness

Nowadays, China and Russia are getting closer and closer, and in fact, they have an inseparable relationship with the United States. On this point, Russian expert Blokhin pointed out that the actions of Western countries, especially the United States, Britain and Australia, are promoting the process of enhancing Sino-Russian cooperation, including in the military field, because in the current international situation, China and Russia have no choice.

Therefore, I hope that the United States can learn a lesson and not insist on provoking confrontation between countries and moving against the trend of the world. Moreover, China has warned the US side more than once that China will resolutely defend its territorial and sovereign security, and Russia's attitude in this regard is even tougher. Therefore, the current wrong practices of the United States will not only have no effect, but will make them look like they are out of the ordinary and humiliated in front of the whole world.